Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 149: Puppet and servants

Chapter 149: Puppet and servants

The DGP had red eyes and was crying, he was really crying. This was his second time living something like this. The first time had been with Qin Bao's mother, and now her daughter had done the same to him, and he could do nothing about it.

The worst thing was, that he had lost a lot of blood from his wound in his guts, and was about to lose conscious. Tianlong Yun seeing this was startled at first, but didn't mind much after, this was the best moment for him to refine him.

With that thought in mind he grabbed the knife he had taken from Qin Bao earlier, and cut his throat but not before saying in his ear,

Tianlong Yun:"I already have done the same to Chu Feng's daughters, and also his wife."

The DGP hearing those words felt an even bigger anger and wrath towards Tianlong Yun, if he wouldn't be wounded and tied up, he would have bitten Tianlong Yun to death.

But there wasn't much time for him because in the next moment his throat was sliced and he died like that. Full of anger and wrath, and a moment later his soul started to leave his body.

Tianlong Yun was already used to this, this was his fourth time refining a soul, and he could perform it really easily. But the easy part was, that the souls he was refining until now were mortal souls, and not cultivators or something else.

Like this in less than 10 minutes he had refined the DGP into a puppet, and also closed his wounds, he was brand new at the moment. Finishing with the refinement of the DGP, Tianlong Yun went close to the couch and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Stop pretending to sleep, when you are full awake. Also those two maids by the other room, better get out here in less than 5 minutes if they want to live."

Hearing his words, Qin Bao got up from her position, and turned towards him. She didn't know what to think anymore, she could feel that the words, which Tianlong Yun said earlier, were real.

She could feel the connection coming from her soul, and the desire to fulfill all his orders and words. She didn't doubt anymore the sex-slave thing. Right now she had the best clarity.

She also saw what he did to her uncle, the DGP, she didn't understand what it was precisely, but she knew his fate was worse than hers.

As for the two maids that she had taken, those were women trained by the Special Forces. She had worked so hard to make those two work and be loyal to her. Those two women were her security for tonight.

Seeing that their cover was blown up, the two women left their room and entered the saloon. They didn't understand what was happening in here. What they understood was, that their boss had already given herself to Tianlong Yun.

Tianlong Yun seeing their standing, and their ready posture, was a bit surprised and said smiling,

Tianlong Yun:"You are really good little slave, your servants are really trained well, my guess is they are special force trainees. But too bad they are left without a job right now."

The two women were surprised they never expected something like this. With just one look he could notice that they were trained by the Special Forces. But then their ears stung when they heard his next words,

Tianlong Yun:"But they must have been to the bottom of their group, that or the quality of the special forces in this country is low."

This was a clear mocking of their skills and training so they were angered at his words, and the most courageous and fired of the two said angrily,

Firecracker:"What do you mean, Young master Tianlong?" She looked like she was about to spit fire from her eyes.

Tianlong Yun pretended to not look at all at her words, and said,

Tianlong Yun:"I am saying that you are really weak, if you didn't understand earlier. And even those two girls can beat you in less than a breaths time."

Saying that, he pointed towards his two shadows, Tianlong Shui and Tianlong Huo. Making the two older women even more angered. They had already seen the two girls in action but they didn't seem much.

While on the other hand Tianlong Shui and Tianlong Huo were looking at them with different looks, one had a face that seemed to say 'bring it', and the other seemed worried about something.

Seeing the look on Tianlong Shui's face the two women were a bit startled, but then seeing the worried look on Tianlong Huo's face, they thought this was going to be easier than they thought.

And immediately the firecracker started her attack,

Firecracker:"Don't make me laugh, those two little kids are supposed to be better than us? I can bet everything without worrying."

Hearing those words Tianlong Yun, thought this was going to be easier than he thought. He had said his first words to test the waters, but who could have thought that they would be trapped like this. So he said as a matter of fact,

Tianlong Yun:"Oh do you really think so?"

The firecracker wouldn't step back at this time and said decisively,

Firecracker:"Yes I do really think so."

