Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 119: Tianlong Hu Die

Chapter 119: Tianlong Hu Die

Now it was the time to start with the second part of the night, it was time to test their resolve and determination to be part of their family and follow Tianlong Yun's orders.

Now it was time to kill their innocence and turn them into real shadows that would only care about their received orders and their family.

Thinking like this Tianlong Yun stared in their eyes as if wanting to know if someone would lie and said solemnly,

Tianlong Yun:"Well done everyone, tonight you were amazing and the best. But the real challenge starts now. Are you sure you want to continue with this and never turn your head back?"

His tone was serious, after all this was no laughing matter, they would one by one take a human's life. It may seem easy said in words but it was a real hard choice for each and anyone of them.

Staring at them for a while he continued with the same solemn voice,

Tianlong Yun:"I don't want to pressure any of you but, you have to know that what I need is not only a family but also an army to follow me towards a bigger world and take my revenge."

The kids were stunned and wanted to know more about his past but that had a price they needed to pay, but the idea of a bigger world was shocking to all of them.

Seeing his words effect Tianlong Yun continued,

Tianlong Yun:"Now it's the time to show your resolve and determination on being part of this family and one of the 16 shadows. Whoever wishes to leave the door is open to leave, please take care of yourself. The others, follow me towards the basement."

Saying that, Tianlong Yun turned around and started walking towards the basement without looking back not even once. He couldn't show weakness and emotions in a time like this.

During the time that tonight's operation had been underway Doctor Song had put all the garbage that was left on a van and brought them all here and left afterwards.

It wasn't that Tianlong Yun didn't believe Doctor Song and didn't want him to be part of his base, it was just that there were still some issues that needed to be determined with him.

Doctor Song was still trying to offer his daughter to him, while she was too arrogant and tomboyish and didn't consider him in the least, and Tianlong Yun had a really bad impression of her.

Furthermore Doctor Song had taken and saved a lot of lives, taking another life wasn't a big deal to him, knowing that the guy he would kill was a scum or garbage.

So this wasn't something necessary for him at the moment because his character had totally been formed and it was quasi impossible to change his character.

Anyway now it was not the time to think of that old man, now all the kids were staring at the back of Tianlong Yun leaving towards the basement.

Seeing him leave without turning back even once, made the kids think of this happiness and family he had created for them and felt as if being abandoned again even though it was only for a moment.

The first time they were abandoned they were too small to even remember and didn't know if they could have done something differently and make their parents change their minds about abandoning them.

But now they could all think and reason to the fact they were left behind and the choice they had to make in life. Perhaps it was because they didn't like the feeling of being abandoned, or perhaps it was because they had already found their resolve and determination but they all started following him.

As if they were all with the same mind and idea all the kids started following him at the same time with the same pace and rhythm, following behind their big brothers women.

At the head of the crowd was Tianlong Xia, Tianlong Yue, Lu Bing and after them it was Gao Ling with Tianlong Huo and Tianlong Shui, followed by Tianlong Hu Die with the rest of the crowd.

They were all walking in that pace and thinking about their resolve and determination and looking at their brothers and sisters faces to see their resolve and determination.

They could swear that they all had the same face, the face of trying to overcome this moment in their lives and continue to be part of this family and warmness that they had found.

This was their real family from now on and they would do anything not to lose this family and new opportunity that life had given them.

Especially Tianlong Hu Die, that little sharp brained girl had been always treated really bad from everyone because she was too smart for her own good.

She would always try to help the other kids and give them advice and ideas on what to do and how to survive in the slums and furthermore she would warn and tell them about the idiots with bad intentions.

All this actions were done from her benevolence and from the heart but this would hurt the interests and benefits of other parties which in anger would start hitting and kicking her.

This was the first time she was being appreciated and furthermore Tianlong Yun had created a big family for them, to her it was once in a lifetime opportunity.

All the people of this world are selfish in their own way, and she was the same. It was true that she might understand better than anyone else the price and importance of a real human life, but to her that wasn't even a small particle of the importance her family and Tianlong Yun had.

She had been really dubious at the start with all the conditions they had received at the warehouse, to kids like her that were used to sleeping in the cold streets covered only with newspapers and torn pieces of cloth, when someone was offering them a roof over their heads with warm food, clothes and bed it was clear that he needed something in exchange.

After all they had learned of the law of jungle since a small age and knew that there was nothing in this world like a free lunch, everyone wanted something in return for what they did.

She had been living everyday with those dubious feelings at their benefactor who they had never met. But slowly she started interacting with the other kids and was slowly forgetting her doubts.

Until some day they heard in the news that their benefactor a handsome, good looking Young master had died. The sky fell on their heads because he had been the only one to show them some warmness and humanity and gave them coal in the hard winter.

But everything changed the night when those beasts came with that traitor and tried to take them all away. They were scared and had lost all hope when that masked man came and started kicking and punching all the bad guys and knocked them out.

When those guys fired at him with a gun, shooting him in the chest, they all felt that hope was lost. After all they had never seen someone able to survive a shot in the chest from a gun. But this didn't stop them from praying for their savior's life.

And just some moments later they witnessed the biggest wonder and miracle in their lives, their savior was alive and not only that but he seemed to be impervious to bullets and really strong. He was like a gift from God to them answering their prayers.

Imagine their wonder when after being saved and learning that their savior and the guy who had shown warmth and kindness and gave them a new lease in life were the same person.

To the little Tianlong Hu Die this good looking guy was like the prince in shining armor that came to save the princess, just like in that little story she had read in a torn book she had found on the trash can.

She hoped so much that she was the princess that this prince needed to save and take away, at this moment she had forgotten about all her doubts and suspicions.

When Tianlong Yun made that speech afterwards she felt that he was becoming more mysterious and was going far away from her, but then he gave her and all others an opportunity to follow him and be by his side.

Furthermore he made them part of his family and gave them a name and his surname, not wanting to lose her chance she declared that she wanted to be his bride even though her chances seemed really small.

After that she started to treat him and the other kids as a family and they ate together, slept together and were training together to become strong and protect their family and the new life they had.

When she heard about his other women her dreams of becoming a princess by his side were all shattered but then hearing the words of Tianlong Xia towards Tianlong Shui and Tianlong Huo she felt like life had returned to her body.

Mustering her courage and her wits she started to speak that day, at first for herself but then remembering that her sisters thought the same as her she decided to talk about an opportunity for everyone.

Hearing Tianlong Yun say that they had to kill their innocence and needed to listen to all of his words and orders she kind of understood the meaning and the idea behind it.

She knew that it was necessary for them, their newfound family and their big brother to follow all of his words and orders. He had given them all they could dream of so it was only logical for them to give something in return.

Taking a human life would be really difficult even to her but from there she together with all the other shadows could start and change so that they could help their big brother and be by his side, all the words she said before the operation were from her heart.

Then she remembered the operation


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