Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 182: | 182 | Heights that can be Reached

"The maximum strength testing isn't doing us any good. It's hard to find his limits, especially when none of our weight variables are effective in testing him. I guess this is to be expected from the Fleet Admiral." A specialist sighed to himself, noticing how it was going nowhere.

"Alright, let's begin the next test." He decided to move forward and abandon the maximum strength testing for now, until they could find an effective weight variable for the fleet Admiral. Hearing his words, the surrounding specialists nodded in agreement.

The next testing for the fleet admiral was the Explosive Strength Test. Unlike the Maximum Strength Test, which required him to lift heave objects. It merely needed him to produce his maximal force in as little time as possible. Training related to such a test were sprinting and jumping.

Along with the current data of his weight, the results of such trainings might assist them in identifying the limits of his strength. With this in mind, one of the specialist stepped forward and announced the next testing to the fleet admiral.

"Sir, we will begin the Explosive Strength Test. Such tests merely consists of sprinting and jumping as we don't have any weights that would impede your body. First, we will start with jumping." The test was simple, and Abraham glanced at them, giving them a nod of confirmation.

On the other hand, Laplace kept observing her lover. The crazed smile from before never bothered to leave her face. She was excited and her instinct of domination was desiring Abraham. Naturally, she kept it under control since it wouldn't do good if she followed her instincts as a dragon.

At any rate, with the confirmation of the fleet admiral. It was time to start the first phase of the Explosive Strength Test. Their measuring equipment were all pointed at Abraham with some pointing at the sky above them.

After all, now that they had an idea of how limitless the strength of their fleet admiral was. Most of them had a feeling that the results of such a test might go beyond their understanding.

Abraham took a deep breath, noticing the gaze of every specialist in the area. Now that he had thought about it, ever since gaining the power of a Superhuman, he had never jumped once. Perhaps, it was a fortunate thing to have happened.

Now, he could jump in a controlled environment.

With no delay, he concentrated his strength and power at the firm muscles of his legs. He squinted his eyes and a moment later... Released everything he got. *BOOM!!!* Out of nowhere, an explosion resounded outward, shockwave piercing through the evergreen grass of the vast plain.

The specialists had to hold their equipment tightly as the shockwave was threatening to push them away. Laplace stood at where she was, not bothered by an ounce of air ruffling through her silver hair. She maintained a smirk, gazing upward into the heavens.

Most of the specialists also looked up and couldn't see the fleet admiral in the skies. Their measuring equipment, however, was picking up his signal far beyond the height they could conceive in their minds.

One of the specialist took noticed of the measured height in the monitor and felt incredibly astounded. He shocked was perceived by his colleagues, who glanced at the monitor and saw the numbers displayed on its screen.

"H-How is this possible?" A specialist uttered in shock, his arm trembling from how his beliefs of reality were breaking apart. Some things could be explain by magic. Others could be understood as the results of magic. But all of them knew that no humans from the former world could ever hold magic.

As such... It made them wonder what their fleet admiral was.

"It's increasing!" Another specialist cried out, bringing the attention of everyone near him.


From the sea level and into a height of 20 kilometers, it only took three seconds. This gave Abraham an approximate speed of Mach 20, which was beyond unbelievable. If it was Laplace who displayed such a feat, they would have taken it with a grain of salt, but also understand it.

After all, the dragoness was a magical creature. A dragon, the apex of all living things created by nature. It was understandable for her to display quite an impossible feat. But not too long ago, even though strong, their fleet admiral was still a human in the standards of the foreign world.

With the breathtaking circumstance before them, it was clear that their fleet admiral have gone beyond the limits of what was humanly possible. He had entered the realm of unnatural, making him akin to a deity of some sort.

Though, despite their surging thoughts, one world escape their lips.


Meanwhile, beyond the heavens above the earth. Abraham observed a rare and beautiful scenery before him. Now that he had thought about it, he never had taken a good look of this world. A world shrouded with mysteries, magic, and fantasy.

It should be completely different from his world, a place that nonsense might exist.

'It's vast...' He thought while the heavens before him appeared to expand endlessly without a horizon. It made him question if this world was a planet or some flat and infinite plane. However, its vastness wasn't what amazed him the most.

Abraham gazed forward, looking deep into the farthest parts of the heavens. His eyes was the greatest as it could be, like a telescope that observes into distances with precision, clarity, and ease. It took a moment, but he could finally see it.

"It exists..." He remembered when he was first transmigrated into the island of Crescere. Arriving into its beach, he looked into the distance and saw a massive figure piercing through the skies while walking along the horizon.

He had previously thought of it as a hallucination of his confused and somewhat maddened mind. But it looks like his eyes had never lied to him, it was real. He didn't know how far it was, even so, it was real. He wasn't maddened or hallucinating it.


In the far distance beyond what was called a horizon. Walking in what appeared to be the end of the world was a massive humanoid-looking figure. It was the biggest he had ever seen, even looming over what could be considered as an entire sea region.

Despite jumping so far into the ground, he hadn't even reached its waist. He couldn't help but wonder what it really was. How could such a thing even exist? A dragon like Laplace was standing slightly behind what he could conceive as reality. Anything beyond that was mere fantasy.

However, it looks like he needed to keep that world view in check as nonsense seemed to be how this foreign world works. Pretending it was rational and logical would be foolish, doing more bad than good. Accepting that it nonsense all along, gives peace.

Before Abraham could enjoy the view above the heavens, gravity began pulling him back to whence he came from. He started freefalling like a meteor piercing through the atmosphere. He could feel the air around him combusting and blazing, but he never felt a sting of pain.

On the ground, the specialists observed the fleet admiral falling at an accelerated speed. Most of them slowly backed away while sonic booms resounded one after another. *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!* *BANG!* Their fleet admiral was descending like a meteor.

The moment he impacted, they might die from the shockwave and the debris brought along with it. So, they didn't hesitate to run. They left their measuring equipment behind as these things would be too heavy to carry along with them.

As Abraham descended further, passing the kilometer-mark above the ground. Laplace merely smiled and walked forward without a tinge of fear. She gazed at her falling lover and decided to give him a wake up call.


Laplace disappeared from where she stood and leaped onward. Her speed akin to a sword puncturing what was between the heaven and the earth. In only a single moment, she intercepted the falling fleet admiral and met him with a scary smile.

"Remembering where and who you're falling into my love." She muttered through her supple lips and didn't hesitate to kick the dumbfounded fleet admiral away from the specialists who were running for their lives.

For the first time since transforming into a Superhuman, Abraham felt pain. It appears that the dragoness wasn't someone that he could underestimate.

Though, regardless of the stinging pain he felt from his lover's kick, Abraham crashed into the distance bringing about a bright light followed by a thunderous roar.


If he had directly impacted the spot where the specialists were near, there was no doubt that they would have become indirect and pitiful casualties of an explosion. At any rate, the shockwave spread far and wide.

The specialists who were running for their lives finally had a moment to breath. They looked back and saw that the dragoness had save them from their impending doom, making them cheer at her for saving their lives. After all, they really thought they wouldn't be able to see their families again.

On the other hand, Laplace landed inside the crater where Abraham landed and stood beside him. She gazed at her lover who was coughing from the most unremarkable landing of humankind. His clothes were disintegrated, leaving him almost naked.

He waved the smoke away while remarking to the dragoness with a smile.

"Damn, that wasn't a great landing. Thank you for saving them, Laplace."

"Glad to be of your service, Abraham." Laplace maintained her smile, observing the naked body of her lover with scrutiny before leaving him with a thumbs up.

"10 out of 10."

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