Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 120: Target 5 and extra

Chapter 120: Target 5 and extra

Tonight's operation had been a real good opportunity for her to show her skills and sharp brain, it was supposed to be just an extra target to make Tianlong Yun's plans easier but it turned out to be a really good hit.

That was because it wasn't only Mu Xiya who had been trying to take control of what was happening in these chaotic times but also her father and uncle.

Tianlong Hu Die and her group of guardian beasts had reached the Mu family's mansion when Tianlong Yun had just captured Chu Feng and Mu Xiya.

Their plan and goal for tonight was to capture the head of the Mu family, Mu Xiya's father and her uncle so that Tianlong Yun could put a slave seal on them and control them.

In this way there would be a second family beside the Tianlong's in the city and furthermore he would be able to control the city totally while showing to the world that they had competition and rivals inside the city.

A good way to control the city and his enemies in the future. Thinking like this even though this was supposed to be an extra target to test Tianlong Hu Die and the four guardians, it was a really important mission that was entrusted to them.

Tianlong Hu Die and her group had entered the building from the blind spots of the security, and surprisingly the security was really weak today, there weren't too many security guards around the premises.

Like this Tianlong Hu Die and her group entered inside the mansion really easily without being noticed or alerting any guard or servant inside the mansion.

What took them by surprise was that the lights in the study room seemed to be fully on and there were even four big guys working as security in front of the door.

This attracted their attention and Tianlong Hu Die decided to check on that, she had a feeling that something really important was happening there and she needed to check that.

The four guardians already knew her and her smart brain, furthermore she was the brain of this operation they were doing so they had to hear and obey her.

Like this the five of them divided in two groups, Tianlong Hu Die and Tianlong Bai Hu went outside to check the situation from outside and try to learn what was happening in there, while the other three guardians stayed inside to check on the door.

Tianlong Hu Die and Tianlong Bai Hu approached the window to the study room carefully to check what was inside the room and there were three men inside discussing.

Two of them were their targets Mu Xiya's father and uncle, while the third one was a middle aged man with black hair and a face with a big scratch in his left cheek. More precisely it was a knife cut under his left eye, from his ear to his lips.

Tianlong Hu Die was a bit startled at first because this guy seemed to be someone fresh in her memory, she had seen this guy but didn't quite remember where she had seen this guy.

Putting her ear close to the window she could hear Mu Xiya's father talk to the middle aged man firmly,

Mu Xiya's father:"Are you sure about this Mr.Long, our last business deal turned out to be really beneficiary, if only we could find those kids that Feng Tao promised to us we could complete our part of the deal."

Then with the same tone he continued,

Mu Xiya's father:"Don't forget your part of the deal Mr.Long, I am sacrificing my daughter for the sake of this deal and taking out Chu Feng."

The middle aged man just snorted at those words and said,

Long Tou:"Don't try to play the victim with me Mr.Mu I am not some fool, your daughter to you is just a tool to reach what you want. Otherwise you wouldn't have promised to give her to me for a full week, knowing how I train my women."

These words seemed really harsh and Mu Xiya's uncle was clenching his teeth after all he didn't agree with his big brother and the ways he dealt with the women in their family. After all he had already sold more than one time women in his family to powerful people to get their support.

Mu Xiya's father was a really unscrupulous business man who would do everything for money and power. To these guys power was like some kind of drug, and they need that drug every day to live. They don't care about family or relationships.

While all this was happening inside the study room, outside Tianlong Hu Die after hearing their conversation finally could determine the identity of the mysterious person, apparently this guy was Long Tou the leader of the Long triad in the city.

He was supposed to be a loyal dog of Chu Feng but it seemed that he had decided that he had been under him for too long and now was the time for him to take the reins in his hands.

This was a big scoop to Tianlong Hu Die but more importantly this was a big opportunity for them to take care of one more target of their master. When life gave her lemons she would make lemonade it was as easy as that.

Returning with Tianlong Bai Hu towards the other three, she immediately explained the situation to the guardians and told them what a chance this was to them and their big brother, they had to deal with this.

Hearing the new complications and the chance that they had, the guardians together agreed to her plan on capturing all three targets. But then Tianlong Zhu Que said suddenly,

Tianlong Zhu Que:"Little sister Hu Die what about the ladies, if we bring them to big brother he might find them useful. I know it will be hard but you can think of something right?"

Her last words were like mosquito buzzing because all the other members in their team where looking at her with stunned faces. Since she didn't talk much they had never thought that she would think so much and be so smart.

Tianlong Hu Die hearing her big sister started to think a little about her words and hearing what they said inside and Mu Xiya's fathers expression she could tell that the women of this family were used to being sold.

At the moment it wasn't a secret anymore what Tianlong Yun planned to do at the new mansion he had assigned Feng Tao to build, and he would need personnel to run that place, so those women were like giving him coal in a freezing winter.

Thinking like this she finally decided to make them part of the targets too and then ask for some help from Tianlong Xia or her big brother Tianlong Yun if they needed transport.

Deciding all what had to be decided Tianlong Hu Die and the four guardians immediately threw themselves into action. Tianlong Bai Hu, Tianlong Qing Long and Tianlong Xuan Wu speedily went towards the study room while Tianlong Hu Die and Tianlong Zhu Que stayed behind as security for any unexpected thing.

The trio approached hastily towards the guards at the door and in less than a breath time, they knocked the guards out with a kick in their heads, when the bodies fell on the ground they made a lot of noise, and a second later the guardian's trio disappeared from there.

The trio inside the study room were startled and didn't understand what was happening, they had already kept in the house only the guards and servants that they trusted and made the other take a leave home.

So it was practically impossible for their enemies or more precisely for Chu Feng who was supposed to be enjoying Mu Xiya to know what was happening in this place.

So after a moment of being startled and silent they got out all three to look at what had happened and what was the source of the noise, as for why they got out together, it was because none of them trusted each other.

They only trusted the benefits and profits from their alliance and their commerce. Like this all three of them were stunned seeing their three more trusted guards on the ground knocked out from just one kick.

Seeing this they took out their guns and were about to point those weapons towards each other because apart from them no one else was supposed to know about their meeting.

But before they could start screaming and accusing each other for betrayal the guardian trio fell from the ceiling and knocked them out with a kick on the back of their heads.

It happened so fast that the trio didn't even see how it happened and who was that knocked them out before falling in their dreams land.

After that moment Tianlong Hu Die and the guardian beasts knocked out the women of the house that they deemed important and transported them towards the Tianlong's house.

Capturing those women it wasn't nothing more of capturing some women too used to being sold and now couldn't keep their selves away from the pleasures of flesh. They were truly good additions to Tianlong Yun's new plan of business.

While Tianlong Hu Die was still thinking about everything that had happened until now they had reached the basement of the house where were the 20 some scum that Tianlong Yun had used in his experiments of finding the cure for the virus.

Reaching the place Tianlong Yun stared again in their faces and said solemnly,

Tianlong Yun:"Now shadows since you arrived here, it means that you all have chosen this family and me as the family head, and you will need to obey every and each of my orders."

Leaving the shadows and the women comprehend his words he continued solemnly,

Tianlong Yun:"Now that this is decided is finally the time to start your first big obstacle towards the future. Who wants to be first to pass this test."


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