What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 663: A Lewd Mimic

I should not have asked… I definitely should not have asked…

The moment I stepped onto the next floor I know I was fucked… Or more specifically, this place was fucked.

Instead of the stone walls that I have been used to seeing, the walls seem to be made of squishy pink flesh that covered the floor, the walls and the ceiling.

There were even some parts that were bulging out and pulsating at synchronised intervals.

It's like I had stepped into the inside of some tentacle monster or something.

Yeah… I definitely have seen enough hentai to know where this is going…

I tried to use [Screen] on the walls, expecting to see that it was some kind of monster by itself but surprisingly, it was not.

I guess I don't need to worry about the wall suddenly coming alive and trying to snatch me up with tentacles right?

… Yeah, I wouldn't count on that… Better be ready to shoot out a [Fire Blast] at any time to burn potential tentacle traps I guess…

I stepped forward into the corridor, already prepared to feel grossed out from stepping on the fleshy floor since I thought they would sink in under my weight. But contrary to my expectations, the floor actually felt solid.

Sure, it was uneven but it felt more like I was stepping on a badly paved road instead of the fleshy tunnel that it took the appearance of.

Now I felt a little more annoyed at that fact since it would mean we would be fighting on uneven ground which might trip us in the most inopportune moments but I suppose it could be worse.

There were three different paths and a weird thing with this floor was that the two leading to the left and right were clearly ended at a dead end.

That's odd… Why would there be corridors leading to dead ends at the very start of the Dungeon?

Oh wait, maybe this is the type of Dungeon that randomises itself at set amounts of time.

But well… Just in case those corridors held some sort of secret, I decided to check on them first starting with the one on the left.

With my Shadow Guards surrounding me, I went towards the end before sending Eins to inspect the wall.

I wasn't really sure what I was looking for and was using [Screened] on every part of the walls, floor and ceiling but nothing turned up.

Even as Eins pushed against the wall, nothing happened.

I decided that this was really just a dead end and went to check on the path towards the right instead.

I did the same thing where I had Eins check on the walls while I inspected every nook and cranny with my [Screened].

Honestly, I wasn't expecting anything to happen until Eins pressed her palm against a part of the wall with a rather loud 'squish'.

The wall then sunk in before splitting into two down the middle and sliding open to reveal a hidden room.

Oh wow… I certainly wasn't expecting that although I was kind of hoping for something like this.

In the hidden room was a platform that had a chest on top of it, similar to the one that I found on the other floor where I got that potion that increases the size of your boobs.

Naturally, I wasn't going to just assume that this was going to be the same as the previous treasure chest and that this wasn't a trap.

I checked the entire room again with [Screened] before landing my eyes on the chest itself.

This time, I actually got a hit.

[Name: Lewd Dungeon Treasure Mimic

Race: Monster


250 Strength

100 Dexterity

350 Endurance

400 Magic]

Ha!!! I knew it!! I win!! Take that!! Suck on it!!


Sorry, I got a little excited there.

Anyway… Since there's a monster here and that I had the advantage of the first strike… I don't see a reason why I shouldn't engage it first.

Especially when the last Dungeon Mimic I met contained literally millions worth of Creas after I defeated it with that stupid party that betrayed me.

Speaking of which… I don't think I ever found out what happened to them, did I?

Oh well… That brings back bad memories so I decided not to dwell on it.

Anyway! Let's just get this started!

I made sure the rest of the room was free of traps before stepping inside the room.

I heard a grinding sound coming from behind and turned to see the wall sliding shut.

Oh no you don't!

I cast [Link Portal] and managed to create a portal to link this room and the outside before the wall closed completely.

Ha! Too bad for you I'm faster than the wall! Now I can run away from the room even with the wall closed!

Then the portal fizzled out and I realised there was some kind of enchantment in place in the room that prevented any sort of teleportation magic from working.

… Fuck.

I don't get it… Shouldn't they close the wall only after the mimic revealed itself to preserve the trap? Otherwise people would just get suspicious of the chest if they weren't before right?

Like wow! I found a secret room but the wall suddenly closed behind me and locked me in it with this chest! Now I'm suspicious of it when I wasn't before!

Well whatever… Let's just kill this mimic and get this over with.

I commanded my party to take their formations and had Eins do the first shot by shooting a [Spark Strike] at it.

The lightning bolt crashed against the chest on top of the platform and the chest shook from the impact and slid a few centimetres back.

I was preparing to see the chest transform itself or something but… It remained where it was without moving.

Eh? Wasn't the chest supposed to sprout arms and legs and start chasing after us or something?

I even double checked that I was not mistaken and used [Screened] again to double check and sure enough, the mimic was still there.

That's odd…

I directed Eins to do the same thing again and the same thing happened.

Does the mimic just not care that it was getting hit by lightning? Or does it not take damage while it's in that state?

Or… It's just committed to the fake chest act and is just tanking the damage as long as no one goes up to it?

I stared at the chest for a while, wondering if I should just kill it like this or just send one of the Shadow Guards to approach it since they could not die permanently anyway?

Hmm… Let me just try this…

I had Eins create a spear made out of shadows and had her approach the chest to poke at it with said spear.

Even then, the chest wasn't moving despite her literally stabbing the spear into the wood.

What the heck is wrong with this mimic?! Is it just that dedicated to the act that it refuses to reveal itself and would rather die before that or does it-- Waiiiiiiit…

Don't tell me this is a goddamned masochistic mimic… No bloody way…

Alright, fuck it. Eins, go and open the chest.

She obeyed without question and went towards the chest, squatting down to its level before reaching out her hand to open it.

The moment she touched the lid of the chest, it suddenly snapped open and tentacles shot out from the chest to wrap themselves around her, lifting her up into the air.

Well… There it is… Can't say that I'm surprised though…

I was prepared to watch Eins get dragged into the chest and get eaten or lewded by it while readying the rest of the party to rush in to defend her, but then I realised the chest was not dragging her back inside the chest.

The tentacles kept her outside but was slowly removing her clothes while making use of the tentacles to manoeuvre her body so that it looked like a striptease instead.

What the heck? This mimic sure has weird fetishes…

I watched as it slowly undressed Eins and even folded her clothes neatly to place aside and only stopped when she was completely naked.

At this point, I was expecting it to try and thrust its tentacles inside her and rape her but… It did not do any of that.

I was wondering what was going on until another tentacle came out from within the mimic's mouth and I realised it was holding a sign with writing on it.

I narrowed my eyes to read the sign.

'No one can leave this room until the captured person is raped by a party member.'

What in the flying fuck?

I was prepared for the mimic to rape her but definitely not be presenting her to us to be raped.

What the fuck is wrong with this Dungeon?

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