Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 122: Women's first kill and torture

Chapter 122: Women's first kill and torture

Seeing that hateful expression on his face, Tianlong Hu Die immediately cut his throat with one single slash. After her slash all the other kids took the courage and did the same thing to their targets or victims to be more precise.

In less than a breaths time all the victims were already down on the ground bleeding, shaking and breathing their last breaths.

Seeing all this gore and blood on the floor most of the kids started puking on the ground, they couldn't handle this entire scene. The only exceptions were Tianlong Shui, Tianlong Huo and Tianlong Hu Die.

Tianlong Shui and Tianlong Huo had already experienced an even more brutal scene than this and as for Tianlong Hu Die she was even calmer at the moment, she was like a cute Asura that had been born in the middle of the fiery red blood.

It took some time for the kids to finally relax and recollect themselves, after all this was their first time killing and seeing so much human blood in one place. Fully aware that they were the reason for all this blood.

But the real problem at this moment, were the three women that still hadn't experienced all this and were still watching this scene. Just by looking at the victims and all the blood they were about to puke and were getting cold feet.

Tianlong Yun seeing the kids had recollected themselves and the fear in his women so he took their attention and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Well done everybody, welcome to our big family after passing this first obstacle, but don't think that this is everything. This is just the start, the first step in our journey. Now go and rest we are going to talk more on this tomorrow."

Hearing his words the kids started to leave the place together towards the room assigned to them in the Tianlong's house. In the basement were left only Tianlong Yun, his future wives and Gao Ling.

Turning towards his women he took a look at them and then said,

Tianlong Yun:"Now you have seen what a life by my side means and what you have to do, if you think you can overcome this and continue by my side take the knives and go on, if not we will have to find some way to keep you far away from this. But I can't promise anything."

Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing were the most affected by those words because they had the position of future wives and couldn't allow some slave be better than them in front of their darling's eyes.

Thinking like this and already having made the resolve to be by his side all the time Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing made two steps forward to take the knives from the hands of Tianlong Yun.

Before they could take the knives Tianlong Xia extended her hand and took hers, and after her the duo took their knives made especially for them from Tianlong Yun, leaving Gao Ling the last to take her knife without hesitation.

The trio made their way towards their targets and throwing one last look towards the pleading eyes of their targets and the knives they were holding in their hands, with a move of their hand they slashed the throats of their targets.

After that they felt a bit guilty but also relieved to have passed the first obstacle towards their happy life with their lover. But that didn't mean they wouldn't throw up at the moment.

After all they were women who hadn't even touched a kitchen knife with their hands and now they took one to take lives, human lives.

Tianlong Yun left them to relax and recollect themselves on their own, after all that was a test on its own. While those two were still trying to relax and recollect themselves Tianlong Xia and Gao Ling were looking at their victims.

They didn't feel anything at the moment it was like what they did was completely normal. Tianlong Xia had lived through this and he could understand her but Gao Ling was new to this and she was normal, like nothing had happened.

It was like she was a natural born killer and sadist in front of others but in the hands of her master she turned into an obeying little toy that wanted to be played with and dominated over.

Seeing her like this made Tianlong Yun even more convinced of her new role that he was going to give her tomorrow. But now he was staring at something else, Tianlong Xia was looking at the crowd of the captives to find her next target.

He didn't know what she was looking for and wanted to know until he saw her pull a crying, and terrified Yao Gin. Tianlong Yun had decided to kill and turn him into a puppet with puppeteer arts that he had learned in his previous life, even though he wasn't sure he could do it.

This had been just a moment's fling in his past life and now he was going to try and turn it into reality and that was why he had brought that crying baby into the basement to kill him.

He would kill him later after the girls left the place and he was going to kill the others and start experimenting a bit with their bodies but that had to wait because now it was the time to have some fun with his other guests.

Tianlong Xia pulled Yao Gin close to the light in the middle of the basement and looking him into the eyes she said with a cold voice,

Tianlong Xia:"You are going to have it easy little worm, this is to understand that you can't touch my little sister and even more harm her."

She was a bit upset about that fact because in a way she felt it was her fault that she hadn't taught her little sister how to protect herself and her body from outward physical strength.

She felt sorry and at fault for not having taught her such an easy and simple method of protecting herself, so she wanted to take out all those negative feelings on the little worm in front of her.

In her eyes that was all what Yao Gin added up to, just a little worthless worm, because he only knew how to cry, complain and be the arrogant idiot he was, trying to protect that cheap pride that he had as a descendant of the Yao family of Beijing.

Thinking like this she took out the knife her lover had gifted her, and with simple flowing motions cut his arms tendons. This was an even worse torture to the little Yao Gin because he already had the arm bones shattered and that cut just reminded him that painful sensation.

It was a really gore show for Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing who had just started to relax and recollect their selves at the moment, but they were kind of getting used to it now.

It could be said that the show that Tianlong Xia was putting in front of her little sisters was also a way for them to get used earlier to all the blood and gore of a person's death and that not every time the killing would be as simple as cutting their throats.

Understanding their big sisters action in front of them Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing felt a bit embarrassed at their soft personality. Tianlong Xia noticing their discomfort and guilty looks turned around and said,

Tianlong Xia:"Don't worry much about it little sisters but this is a lesson for all of us women that want to be near darling in the future."

Her words were also directed at Gao Ling, with her actions she was communicating to her that if someone even thought about touching her no matter her status as long as he touched her would die, but the same would happen even if she let them do it.

In simpler words she was trying to show to her that once part of her darling's harem they would be always part of it without any thought of leaving his side, after all she knew about his possessiveness.

While the women were talking, understanding and receiving their messages Yao Gin was crying with tears and snoot without being able to speak due to the cloth in his mouth.

All this week that had passed, from the moment that Tianlong Xiangyun had seduced him with her body to the moment he was suffering right now, had been a true hell for him.

Just as Tianlong Xia was about to end his suffering and kill him by slicing his throat, she was startled when she got stopped by Tianlong Yun. She was really wondering why her darling was stopping her in her actions but she soon got enlightened when she heard his next words,

Tianlong Yun:"Darlings you go and rest for the night you are really tired and need some rest. When you go out send Jiang Bo in, we need to start this night's fun."

Saying that he turned to Tianlong Xia and continued,

Tianlong Yun:"You go too love, things are about to get dirty and it's not a good thing for you to be here."

He didn't want his lovers to witness what was going to happen tonight after all Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing had just committed their first kill and it was really hard for them, so witnessing what would happen tonight was too much for them.

Tianlong Xia could understand what her lover was asking of her, he wanted her to be an emotional pillar to their family at the moment. They needed her support and words and not only her sisters but also the kids.

They were at a delicate situation and moment of their lives and needed a support, furthermore he didn't want them to witness what was about to happen.

Thinking like this she acted just like she had to, she went close to her sisters and took their hands and lead them towards the door to leave this place, the only left woman in this place was Gao Ling who was standing behind her master without worrying about the snooty Yao Gin behind them.

As soon as the women left the room, Jiang Bo entered and immediately asked,

Jiang Bo:"You asked for me master?"

Seeing him enter and ask Tianlong Yun turned and threw a look at Yao Gin and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Jiang Bo go to our prisoners and take Chu Feng's oldest daughter and bring her here."


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