The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 195: Stinging Memory

The elderly gentleman smiled, more than eager to share tales about his old love. "Of course miss, it would be my pleasure. Where is a better place to start then at the beginning? Right after the kicking of the sack, Valanah and I headed home. I inherited the place from my Father who had passed away from drinking his PTSD away."

He winced a little as he recalled the sad memory. "Anyway, Valanah and I spent the first two months in my home not speaking a word to each other, not for lack of trying on my part as the woman was beautiful."

The man then took out a picture from his breast pocket and showed it to the both of us. I had to agree, She was quite the looker and had pretty ram shaped horns. "She was beautiful." Janine said allowed, causing the man to smile.

"That she was." He looked lovingly at the picture a moment before putting it back into his pocket. "Anyway, Valanah kept to herself and seemed to enjoy cleaning our relative large house all by herself, it seemed to give her purpose."

"During those two months of her avoiding me like a disease victim, I had been doing my homework on her. Despite calling herself a 'reject Sepiida' and not going along with the normal customs you Sepiidans follow, She seemed to have a soft spot for Jewellery."

"Even all those years ago, my Uraps business was thriving as it is sustainable work, therefore I used two months salary to buy her a wide variety of necklaces earrings and other things that jingle and jangle."

The elderly gentleman began to chuckle at himself as he remembered. "Hehe, I remember when I came home and gave her the present, the look on her face. I thought for sure she was going to thank me, instead she just slapped me round the side of the head and yelled. 'Why did you spent so much on crappy things like this when it could be used for so much more.'"

'Sounds like a piece of work.' I could not help to think. 'Worst thing that has happened to me with my love is... Yea maybe its not as bad as it sounds.'

"Although Valanah slapped me silly that night, every day afterwards, I would see her wearing a piece of new jewellery and she would smile at me and tell me good morning and night etc. Overtime, she became more accommodating to me and once we began to actually talking, we realised how much we had in common.

Years went by faster than the rest of my life combined with that woman and we ended up having my lovely son over there. Oh I loved that woman so much, how a man like me ever deserved to meet a creature as wonderful as her. That is one of the biggest mysteries in my life."

The man had tears in the corner of his eyes now and Janine felt a twinge in her gut. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset." She said in an attempt to comfort the man.

The man wiped the corner of his eyes. "Don't worry yourself dear, I didn't need to share and I was happy to do so, I just haven't thought about her deeply in a little while, it stings after all."

Janine was emotionally invested now and wanted to ask the hard question. "So when did your wife um, pass..."

When Janine asked that question, the mans sorrow turned to anger. "I don't know when she passed or if she passed, just shy of twelve years ago, my darling was kidnapped as we were walking home from a date.

I did not see the assailants, she simply vanished after trailing behind for literally one second and I have spent the remainder of my life looking for clues or anything else and all I have found is that kidnappings are somewhat common around here."

I winched hearing the woman was kidnapped. 'Most likely the bio cult got to her at some point for biomass.' I thought.

Inside my Mindspace, Onyx was watching on from underneath my Origin while laying on Sapphire. "Oh she definitely got gobbled up, Sophia loves her Sepiidans." She said solely to the chonk queen and not to Apollo.

"I am truly sorry that happened to you and sorry once again." Janine said. "Yes sorry, she sounded like a wonderful woman." I added. "Thank you young'uns. Now enough of my old man moping, Son are you almost done?" He said, clearly wanting to change the subject now.

The male Sepiidan exited the refrigerated back of the van and proceeded to shut and lock it. "Yep all done, now stop bringing everyone down by talking about mom and go back to the stall, I'll drive these two to where they need to go, urm, that being said, where am I taking you?"

I smiled upon realising they had agreed to take me somewhere without realising the distance. "You are taking us to Sophia's, the nightclub." I answered him to which he sighed in relief. "Oh good, just down the road? Nice 10 minute drive, ok hop in the front and I will take you."

"Ugh finally, my nipples could cut diamonds right now." Janine said, forgetting she was in company of others that aren't mercenaries.

The male Sepiidan turned a shade of purple at the thought while the elderly man had a far off look on his face, probably remembering his wife's very own diamond cutters.

As we made our way into the front seat, we realised it was only a two person cab so Janine sat on my lap with no fuss. I saw the male Sepiidan look over to see if Janine was planning and funny business and to his relief, she simply was just sitting there.

The first two minutes of the drive were quiet, understandably as male Sepiidans are usually silent around the females for risk of punishment. I decided to break the silence by asking. "So, I am sorry I never caught the name of the two of you do you mind telling me?" I asked.

"Not at all sir, I am called Veldan and my father is called Kai." Veldan replied. "Very well, Veldan, have you ever been to Sophia's before?" I asked curiously. "No sir, clubbing isn't really my thing, though I heard that the establishment is Sepiida friendly so its a good place in my eyes."

I nodded my head in response. "Fair enough, how about since the place is currently closed to the public once we get there, on top of your pay, you head inside and grab a drink and something to eat on the house?"

"Really?" Veldan said surprised. "Yea why not? Just say Apollo sent you and it will be no problem." As I said that, Veldan looked away from the rode and towards me with wide eyes. "Wait, you are Apollo?"

I turned my attention fully onto Veldan. "You have heard of me?" I asked because the way he said my name sounded full of surprise. "Yes sir, I have heard rumours, though I don't think you would like them."

I took a side glance at Janine for a second who rolled her eyes at my inquisitive nature. "Oh come on, now I have to know. Tell you what, I will pay double for the trip and you hold nothing back ok?"

Veldan thought it over a moment before deciding the money was worth it. "Fine, but please don't be offended." I put on my most comforting smile and said. "I promise."

Veldan then looked back to the rode fully instead of the occasional glance and began. "Well I say rumours, but there isn't really a lot, just a bit of whispered gossip. The first is that you took over Sophia's from Lady Sophia herself and have made her your maid.

There is also rumours that Lady Kathrine Hyllus, one of the most important figures on the planet apparently, has been seen multiple times in your establishment since you took over and has been seen asking for you to meet her personally."

Veldan then gulped judging whether or not he should say the next part, but he said 'fuck it' and decided to say it anyway. "There is also a rumour that you are having relations with all of the female bar employees as people have noticed the looks they give you as you walk past. Sorry if I am out of line saying these things sir."

I chuckled at the Sepiidans worry, it was almost all correct mixed in with a few inaccuracies gossip tends to have.

"Oh don't sweat the small stuff Veldan, its just words and I don't have a big enough ego to care about words on my person." I said in a calm manner, which made the Sepiidan let out a breath of relief.

He drove in silence for a little longer before his curiosity got the better of him. "So is any of it true sir?" He said, not daring to look in my direction. "Hmm" I thought for a second.

"Sort of, Sophia is not my maid, she is my Fiancée technically so I do sort of own the establishment, but it is still hers. Kathrine Hyllus is a close personal friend of mine so yes she has come to see me and as for the female employees..." I paused and said with a wink, causing Janine to roll her eyes.

"Let us see what the future holds, there's some hot tail in that club after all."

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