Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 121: Let the killing begin

Chapter 121: Let the killing begin

Hearing Tianlong Yun's words the entire place was silent with no one daring to go forward and accept the challenge for a moment. After that awkward moment when Tianlong Yun was expecting one of the twins to come out, he heard the small voice of Tianlong Mei Gui,

Tianlong Mei Gui:"I..I want to first big brother." Just like earlier she was trying to push more than anyone else and do everything she could to be beside her future man and her family.

With that idea in mind she stepped forward and decided to be the first to pass this obstacle towards her future. It was truly something terrifying and difficult for her, but not a thing was more important to her than her family and love.

Tianlong Yun was a bit stunned at first but he had started to understand this little girls character and way of thinking so it wasn't a big surprise anymore.

Tianlong Mei Gui approached Tianlong Yun who gave her a knife and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Well done Gui'er you are really courageous, now don't close your eyes until your job is finished." Saying that he gave her a little peck on her cheek.

That little peck made her maiden heart jump like never before, she was being acknowledged from her future lover and he was praising her so she was flying in the clouds at the moment.

She hadn't paid much attention when she entered but now in that state she was looking around the basement. There were around 20 some people lying on the floor looking at them in despair, apparently they knew their fate.

The basement was dark and it had only one normal light in the middle of the room but that lighted more vertically than horizontally. Everyone under that light seemed as if they were in a theater or in the middle of a show.

Precisely there was the place where they had to perform the act of their first kill, truly a special stage one might say. All the other members of the family were looking at her at the moment and this gave her more happiness and courage.

Recollecting herself a moment later but still in that happiness she approached the beast that had tried to r*pe her that day and without any hesitation whatsoever cut his throat with the knife.

At first seeing his eyes full of repentance and despair she felt a little bit bad about him and taking a life but then remembering the earlier moment she just brushed it off thinking about happy stuff.

As for the vomiting part she hadn't anything left to puke after seeing that gore scene at that underground room this was just like a walk in the park.

When she saw that her victim had stopped moving she turned towards Tianlong Yun and said,

Tianlong Mei Gui:"I did it big brother, what should I do now?"

Tianlong Yun was happy at her actions and words and just said gently,

Tianlong Yun:"Well done little beauty now you may go and rest, it has been a tiring night tonight." Not collecting the knife back he then turned towards the crowd and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Well then who is next?"

The knives were smelted by him during the week that passed, from the moment that he entered the Qi refining realm and could use his Qi daily he started to use it in many fields like alchemy, smelting, talismans and seals.

But now it's not the time to talk about that after all he had to observe everybody in the crowd and their actions and emotions at the moment.

This time the twins didn't disappoint him, they raised their hands at the same time without saying anything. Whoever knew the twins, knew that they didn't speak much, and even when they spoke, they would speak only to family members.

The twins got out of the crowd with a cold expression on their face, they approached Tianlong Yun and bowing to him they said firmly and solemnly,

The twins:"Before this we wanted to thank you for giving us this opportunity big brother. We all heard what had happened today and probably one of those kids might be us, so thank you very much for giving us our lives this many times big brother."

Tianlong Yun was startled at their words, but was stunned when he saw all of them bowing at the same time, they all had the same opinion apparently.

Tianlong Yun seeing this situation said in a serious tone,

Tianlong Yun:"I am accepting this bow, but you should know that I am not a good man or a saint. I will do anything it takes for my family and loved ones, even if it means burning the whole world."

Now it was the crowds' time to get startled but they understood perfectly his words because they were thinking the same and had the same resolve and determination.

After this special moment the twins took each a knife and approaching their targets they just slashed once to cut the throat and stabbed them in the heart, military style to kill the targets.

Their targets didn't have much time to feel the despair touch their hearts and start crying like the next in line, because the kills were clean and they were dead in a jiff.

During all this time the twins didn't have any change in their expression neither did they say anything to their targets, they just kept their cold look all the time. it seemed as if the kids who bowed a moment earlier weren't them but someone else.

Tianlong Yun was really satisfied with their performance and attitude and nodding his head he let them free to go and rest. Without the need to repeat his previous question he looked at the crowd to see who would muster the courage next.

What startled him was that there wasn't just one anymore but 13 at the same time. Apparently seeing the little Tianlong Mei Gui and the twins deal so easily with their targets they all decided to pass this obstacle without losing any more time.

Thinking like this all of them raised their hands at the same time, ready to continue with Tianlong Yun's order and deal with the left over scum as soon as possible.

Tianlong Yun actually wanted to observe and analyze them one by one and for them to not see much blood at the same time, but the choice was theirs at the end of the day.

He just nodded his head handing each of them a knife and walked in a corner to observe what would happen with the kids and their resolve.

All the 13 kids took their special knives crafted and smelted from Tianlong Yun and approached closely to their targets. They could not only see the despair in their eyes but it had also become tangible and they could swear that they were feeling it.

At this moment nobody understood how but one of the targets took of the cloth tied on his mouth so he could not speak and started to beg crying,

Target:"Pl..please don't do thi..this to I promise I will change and become a better person, please don't kill me little cutie."

The man speaking was Tianlong Hu Die's target. At first she was startled and didn't know what to say but there didn't seem to have much change on this guys face, he just seemed terrified from the fact that he was about to die and nothing else.

Furthermore he was such an idiot that he was calling her cutie when he was trying to beg for his life, Tianong Hu Die was especially calm at the moment and was paying attention to every detail and even she didn't understand why.

But there were two people inside the basement that were stunned at this little girls calmness and the vibes she was giving. She seemed almost the same as the clansmen of a special clan that was sought after in the Immortal world.

But since their skills were misused and the other clans and immortals were kidnapping their children for their special bloodline they were forced to go into reclusion and never surface again in this cursed universe.

They were the High Humans clan. This particular clan was identical to normal humans and mortals found everywhere on every world, but they had some higher qualities compared to them.

The clansmen of this tribe were really intelligent people with the ability to come out of any situation if they reached maturity, it was like with each passing year their sealed memory would unseal and they would know and learn much more than a normal person.

Also in dangerous situations and particular moments they would be calmer than ever and could pay attention and calculate every variable at the time, it was like time stopped for them.

Some people even had claims that this clan had a better comprehension of the time law than any other clan on the Immortal world, also these clansmen were said to be able to bend time laws and turn back the time when they reached the highest stages of Cultivation.

But since heavens had given them so much they had to take something from them, the clansmen of this clan could only give birth to at most two children and they could grow up only until they were 15 years old, after that their appearance wouldn't change anymore.

And this could be a way to prove that Tianlong Hu Die was truly a clansman of that particular clan. Tianlong Yun found this really funny apparently he had to wait if his future lover would be a legal loli to determine her bloodline and origin.

But now wasn't the time to think about that, Tianlong Hu Die was looking in the eyes of her target and intentionally revealed a small part of her underwear.

The idiot must have been a pedophile or a lolicon because he started drooling as soon as he saw that small part of her underwear completely forgetting that he was begging for his life a moment ago.

Seeing his expression Tianlong Hu Die


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