Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 183: | 183 | Apostles of Terra Firma

In the island of Terra, situated deep in the northern waters of the sea region. Its colonial government and military were preparing for the inevitable. The battle for supremacy between the Colonial Dominion of Terra and a foreign force known as the United Navy.

The power and capacity of the United Navy were now fully understood. Their capabilities for warfare was something one couldn't underestimate. Most importantly, their technology was too advance for the world, estimating to be a hundred-years beyond them.

Warring against such a force costed the Colonial Dominion almost all of its colonies, leaving itself alone, desolated in the sea region. Naturally, they had sent a distress call. A call for help amidst in the looming battle ahead of them. But... None answered, but one.

The forces surrounding the Colonial Dominion of Terra were observing the results of the conflict in the sea region. Either the status quo remains for the Ferus Sea, or the beginning of a new era arrives. After all, the sea region of Terra stands between the Europa and the New World.

Who controls the sea in-between will change the destiny of those before and after. One would expect the uncaring Sovereigns to have a response against such an impending threat. But they remained aloof, indifferent of who may one the gates of the New World.

Europa has greater threats before it and inside of it than a sea far beyond its shores. Their attention pointed inwards near their continent where races that rivals theirs dwell. One wrong move might cost them a war that unravels the world. As such, the mainland remains in indefinite silence.

But it wasn't like none of the Sovereign had stakes over the New World. There was a Sovereign who pioneered the advancement of Colonial Dominions and its expansionary fleets. He stood amongst the greatest of all Magus, akin to a godlike being of legends.

His name was Terra Firma, the Earth Sovereign.


Somewhere in the island of Terra stood the Magus Tower overseeing the Magi-kind in the sea region. It pierced through the heavens, symbolizing humanity's wisdom almost rivalling that of the Gods. An arrogant disposition of a young race, yet an understandable one.

For they who started last now rivals those who were before them.

"Does the Sovereign really not care if the Colonial Dominion of Terra falls, Arch Magus?" The Viceroy questioned as it was clear that the United Navy was growing in power. Their defeat appeared to be inevitable, unless someone outside overturns the whole table.

The Arch Magus, Gunther, furrowed his eyebrows and calmly reprimanded the Viceroy. "Don't say such foolish words, Sir Viceroy. The Sovereign hears everything. It's better to stay quiet than meet their punishment." Hearing him, the Viceroy shut his mouth up.

The power of a Sovereign was akin to that of a God. The Viceroy didn't want to test the limits of how much they were a God. He'd rather live to see tomorrow than die through a fool's death.

Gunther gazed at the Viceroy and sighed. He understood the most why the Viceroy was anxious in the upcoming battle. The United Navy was growing far stronger than ever before. Its fleets had grown into a number far above what they could handle.

Even with the help of the Magus Tower, it would be difficult to turn the balance of the battlefield with them. This was without the Dragon of Liberation assisting the invading army of the United Navy. Their traps had been well-established. Whether it would work or not could only be observed once the finale begin.

As such, the stakes were completely against them. They were in the losing side of history, this was a fact.

However, the Arch Magus knew the most that the Sovereign wouldn't abandoned them. The stakes in the Colonial Dominion of Terra were too high to be disregarded. The one Sovereign with the most stakes in the Ferus Sea should be the godfather of the island itself.

Terra Firma, the Earth Sovereign.

However, by the unwritten laws of the Sovereigns, he wouldn't be able to personally make a move with his actual body. This meant that there were only two things that could assist them in the final battle. It would be either him appearing through a weak avatar, or the Apostles emerging to fight with them.

"Don't be anxious about the final battle, Sir Viceroy. You must trust the Sovereign and their wisdom. They will aide us in this battle, and we shall retrieve victory from the corpses of the Dragon and the so-called Fleet Admiral." The Arch Magus uttered with unrivalled confidence.

The Magus Tower has ruled over humanity for hundreds of years. It wouldn't fall just because of a force with the foul technology of the future.