Taking this confirmation Tianlong Yun immediately followed, he had to strike the metal as it was hot,

Tianlong Yun:"Then how about we make a bet? If you win I will give you whatever you want, if not you will serve me just as you served my little slave."

Hearing those words Qin Bao could finally understand Tianlong Yun's goal, and she was surprised at how fast, he was achieving something she spent so much time and energy.

But just as she was about to say something, she got a look from Tianlong Yun that said 'you better not spoil this little slave'. She could swear that, she felt like she heard his voice inside her mind.

But the most startled at this moment was Tianlong Yun because what he did was voice transmission to his sex-slave. This wasn't supposed to happen till he reached at least Golden Core realm in his cultivation.

He was truly stunned at this, but he didn't have much time to think. The firecracker took his startled and stunned face as a look of fear and wariness and immediately accepted his bet,

Firecracker:"Haahahahahahahahahhaha of course we accept. This way we can finally pay the debt we have to Young miss."

Her friend seemed to be a bit worried of the end, but she also couldn't allow such a mocking from this guy. All her hard work and sweat, was being questioned at this moment, and she couldn't retreat.

Meanwhile Tianlong Yun waking up from his reverie and hearing their acceptance was happy inside him. He had managed to secure two good seedlings for his foundation. Being happy and satisfied he turned towards his two shadows and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Well you heard everything beauties, now go and finish this quickly."

Hearing those words Tianlong Shui was happy as if she got the toy she had been expecting from the moment she saw the two women, while in Tianlong Huo's face the wariness left, and there was now a determined look.

The two women were a bit startled at this change in her face, they could not understand how she changed so fast.

But the weirdest thing at the moment, was that the two little girls in front of them were giving them some kind of pressure, that they had felt only from people who had killed, like them.

They were so young and yet they had such a terrifying presence, but their moves were still slopy according to them, this fight was theirs.

But just as Tianlong Yun gave the starting sign, those two little girls disappeared from their sight, and a moment later both women were on the floor, with a knee above their throat.

It was unbelievable and incomprehensible to the two women. How was this possible? Those weak and sloppy looking girls, took them down, in two instants. It was truly like a bad dream.

Seeing the result was satisfying, Tianlong Yun woke them up from their bad dream, and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Now that the match is decided, I guess you work for me now."

The two women looked at each other and with a defeated expression both said at the same time,

Both:"Yes master Tianlong, from this moment forth, we will serve you according to our bet."

Tianlong Yun was satisfied at their complying to their words and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Well it's good that you will honor our bet, since you were going to work for me anyways. Your Young miss, is my little slave from now on, after all."

Saying that he looked towards Qin Bao who was still naked in the couch, she had a blank look at the moment she didn't know what to think. Then Tianlong Yun continued,

Tianlong Yun:"But don't worry I won't treat you bad, on the opposite this is a chance for you, towards a new world. But that will depend on your behavior."

The two women were surprised at his worlds, they had heard some rumors when they were in the Special Forces, but those were only rumors. They didn't believe them to be true.

Seeing their disbelieving faces, Tianlong Yun made a sign for the girls to release them and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Well, you don't believe my words, but at least can believe the proof in front of your eyes, right?"

He said that pointing towards Tianlong Shui and Tianlong Huo. The two women were startled, but that had to be true, otherwise how could they, lose so miserably to those little girls.

If that was the case they were truly getting a big chance. A chance, which they had never thought, they could get in their lives.

Tianlong Yun seeing their realization suddenly asked a question which surprised the women,

Tianlong Yun:"Do you two have a family, or someone important to you?"

They didn't understood why he asked such a question but they decided to answer anyway,

Firecracker:"No master, we were orphans when we got selected as part of the Special Forces."

Tianlong Yun was getting even more satisfied with these two women, they were perfect seedlings for him. This was getting better and better for him, then he suddenly remembered hadn't learned their names yet and asked,

Tianlong Yun:"By the way what are your names girls?"

The two women were e bit startled being called girls, but they had to introduce their selves anyway so they were about to answer, when


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