Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 151: Eavesdropping

Chapter 151: Eavesdropping

But she suddenly remembered that she had to wear like a man, and she needed help, to wear the bondage on her chest. Normally one of the two women would help her but they hadn't come yet.

She had the bondage piece in her hand, but she couldn't ask her master, could she? She really didn't know what to do. But then suddenly the bondage piece was taken from her hands, leaving her with a startled face.

She was looking startled at how Tianlong Yun was carefully tying the piece to her chest, being careful with her mountains. But her face turned red and green once again by Tianlong Yun's question,

Tianlong Yun:"By the way don't your soft mountains of jade hurt when you keep them like this?"

She was feeling sorry for thinking, even for a moment, that he was a good guy. On the other hand Tianlong Yun didn't care much about her feelings and continued with his work.

It was at this time that Bian Pao entered inside without knocking, to find them like that. She had seen Qin Bao's body all those times, and she was a woman herself, so she didn't feel shy or anything.

But seeing them like that she decided to tease them a bit,

Bian Pao:"Oh, did I enter in a bad time? Should I leave for you to continue master?"

Tianlong Yun seeing her sly face, and that tone, could understand what she was trying to do. But he wouldn't allow a woman to tease him so easily, so he said,

Tianlong Yun:"Not at all Pao'er, if you want you can come and join us."

Bian Pao wasn't expecting such an answer from her new master, but remembering what happened earlier, she should have guessed it. While Qin Bao decided to stay quiet and not get involved in this talk.

But how could a firecracker like Bian Pao allow herself to lose so fast, so she decided to turn it again,

Bian Pao:"I can, but I wonder if you can handle me master."

Tianlong Yun hearing her felt that this woman was a disaster to her own self, if she found the right guy, and told her with the same calm tone as earlier,

Tianlong Yun:"You don't need to worry about that little servant, I can handle more than that. We can include even that friend of yours, eavesdropping at us from behind the door."

When, he finished his word, Wu Sheng that was behind the door stumbled from being startled, and entered inside by heading the door. She hurt her head when she hit the door with her head, and was caressing her swell.

Seeing that she had been found out, and had caused such a scene she was really sorry. At this time Bian Pao came to her help and said,

Bian Pao:"Don't get angry master we just.."

But before she could give her answer, she was interrupted from Tianlong Yun,

Tianlong Yun:"You just wanted to test me, and see if I was worthy enough to be your master, and meet the team Captain. Also you want to see if a am worthy of being your young miss's master. Isn't that it?"

His words truly left everyone in there stunned, they didn't know what to think or say anymore. It was after a breath of time that Bian Pao gained the courage to ask,

Bian Pao:"Then did you hear??"

But she couldn't finish her words, she was feeling ashamed at the words she had said in the other room. Seeing her expression, Tianlong Yun thought that even a tomboy woman like her, could show a shy and cute side.

But he didn't have any reason to lie so he said,

Tianlong Yun:"Oh, yes I heard everything, but don't worry some of those things I would like to try them myself, the roles would be changed, of course."

Bian Pao and Wu Sheng had red faces after hearing those words. They didn't know if they should feel happy that he didn't reproach them, or ashamed at their fantasies.

But soon there was another red face in the room because Tianlong Yun said to Qin Bao,

Tianlong Yun:"By the way little slave, I have finished with your bondage a few moments ago, don't you think you should stop dreaming and get ready?"

Qin Bao was woken up from her reverie and said with a red face,

Qin Bao:"I know you did, but since you weren't removing your hands, I thought master wanted to feel my soft mountains of jade." Then as a startled rabbit she started to get ready.

Tianlong Yun really liked this tsundere attitude of this girl, so he didn't push her more with his words. But he turned towards his two new servants and said,

Tianlong Yun:"I told Bao'er also but this place is rigged, so be careful with your words when you get out. Until now I have kept the place seal, but as soon as you leave this room, restrict your talking. Do you understand?"

The two women were a bit startled, after all they had worked with the Special Forces and had checked the place earlier, but had found nothing. And now their new master, was telling them that this place was rigged.

But from what they had witnessed until now, they knew that he wouldn't joke with something like this. So they just nodded their heads to show that they understood his words.

Pretty soon Qin Bao was ready, dressed as a man. And the two servants by his side left the place. While Tianlong Yun stayed in the bedroom he had been until now.

If his guess was right, then after Qin Bao and the maids left the place, the responsible guy for the microphones, would come and check them.

Thinking like this he stayed behind the door, and focused his spirit sense towards the elevator. He had left the blood on the floor not cleaned there on purpose, for the coming guys to form a story on their own.

It didn't take long after the elevator got down, it soon got up again. This time, from the elevator came one big build guy with costume, and a nerd looking guy with glasses.

Apparently one of them was the chief of security of the hotel, while the other was a professional tech guy sent by the big boss. It was at this time that the glasses guy said,

Glasses:"The microphones in here seem to function perfectly. Let's check the ones on the other rooms."

But while they were walking his leg slipped a bit, looking down, he finally saw the blood on the floor. The chief of security also saw the blood on the floor at this time, and immediately took out his gun, pushed the tech guy behind him.

This was his job and duty after all, like this he went to check the rooms. But both rooms on this suite were empty. He didn't know what had happened in here, but it was definitely suspicious.

At this time the tech guy entered the rooms to check the microphones, but again found no problems with those. How was this possible?

Even if they had used a jammer then at least there would be some noise. But no, there was nothing like this, it was really weird. Furthermore that blood in the room.

Seeing this situation he said,

Glasses:"There aren't any issues with the microphones, but they were still blocked. So much seems to have happened in here but we didn't hear a thing. Either they knew about it and used some kind of new device to block the sounds or they didn't make a sound at all."

The chief of security looked towards him and said,

Chief:"I don't know about that, but this situation seems weird and suspicious. I think we need to report this to boss as soon as possible."

Saying that he took out his phone and called someone,

Chief:"Boss something suspicious happened at our suite in the top floor. We couldn't record the information we needed."

From the other side of the phone was heard an angry voice,

Mysterious:"What do you mean something happened, do you know the price of that information? What do you think the higher ups would say. That room is precisely created to receive high class information, we spent so much on that."

The chief of security seemed to be a bit frightened but continued,

Chief:"I don't know what happened boss, even the tech guy couldn't find a clue. But there was blood in here, it's for sure that some fight happened in here."

The mysterious guy was silent for a moment and then taking a deep breath he said,

Mysterious:"Ok, ok I can't expect much from you anyway, be sure to tail them and learn what happened. In the mean time take a sample from that blood so we can learn to whom it belongs. Don't forget the eye is watching you."

The chief seemed to finally be at rest, the guy on the other side of the phone, had always been a constant object of fear to him.

He was a crazy man after information and money, if someone did a mistake and didn't procure him the information he wanted, the persons end would be really bad.

Death was a highway of flowers compared to that. While the chief seemed so worried and frightened the nerd was completely calm.

He was in his own world, thinking what might have happened in here, and create the story of that.

The chief collected a sample of the blood on the floor and then together with the nerd they left the place. They left without knowing that


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