Hearing the words of the Arch Magus that seemed to radiate with determination, the Viceroy felt his anxiousness calmed down. He shouldn't panic as he was the face of the colonial government. Even if he was afraid, he must face their enemies without fear.

The Viceroy seriously gazed at the Arch Magus in front of him and realized that he had forgotten the power of magicraft because of his fear towards the United Navy. Magicraft was the ability to tap the endless potential of manipulating reality as one sees fit.

Even the lowest of Magus could conjure flames with the flick of their fingers. He shouldn't be despairing about fighting against humans with not even a tinge of mana inside their bodies.

"Apologies over my foolish state, Arch Magus. I shall take your words at heart and trust you with the entirety of my being. The colonial government and its military will fight until the very end." The Viceroy gave his word, understanding that this wasn't the time for foolish schemes.

"Thank you for your trust, Sir Viceroy. The Magus Tower has been working hard to contact the Imperium Magus Tower in Europa. It shouldn't take long before we receive a response from the mainlan-." Gunther revealed to the Viceroy, aiming to calm him even further.

"There's no need for the two of you to keep anticipating."

But before he could continue speaking to the Viceroy, an uncaring voice interrupted the conversation of the two authorities in the Colonial Dominion of Terra. The Viceroy raised his eyebrows, wondering who would dare to interrupt their conversation.

On the other hand, the Arch Magus became dumbfounded and immediately stood up from his comfy and gothic chair. He casted a spell to the Viceroy, which forced the man to kneel, while he followed suit.

"It is an honor to be in the majesties of the great ones. I assume you must be the Apostles of the Great Sovereign, Terra Firma?" Gunther gazed onward into the creeping shadows within the corners of his office. A chuckle resounded from the shadows as three figures escaped its hold.

"As expected of an Arch Magus, you know our identities well. Our Master has sent us here to clean up the troubles brewing in the sea region of Terra. The so-called United Navy, the Dragon of Liberation, and its Fleet Admiral are destined to fall." A noble-like voice resounded in the office.

"Be honored." A grumpy one followed, while the last one was in utter silence.

When the Viceroy heard the Arch Magus, he finally understood why they were required to kneel.

In the Magus Tower, the ranking of Magus entirely depends on how much they had grown in the study of magicraft. The lowest of all Magi were the Wyvern Riders, followed by the War Masters. These two were detested by the pure mages of the tower, the Magus.

Nevertheless, they belong to the Magus Tower, not as its members, but its tools. After the two were the Acolytes, students under a Magus. They were perceived as greater as they have the potential to be great Magus within the tower's teachings.

Once they graduated, they would become a Magus. And if a Magus achieves a higher realm in their study of magicraft. They would be given the rank of Master Magus. However, even with the great power of a Magus and a Master Magus, they still belong in the realms of mortals.

To go beyond was to become an Arch Magus, the most respected rank in the Magus Tower aside from the Sovereigns and their Apostles. To be an Arch Magus, one must acquire a specialized-study of magicraft. The limits of humanity was that they don't have enough time.

Specialties needed to be birth if the humanity required their greater talents to exceed further beyond in their lifetime.

A magic-specialty was what separated the ordinary to the extraordinary. For example, if one Magus specialized in the elemental-magic of fire, their offensive, defensive, and support magic will reflect their specialization.

Even though they lacked the versatility of a Magus or a Master Magus, their efficiency, expertise, and understanding would be farther deeper than the two. This would make them wielder of their own respective elements, making them akin to Spirits of the Old.

Such were the ranking of the Magus, but there were others that go beyond such rankings. First were the Inquisitors of the Inquisition, who have pledged themselves to stand equal before the Sovereigns. Second was the Apostles, Arch Magi who have been personally favored by the highest of authorities in humanity.

With this in mind, the Viceroy had realized that three individuals far stronger than Arch Magus Gunther had emerged before him. Through their assistance against the Dragon of Liberation, the United Navy, and its Fleet Admiral. Victory might be in the horizon for the Colonial Dominion.

A tinge of hope flickered brilliantly in his heart.

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