The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 196: Slumoflage, Patent Pending

The truck quickly made its way to the club and once we arrived, I payed Veldan for his trouble. We then got out of the truck and opened the back. Staring at all the crates, I pondered to myself. 'Where can I store all of this without the others finding out?'

Suddenly a mans face popped up in my mind. Blonde hair, blue eyes with a pretty standard nose and thin lips. I turned to Janine and asked. "Hey, could you go inside and tell whoever is behind the bar that Apollo is looking for Ronnie and to meet him outside?"

Janine saw no reason to refuse and simply nodded her head. I then turned to Veldan and said. "You should go with Janine now, will make it easier to get in without answering a bunch of questions. Just go sit and the bar until someone asks you what you are doing ok?"

"Sure, thank you again sir." Veldan said with a smile and picked up his pace to catch up to Janine. I then looked over to the entrance of the club and noticed a man and a woman on guard. Both of them I could tell were not cultist yet so when I waved one of them over, they both gave each other a look before the woman decided to walk over to me.

"Is everything ok Lord Apollo?" The woman asked. "Fist, don't call me Lord, makes my skin crawl, just Apollo will do. Second, I just want you to stand guard here with me for a few minutes, people are giving the van klepto looks and while I can defend the van easily, your gun is a more effective deterrent than my sword."

The woman shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever you say Apollo, we have been given orders to shoot each other at your request, so this is nothing." I turned to her and gave her a look that said 'seriously' then rolled my eyes at Sophia's abuse of power.

We stayed silent for the next five minutes until I spotted Ronnie sprint out of the front of the club and place his hands on his knees while panting. He then looked around the street and when his eyes landed on me he smiled like an innocent child.

I then turned to the woman and said. "Thank you darling, you can go back to your post." The woman flinched at my words before she said. "Respectfully sir, I am not your darling." She said with a frown and walked back.

'Hmm, that was a nice change of pace, it does get a little boring when everyone pines over me.' I did not think on it too much as Ronnie had just arrived in front of me. "Hey Ronnie, how are you doing?"

Ronnie smile tripled in size as I addressed him. "I am doing wonderfully Fa- Apollo, sorry still hard to remember to address you casually sometimes." I smiled and replied. "Oh don't worry about it. Hey, do you remember Great mother?"

Ronnies smile dissapeared as he remembered the awe inspiring, terrifying power Jewel displayed in front of him. "It is hard not to remember Great mothers power, It was too much for my weak form to bear, why do you ask?"

"In the back of this van." I gestured my thumb behind me. "Is a gift I plan on taking back to Apollo-minor when I next visit. And since I want to keep it a surprise, I was wondering if there is anywhere I could store it without Sophia finding out?"

Ronnie felt his chest tighten. Slightly because he would have to keep a secret from Mother. However, most of the tightness was excitement as he could help his Father plan his romantic gesture to great mother.

He then went into a deep thought for a moment before his eyes went wide as he had an idea! "I think I have an idea. In the families servants area, there is a large walk in freezer, It is packed to the brim with all manner of foods.

We can put your crates right at the back with a note that says 'property of Apollo, do not touch.' That way if anyone in the family does see it, they would give it a wide birth as no one will disobey an order from you."

"Sounds like a good plan Ronnie, good job." My words of praise hit deep into Ronnie as he tried his best to supress his glee. "Ok then, we should take this truck around to block to the underground entrance, that way we won't have to carry the crates through the bar and risk being spotted." He suggested.

Luckily for us, Veldan left the key card in the ignition so Ronnie's plan was sound. I let Ronnie drive as it had been a lifetime for me and I would rather not damage a perfectly good truck. As Ronnie sat in the driver seat and turned on the vehicle, he commented. "Oh, this Van is in really good condition, the vehicle really likes the owner as he takes good care of it.

Don't worry, we are only using you for a short while you still belong to your owner." Ronnie said as he stroked the dash board.

I looked at Ronnie out of the corner of my eye for a second. ' I totally forgot that he can speak to machines.' I thought before he started the truck. We drove only two minutes and arrived in front of a dilapidated building.

The place looked like it would fall down any moment, but to the keen eyed individual, you could see hidden support structures rigged throughout. "Slumoflage, nice thinking." I said aloud to which Ronnie replied. "Yea, I think so too. It looks like its going to fall down any second so it deters squatters, Mother does come up with some amazing ideas, she is so smart."

Ronnie showed a deep love upon mentioning Sophia, he really does see her as a mother figure. After saying that, he drove the vehicle into the building and we began descending down a ramp that was created after the building fell into disrepair. It was not a long drive until we were greeted with a thick metal gate and 10 guards with varying amounts of firepower aiming at the truck.

Ronnie then stopped the vehicle at a respectful distance and got out. The guards recognised him instantly and began to berate him about an unconfirmed delivery. One of the guards said he needed to call it in to one of the higher ups, but Ronnie quickly shot him down and pointed at me explaining that we were on a secret mission.

The guards froze up once they realised I was in the passenger seat so I waved at them. Two of the female guards waved back giddily while the rest continued to act like statues. They had not seen Apollo since his original arrival and were so filled with emotions, their bodies ceased to function.

Deciding to pick up the pace, I stuck my head out of the window and said loudly. "Can we come in or not?" One of the female guards then ran over to a wall and punched a button harder than usual thanks to her excitement and the gate began to open.

The sound of the metal moving brought the rest of guards from their stupor and they proceeded to stand aside. Ronnie then made his way back into the truck and sighed. "Sorry about them Apollo, they didn't mean to act the way they did.

They are still at the bottom levels of the family and did not expect to meet you again so soon after all." I waved it off as it really did not bother me and I then waved to the guards as Ronnie drove underground.

Once the truck was out of sight and the gate closed once more, One of the girls guards screamed with delight as she grabbed her friend and yelled. "Did you see! Father looked right at me! I could die right now." Her friend then replied. "Oh that is nothing, he waved and winked at me, then blew me a kiss! I am so fapping to that image later!"

"That did not happen!" The first woman said to her lying friend. Her friend however, had an vivid imagination and she truly believed what she saw as the power of fantasy became her reality. "Oh please, why would I lie? You are just jealous that he thought I was hot, everyone knows he prefers big melons like mine, compared to your flat chest."

"*GASP!* You bitch!"

While the two hens clucked back and forth at each other, the men completely ignored them and had a chill discussion among themselves about how cool Apollo looked. "Do you guys think I should dye my hair purple as well? I know miss Keyla did it and she pulls it off well." One of the men asked.

"Hah, you call that patchy mess hair? Most of the dye will simply dye your scalp purple, you would look like a right twat." All the men began laughing, including the one who was just insulted as it was just guys being dudes and there was no harm in a little bit of banter.

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