Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 181: | 181 | Sensitivity Control

Somewhere in the eastern grassland of the island of Crescere, the fleet admiral stood alone in the middle of a vast flatland, maintaining a serious stance. Surrounding him were dozens of specialists preparing their measuring equipment while beside him was Laplace.

It has been a day since his returned to the Port of Dawn and as the fleet admiral of the United Navy. Things have been complicated the moment he got back, his strength gave him more trouble than what he had previously expected.

"What did I say about you not knowing your strength?" Laplace uttered with a smirk plastered on her face. She had heard about her lover breaking doorknobs and doors while also accidently blowing up walls with a simple gesture. It was quite a hectic affair.

"I had thought that acting normal and pretending I was an average human would not cause problems to my surroundings. It seems that I overestimated the control of my mind over my body." Abraham remarked, glancing at his own bulging yet firm arms.

Now that the previously excitement of acquiring such power had faded in his mind. Reality dawned upon as he would never be normal like before. He would live his entire life holding his body back from accidently destroying the fragile objects around it.

"That is the price of power, my Abraham. But rest assured, it shouldn't take long before you adjust your sensitivity in regards to your strength." Laplace gave him a beaming smile while giving him some confidence in regards to his ability to accept such power.

'I know your talent the most. Adapting is your best skill.' Her beaming smile slightly became a lewd one after remembering the night when Abraham adapted to the intensity of their nightly adventures. If she couldn't exhaust him down to his core, he would adapt in a few seconds.

Quite a formidable enemy indeed.

"While I appreciate your words, why do I feel like there's something amiss about them?" Abraham raised his eyebrows, noticing the strange facial expression of the dragoness. That lewd smile was extremely noticeable for the current him.

"It's a woman's secret." Laplace pouted and stepped back, maintaining a grin on her face. "At any rate, the testing is about to begin. We have to find your limits so that we can know how much sensitivity is needed when adjusting your strength."

"I don't remember you doing this kind of testing, Laplace?" Abraham furrowed his eyebrows since despite having more power than him. Laplace never went into some kind of testing. However, her response made him even more annoyed. "That's because I'm good at controlling my body."

"I'm sure you already know it, right? After all, I gave you a first-hand experience." Her following words made the cheeks of the fleet admiral become slightly tint in crimson red. He remembered her muscle control, which made it seem like his rod was being swallowed.

'Damn, Abraham! Control yourself!' Abraham took control over his mind and glared at the dragoness, who was already in a distance, chuckling at him and making sure to revel at his embarrassment.

"Sir, our measuring equipment are ready. The first thing we will be testing is the maximum limits of your strength. Behind you are weights for the testing." A specialist reported to the fleet admiral, who looked back and saw his weights.

Abraham couldn't help but get confused and mutter to himself. "A car, a truck, a fishing boat, a tank, and a strange-looking truck? How the hell did these get here in the middle of the eastern grassland?" Regardless of his questions, he needed to finish the test as to not waste anymore time in the plains.

"Alright, I'll start with the car." Abraham stretched his limbs and walked forward towards the car. Holding its side tightly with one single hand, he brought the car up onto the air feeling it lighter than a feather. Upon this realization, he began playing with it like a man throwing a ball around.

"It doesn't feel much different than a feather." He stopped playing with the car and placed it to whence it came from. He looked at the next weight which was a heavy-duty truck. It might be a dozen times heavier than the car, so he expected to feel some weight from it.

As such, Abraham held the heavy-duty truck and picked it up from the ground. He raised his eyebrows and noticed that it still felt the same as car. As though he was holding a single feather above him. It felt unnaturally light despite the truck being bigger than him.

"This feels weird." He mumbled to him, making Laplace comment in the distance. "You'll get use to it, Abraham." She smiled at him while cheering for him in the background. Abraham turned his head away from her, not wanting the dragoness to get satisfaction from his embarrassment.

After understanding that the heavy-duty truck wouldn't be enough, he turned his attention to the fishing boat. Without any further hesitation and delay, he dropped the heavy-duty truck and picked up the fishing boat. He soon frowned, noticing that it was more or less the same.

It felt vexing since it felt like he was wasting his time. It made him wonder if he should try carrying a giant boulder for a change. Perhaps, he might feel the weight he wished to perceived. However, for now... The next in his eyes was the Abram Tank.

But before he could even try picking it up, a specialist in the distance reported to him. "Please take care of the tank, Fleet Admiral. We have borrowed it from the United Army. They want it back intact." It was a reminder for him to restrain his strength.

"Okay." Abraham responded and looked at the tank in front of him. He stepped forward and carefully held the actual frame of the tank. He didn't have an ounce of hesitation as he picked it up with a single hand. And like before, it felt like picking up a feather.

"Damn..." He had realized the full-scope of how troublesome his newfound power could be. Picking up a tank and acting as though it was a feather made him extremely dangerous. Especially towards his subordinates who were more or less normal humans.

One wrong movement might accidently kill them. He wouldn't want to commit murder to his own men. It would give a bad taste in his mouth, and he would probably have a hard time sleeping for the rest of his life.

'I have to be careful.' With this in mind, Abraham decided to take the sensitivity testing seriously. He didn't want the accidents inside his mind to actually happened. So, he had to take no chances in controlling his strength. It was a responsibility that needed to be done as fast as possible.

"I have to continue." He carefully placed the tank back onto the ground and made sure that it wasn't damaged. He observed it with scrutiny, investigating it for any dents. Thankfully, the Abrams didn't have any dents.

After confirming that the status of the tank was good, Abraham turned his attention to the final weight that was brought over by the specialists. It was a strange-looking haul truck that was called BelAZ 75710. The truck was supposed to be in the quarry of the northern plateau.

The specialists brought it to the eastern grassland to assist the testing of the fleet admiral. They had previously thought that there would be no need for the truck. But it appears that they were wrong. They needed more than the truck as the strength of the fleet admiral appeared to be limitless.

Abraham stood in front of the haul truck and soon walked under it. Seconds passed and the haul truck was lifted from the ground. It was over a hundred tons in terms of weight. A normal man would have been crushed a thousand times over under such a weight.

Nonetheless, he carried it with ease and it felt the same as the ones before it. It felt like he was carrying a single feather, which made him a bit irritated as his strength was making it harder for him by the moment.

'Let's not get ourselves arrogant, Abraham. I should be thankful with this strength. I will be able to hold my own against the Magus, perhaps even crush them with ease.' Abraham took a deep breath and calmed himself down. To be annoyed by limitless strength was foolish, so he controlled himself.

Meanwhile, Laplace had a completely different reaction from the confused yet determined Abraham. On her face was a smile, a maddened one from the realization that her lover had become something more. His strength had gone farther than ever before.

And for some reason, it excited her. She had always been a dragon, an arrogant one. Even though she seeks the equality of life, her bloodline would always deem it necessary to see others as cattle. It was a flaw engraved to her very being, even if she had evolved in some way.

Laplace loved Abraham in the depths of her heart. Imagining him standing beside her, caring for her until the end of time, gave her satisfaction that goes beyond the bounds of her nature. It was because of this, her crazed smile emerged.

After all, Abraham had grown stronger and in his current state. Perhaps, it wouldn't take long until the two of them would be there throughout the upcoming millennium of the world. Maybe until its very end. But the future was brimming with challenges, troubles that might cost them their life.

'However... With Abraham beside me, I feel that I can rule the world.'

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