What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 662: Succubus Enforcer

I broke camp feeling refreshed.

It feels weird to say this but… I think I know why Lisa and Delmare like to sleep with me so much.

Last night I had Eins sleep with me and I cuddled with her for the entire night. Her body was so soft and cuddly that I fell asleep almost immediately in her embrace.

No, there was no sex, it was just cuddles.

And that already felt really good.

Yeah… Sleeping with myself feels nice.


Interestingly, no other party showed up throughout the night which was odd considering the fact that the other floors were all filled with multiple parties either challenging the bosses or exploring the Dungeon.

Either that or just engaging in sex but let's not talk about that.

I guess the succubi floor served as a stopper for the less serious Dungeoneer parties who weren't looking to conquer the Dungeon.

Either that or most parties end up failing at that floor anyway.

I double checked that all my Shadow Guards were ready before we stepped into the boss room.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I entered so I already had [Mind Shield] and [Air Bubble] on myself in case the room was trapped.

As I had expected, a shadow formed itself on top of the throne a few moments after I entered, slowly shaping itself into a humanoid form.

I waited until the shadows melted away from the figure to reveal a very endowed woman with horns, wings and tails floating just above the throne itself.

[Name: Succubus Enforcer

Race: Monster


360 Strength

180 Dexterity

150 Endurance

250 Magic


Leadership (Tier 1), Sexual Domination (Tier 2), Pleasure Inducement (Tier 2), Martial Skill-(Polearm Proficiency (Tier 2))

Magic Skills:

Eromancy (Tier 3), Succubus Voice (Tier 3), Somatomancy (Tier 2), Umbramancy (Tier 2), Pyromancy (Tier 2)]

She reached out her hand and the shadows on her arm seemed to flow out to form itself into a scythe which she equipped herself with.

Oh, so it's going to be an actual physical fight? I thought that she might try and make it a sexual fight instead.

The Succubus Enforcer floated towards us while maintaining her altitude as though to look down on us.

"Challengers of the Dungeon… You've done well to make it this far but I'm afraid that your path shall end here."

Hmm… First time I had a boss monster talk to me directly too.

Could I actually… Let's just try it.

"What can I do for you to let me pass you peacefully?"

"Nothing. You will die here."

Well I tried.

Let's do this then…

I got ready to command my party to start the fight with Eins opening with a [Static Bolt] to stun her but the Succubus Enforcer dropped towards the ground of her own accord.

She then smashed the butt end of her scythe into the ground, which seemed to cause her shadow to spread out in a circle around her.

From within the shadow, five figures emerged and formed themselves into Lesser Succubi, all of them dressed scantily and making lewd poses the moment they appeared.

"Hey there~ There's no need to fight? Just come on over here and enjoy our bodies~"

"Yes~ I wanna get fucked by a beautiful silver haired futa right now~ I wonder where can I find one?"

"Look, look~ I'm already so wet~ Won't you plug up my naughty hole right here?"

"Just come and enjoy the pleasures we can give you~"

"I don't mind if you use any of my holes for your pleasure~"

Right… This was how I imagined a fight with this succubus boss to go. But now I know that she summons Lesser Succubi to distract the party while the Enforcer herself goes in for the kill.

And as though to confirm my hypothesis, she was dashing towards us right now with her scythe held with both hands, the blade part trailing behind her.

Unfortunately for her, my Shadow Guards barely paid attention to her and they responded to my command to focus on the Succubus Enforcer instead.

She rushed towards us and leapt into the air while swinging her scythe at Shadow Odeta who was at the front of our formation.

With a mental command from me, Shadow Odeta rushed forward to meet her, making it seem like she was throwing herself at the Succubus Enforcer.

Just as the scythe was halfway through its swing, Shadow Emilia appeared in the scythe's path and parried the blade away with her own sword.

With the path clear, Shadow Odeta moved the rest of the way to deliver a gut punch to the Succubus Enforcer, sending her flying all the way back to the throne.

On the other side, I had directed Shadow Delmare and Katsuki to deal with the Lesser Succubi, the two of them cutting them down easily while the succubi tried and failed to seduce them.

The Succubus Enforce got back up on her feet, only for a [Laser] to pierce through her arm and forcing her to drop her scythe.

Shadow Lisa tried to fire another [Laser] at her again but the succubus defended herself with a wall of shadows that seemed to absorb the light.

She then summoned another scythe while dispersing the one she dropped to swing it in an arc, parrying Shadow Emilia's attempt at beheading her.

Unfortunately, that did not help against the next blow coming from Shadow Odeta as I directed her to leap in just as she had finished her swing, exploiting the long wind up time of her weapon to move past her guard.

Shadow Odeta delivered another gut punch followed by an elbow strike to her head, knocking the monster stumbling back.

Before she could even recover from the blow, a straight kick was delivered from my Shadow Guard that blew her straight towards Shadow Delmare whom I had directed there ahead of time.

She held her rapier steady and thrust her hand out the moment the Succubus Enforcer got within range, her blade piercing through the back of her neck.

I expected that to kill the monster but she showed surprising resilience as she swung her scythe and smashed the pole into Shadow Delmare's side, sending her flying back.

She had lost her grip on the rapier so it remained stuck in the succubus's neck after she got blown away.

I watched as the succubus reached behind her and pulled out the rapier from her neck casually like she was just getting rid of a bug on her.

That was when I realised that despite that injury, there was no blood flowing out from the wound.

Huh… Even the Lesser Succubi we just killed bled but this one doesn't?

I guess that just means we have to completely and utterly destroy her in order to kill her then.

Eins struck her with a [Spark Strike] in her chest, temporarily stunning her to allow Shadow Odeta, Emilia and Delmare to get close.

The Succubus Enforcer tried to keep them away by swinging her weapon in a wide arc, only to realise that was a mistake when Odeta caught the weapon by the pole and held her in place to prevent her escape.

She wanted to let go of the weapon but a quick [Laser] from Shadow Lisa pierced through her leg, causing her to stumble and opened her up to a [Static Bolt] cast by Eins.

With her paralysed in place, it was a simple thing for Shadow Delmare and Shadow Emilia to cut her down with their blades.

The Succubus Enforcer ended up having her limbs and head cut off and her vitals pierced, right before Shadow Katsuki appeared from behind to burn her with a [Fire Blast] just for good measure.

Hey, you can't be too sure about these kinds of things, ok?

I made Shadow Katsuki keep up the flames and even had Eins join in with the burning for a good long minute to make sure everything was burned to a crisp.

By the time I let them stop the flames, there was only a charred torso left on the ground where the Succubus Enforcer had been.

Checking the stairs that led to the next floor, I found that the fog wall had already lifted which meant that we had indeed properly defeated the boss.

But… Looking at the charred corpse… I don't think we'll be getting any materials from that…

Maybe the Mana Crystal is still intact?

I tried to cut the chest but it dissipated into ashes the moment I touched it.

Aww… I guess no-- Oh wait, I see something shiny in the pile of ashes!

Putting my hand inside, I grasped something solid and pulled it out, revealing it to indeed be a Mana Crystal as I had thought.


Well~ That's this floor done with I suppose? Time to head down to the lower floors.

I've already met with tentacle monsters, sex beasts and now succubi. What other lewd monsters is this Dungeon going to throw at me next?

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