Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 150: Seedlings and spying

Chapter 150: Seedlings and spying

When they were about to answer, one of the lackeys of the DGP, that had been knocked out earlier, gained consciousness, and immediately jumped, and made for his gun.

But before he could reach his gun, the DGP knocked him once again. This cause the duo and Qin Bao to be stunned, they couldn't understand what was happening in here.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun and his two shadows thought of this as normal. After his shadows had heard about what he did to Chu Feng and the others. So it didn't affect them much.

Noticing their surprise Tianlong Yun coughed two times, to get their attention, and wake them from their reverie,

'Ahem, Ahem'

The two women were still startled, by the entire scene they witnessed. But managed to recollect their selves a bit, and the firecracker said,

Firecracker:" ,ahem, as we are orphans we don't really have names master, but at the force they called me Bian Pao and my little sister Wu Sheng."

Tianlong Yun wasnt surprised by this, after they joined the Special Forces they must disappear from the normal life, and this seemed to be the case with these two women.

But there was something bothering him right now,

Tianlong Yun:"And why did you leave the Special Forces and what were the conditions?"

The two women seemed to be hesitating a bit, hearing that question but Qin Bao gave the answer in their place,

Qin Bao:"Their unit got dissolved because they offended a silk pants. I tried to recruit more of their team, but I couldn't convince them."

Even though Qin Bao was part of one of the biggest families in the country, she had never felt herself as part of her family, and even more as a silk pants, or a second generation wealthy kid.

She had always been treated as an extra in that big family. Hated and despised by everyone in that family, as someone who had destroyed their reputation and honor. She had never felt as part of that family.

And one of the things she hated most was the life style, and conduct, of the other young masters and young misses of the big families.

Or in other words the silk pants of these families, which knew only to spend their fathers or grandfathers money, and feel themselves as kings of the world, just because of their background.

Hearing those words, and noticing the look of despise in Qin Bao, when she said the word silk pants, Tianlong Yun could imagine something like this. He had been one of those guys in his previous life after all.

But there was something more that caught his attention, the fact that there were other ex-special forces like the two women in front of him.

At the moment he was in dire need of male instructors, and practitioners so he could continue with the foundation and building of his army. And there were the best choices in front of him.

Looking towards the two women Tianlong Yun asked,

Tianlong Yun:"Do you have any way of contact with them? I would like to give it a try."

The two women were a bit startled at his words, but they could understand him. After all, people with skills like them, were highly required. So thinking for a bit Bian Pao said,

Bian Pao:"Yes we can master, but I don't think that anyone of them will accept without captains approval. And he hates Young masters, he was the one who started the fight that got us disbanded."

Now that was startling news, but Tianlong Yun wouldn't give up so easily, so he said,

Tianlong Yun:"Don't worry about that, leave that part to me."

The two women didn't seem to really believe this was possible, but anyway they nodded their head and Jian Pao said,

Jian Pao:"Ok master we will try to set a meeting between you two."

Tianlong Yun could see their non-believing faces, but didn't care much about their confidence in him, it wasn't necessary or important to him.

Now he had more important things to think about, he had to think what to do with this situation first. More importantly he had to think what to do with the lackeys of the now puppet DGP.

He couldn't turn them into puppets, because he couldn't control more puppets but he couldn't leave them like that also. But he couldn't make them disappear in a single night either.

But then thinking about it soon there would be a war of triads soon, he needed to clean the first triad, and unfortunately they might lose their lives in there.

Looking around there were four lackeys around him. Thinking for a second he said to Qin Bao,

Tianlong Yun:"Do you have four big suitcases in here?"

Qin Bao was a bit startled why he needed those but immediately answered,

Qin Bao:"No but I can ask from the reception to find those and send it here."

Tianlong Yun hearing those words, and not being able to think of another option at the moment said,

Tianlong Yun:"Grab their bodies and send them to the bedroom, while you little slave make the request to the reception."

The first words were said to the shadows, and the two new women, while the last were for Qin Bao. His words were followed immediately. And a few moments later the bags were in front of him.

In the mean time, Tianlong Yun had also notified the foreign looking twins, to come upstairs but wearing coats and hats. Making the numbers, and sending a text message to Jiang Bo, he said,

Tianlong Yun:"Shui'er, Huo'er wear your previous clothes, and together with the twins, take the bodies of the lackeys and send them downstairs, and wait for Jiang Bo, then hand them over to him. After that go home and rest."

The shadows taking his order, put their clothes again, and left the place with the bags, leaving there Tianlong Yun, Qin Bao, the two women and the DGP.

After the shadows left, Tianlong Yun turned towards Qin Bao and the two ladies and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Get ready, we will go for a walk. I will be waiting for you downstairs."

He had searched the place the moment he entered inside, and knew that there were some spying devices planted in here.

All this time he had blocked those with his spirit sense, but it was really tiring, and he was thinking that those guys might doubt something. So he needed to get out of here, if he wanted to talk about the necessary things with Qin Bao, and the two new recruits.

The reason he was leaving the place earlier was also to test and know his opponents, he wanted to have a clue, at who was the one trying to listen to this room.

That was why giving his instruction to the women, he ordered the DGP to wear his previous clothes, leave the place through the elevator, and wait for him outside the hotel grounds.

Meanwhile Tianlong Yun entered the bedroom from where he entered, to find a naked Qin Bao. She wasn't expecting such a thing, and hastily tried to cover herself with one of the bed sheets closest to her.

Tianlong Yun was amused at her actions and said teasingly,

Tianlong Yun:"Nothing I haven't seen and touched little slave. You don't have to cover yourself in front of me."

Qin Bao had her own pride as a woman, and since she was new to this, she wasn't used to his attitude. Letting go of the sheet, she tried to gather her courage, and straightening her body she said,

Qin Bao:"I thought who entered my room without permission. I don't think you entered here for a second round, did you?"

When he had entered the room Tianlong Yun had already blocked the microphones inside this room, and the next one, where the other two women were, but to continue with the game he whispered,

Tianlong Yun:"As much as I would want to do that, we don't have time right now little slave. But make sure to tell to your maids, with signs, to not overly talk until you leave this place. There are microphones all over the place."

Ending his words he released some hot breath to her ear, making Qin Bao shiver. But she soon recollected herself and looking him in the eyes she whispered,

Qin Bao:"What about what happened earlier? How much have they heard? This is troublesome."

Seeing her worried, Tianlong Yun thought that she was cute, but there was no time for that now, so he whispered again,

Tianlong Yun:"Don't worry they haven't heard a thing. Everything was blocked all the time in a 20 m radius. But you have to be careful on your way. If I am not mistaken, then they are going to show up, after you leave this place."

At the end of his words he again released a bit of hot breath in her ear, making her shiver again. While Qin Bao hearing his words was a bit relieved, but then she asked with a whisper,

Qin Bao:"If the microphones are blocked in that radius, why are we whispering like this?"

Having his game discovered, Tianlong Yun approached her ear again and whispered,

Tianlong Yun:"Because it is more fun like this?"

And he again released some hot breath in her ear. Qin Bao hearing that excuse was stunned. This hateful guy that had turned her life upside down tonight, was here cracking jokes for important issues.

She could swear, that if she wouldn't be for her seal, and the fact that she was afraid of being heard, she would start beating the shit out of him, and curse him for more than an hour.

Tianlong Yun thought this was too much fun, but he had to forget it for the moment. So he said seriously,

Tianlong Yun:"Get ready quickly and notify the girls. I have other things to deal with today."

Qin Bao was really angry with him right now, but there was nothing she could do to him. She was his sex-slave after all.

Following his words she started to get ready, but


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