The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 194: Tell Me More

We made our way around the markets with a decent pace. I went stall by stall asking if they had local goods only. About an hour later, word got around and I had attained the nickname 'kilogram man' as I would by a kilogram of every product I bought.

As I just bought another kg of meat from someone, I had them take it to a storage facility nearby which was reserved for high buyers, which was a good thing for me as I had bought a lot of produce.

"Apollo, how long are we going to take now? The smell of all the fish and meat has long left me feeling nauseous." Janine expressed her dissatisfaction while pinching her nose.

"Sorry Janine, won't be long now. There aren't many stalls left after all." I said to ease her mind. As I said that however, an older gentleman shouted over. "Kilogram man! Look here!"

I looked over to the elderly gentleman and made my way towards him, his smile brightening as I did so. "Good sir, I am correct in saying you are buying all local flora and fauna products this day?" He said, trying to sound more high class.

"That is the truth indeed sir, I assume you have something you wish to sell me?" I replied with a smile. The man smiled back and lifted off a cover from a container in a decent attempt at showmanship.

"Behold the wonders of our sea, the Uraps!" Inside the container were a large amount of what looked like hermit crabs. The man then patted the side of the container and began his pitch. "These little buggers will eat anything and everything good sir and have the digestive system and the teeth to get the job done.

On our little Ecumenopolis, nothing has a greater bite force relative to its size than these beauties. Now I am telling you this because these critters of the sea aren't the best eats, but I suspect with the amount of credz you have spent of foodstuffs today, you aren't solely interested in the taste of the products am I right?"

I smiled at the man. For someone to live to look that old in this hemisphere, you had to be smart and this guy had that glint in his eye indicating he knew so. "How much for the crabs my good man?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Well, this batch of Uraps I have bred to sell to the government to clean up oil spills so the price is a little steeper than the usual, so for your kilogram I would say. Round it down for the batch sale... 3000 credz"

The man felt like making a higher asking price, but there was one thing he and his metal joints knew that has kept him alive all these years. Don't try to screw over people with money.

I smiled at the man as I had a favourable impression of him. "Tell you what, make it 2 kilograms for 7000, but make one of the kilograms made up of Larvae?"

The man needed no convincing, sure he would lose a lot of Uraps due to them being Larvae, but considering he would still make a huge profit, it was worth it. "You have a deal Kilogram man, I will box them up and place them in the storage facility for you."

I thanked and payed the man and began to walk away when he called out. "Wait!" Janine and I turned around at the man as he began to speak once more. "Forgive me sir, but with the amount of goods you have bought, I don't suppose you have a means to carry it all back with you correct? According to the gossip you both walked here after all."

Janine looked at me and asked. "Yeah good point, how was you going to get all this stuff back?" I originally planned to use my Gyrokinesis, but the amount I have bought is just to unwieldy even if they weighed next to nothing. "I was going to use your communicator to call an air cab or something like that." I replied with my plan B.

The elderly gentleman then spoke up. "Sir if I may, my son has a perfectly functioning truck just around the corner. We aren't due any shipments for a few days, so It would be no trouble to take you where you need to go with your goods, and for a quarter the fee of an air cab at that."

The man saw a clean way to make some more money and I appreciated his effort. "Of course, we are nearly ready to leave as it is, go tell your son to wait for us by the storage facility and we will see him shortly."

As we rounded a corner away from the elderly gentleman, he pumped his fist into the air. 'What a score for today! I can buy some penis pills and have my way with flirtatious babe at the brothel.'

Unaware of the mans thoughts, Janine and I made our way through the last of the stalls. It seemed I had bought all the unique things in the market as the rest of the vendors were selling common fish and meats I had already bought elsewhere.

"Lets go head back to the storage facility, I don't think we will find anything else Jewel will like today." I said to Janine. "Oh thank the stars." She whispered as she picked up her pace and began pulling me through the market.

As we made our way to the entrance of the storage facility, the elderly gentleman was already waiting there. Once he saw me, he let smiled. "Hello sir, my son has parked his truck in the loading bay, we don't have permission to load up without you present however."

I smiled and said. "Lets go then." And we entered the facility. Inside the facility, there was easily over 200kg of goods just sitting in crates. The packers did a good job storing certain meats with other meats in larger crates to stop cross contamination and such, not that it mattered to the one who was going to be eating all this.

As I was about to start speaking, Janine suddenly grabbed my whole arm with her body and was shaking slightly. "What's wrong? I asked. "It is freezing in here, how are you not cold, right shitty Psionics."

I chuckled internally at her wording as she was also now a 'shitty psionic wielder.' I felt her plight however and I raised my body's temperature with my Thermokinesis so she would have a walking space heater for a while.

A moment later, the sound of a door slamming shut came from the truck, which I would describe as a box van myself, and out from it came a man. The man looked almost identical to how the elderly gentleman would have looked earlier in life, the only difference was the blue skin and horns that jutted out the top of his head.

Janine and I were hidden behind the body of the truck and the Sepiidan only saw his father. "Hey dad, is the big spender almost here yet? You know I don't deal with the cold well." He said and noticed his father then pointing to his left, indicating our presence.

"Oh they are here. Sorry for the cold sir, its like the frozen tundra in here. Don't worry though, we will have your goods stored away in short-" The man paused as he finally made clear the trucks body and spotted Janine.

His biological servitude kicked in as he bowed his head. "Oh forgive me mistress, I was not aware of your presence." He said politely.

Janine felt the biological urge to let the male before her know she was his superior, but perhaps it was holding onto her friend and remembering how kind he is to everyone, she stopped herself. "Um, its ok. Why don't we just load everything up, its freezing in here and I have actually spent time in a frozen tundra."

The Sepiidan blinked in surprise at not being berated and simply smiled and got on with his job. The elderly gentleman then walked over to me and said. "You have yourself a good wife there Kilogram man, reminds me of my Valanah, may she rest well.

"Your wife was a Sepiidan?" Janine asked, not bothering to correct the mistake of the mislabelled relationship status. "Oh aye, I 'earned' her during the last war against to coalition for a suicide mission I ran." He then lifted his pants slightly to show two leg augmentations. "Was supposed to die, but only lost my legs so I was rewarded a Sepiida."

The mans face turned warm as he began remembering his wife. " I never really thought about Sepiidans much before Valanah appeared before me. Never met one, never held any negative thoughts to them, but oh boy let me tell you Valanah was something else.

"I still remember when how we first met she kicked me in the sack and said. 'I am a reject and will not sleep with you like the other whores so get used to it.' Oh she was a explosive one alright."

Janine was enthralled by the mysterious Sepiidan. Someone like her, who wasn't a gigantic slut for human cock? She needed to know more.

"Um sir, could you perhaps tell me more about your wife?"

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