My Family in the Novel?

Chapter 303: Holy war 41

"Like I told you, both yes and no. I assimilated with him. It's ultimately up to you to decide, but for me, we are one and the same. Have you ever heard of the Ship of Theseus?"

Adrian asked as he knew foreign stories and concepts such as that shouldn't be new to her especially after his perfect memory transfer.

Lilliana frowned, trying to recall. "The Ship of Theseus? Isn't that some old philosophical paradox?"

"Exactly," Adrian replied, stopping to face her. "The paradox asks whether a ship that has had all its components replaced remains the same ship. It's a question of identity. If you replace each part of a person, piece by piece, until none of the original parts remain, is it still the same person?"

"But... you're not just replacing parts," Lilliana argued. "You assimilated him. You consumed his soul."

Adrian nodded. "True, but the essence of who he was—his memories, his desires, his thoughts—they all live on within me. In that sense, I am both Adrian and something more. A continuation, if you will."

Lilliana's eyes narrowed. "It's hard to accept. You show me these memories, but memories can be manipulated."

"Indeed, they can," Adrian agreed. "But feelings are harder to fake. Search your own heart. You know it's him in there. His love for you, his goals, his regrets—they're all intertwined with who I am now."

They walked in silence for a moment, Lilliana mulling over his words.

"Lilliana how much knowledge do you have of the implications of the name Vulter"

"I see…."

Lilliana mused silently. In the end, what choice does she have but to believe the monster in front of her? She had the feeling that no matter what she did, it was always his will that would come out on top all the time.

So, there was really no point in arguing. Although she didn't like it, him being Adrian was the only thing she could hope for right now.

A monster born out of the depths of the abyss, a human nurtured by the very aspect of evil and darkness itself—that was who this being in front of her was. And now she had to believe he was her beloved brother. 'Is this punishment, perhaps?' she wondered, recalling everything she had done in her life.

Ignoring her lingering thoughts about the real Adrian in her mind, she continued to follow him until they reached a completely open space inside the grand halls of the castle. There was a statue in the center and a grand cross on top of the ceiling. Demons were roaming around in circles before leaving the room as soon as they stepped foot in it.

The open space was vast, with intricate designs adorning the walls and floor. The statue in the center was of a figure cloaked in shadows, exuding an aura of both power and despair. The grand cross above was gilded, its presence a stark contrast to the darkness that seemed to seep from the walls.

Adrian walked confidently into the room, his presence commanding and authoritative. The demons, sensing his dominance, bowed their heads slightly before exiting, leaving the siblings alone in the eerie silence.

Lilliana's eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail. "What is this place?" she asked, her voice echoing slightly in the vast chamber.

"This," Adrian replied, gesturing around, "is the Sanctum of Shadows. A place where the veil between our world and the abyss is thinnest. It's where I've been preparing for our next move."

Lilliana felt a shiver run down her spine. The air was thick with dark energy, and she could feel it pulsing around her, whispering temptations and threats in her mind. "And what exactly is our next move?"

Adrian turned to her, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"Kuku... I told you, didn't I?"

"We're going to give freedom to the old gods"

Adrian said, placing his hand on the center statue. Immediately, the ground shook with intense tremors, causing Lilliana to nearly fall. She was saved by a subtle telekinetic force that Adrian used to keep her slightly afloat and still.

"Are you crazy? You know something like that can't be done!" she exclaimed. Even if he really wanted her to do it, she didn't have enough knowledge or skill.

Although she bore the name Vulter, she wasn't exactly part of the actual tribe but just the inheritor of their ashen eyes that perceived the truth of the world. There was no way she could summon or even have the chance to free the seal of the old gods, even if she wanted to.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not crazy... trust me, those old bastards would love to meet us once we enter there."

"Enter?" Lilliana asked, but it was too late. They were suddenly sucked into the black statue.

The world around them warped and twisted, a rush of darkness enveloping them as they were pulled into an abyss. Lilliana's heart pounded in her chest, fear and confusion overwhelming her senses. When the swirling chaos finally ceased, they found themselves in a vast, dimly lit chamber. The air was thick with an ancient, oppressive energy that seemed to pulse like a heartbeat.

They stood on a circular platform at the center of the chamber, surrounded by towering stone pillars etched with runes and symbols that glowed faintly in the darkness. In the shadows beyond the pillars, massive, indistinct shapes loomed, their presence palpable and intimidating.

"Where... where are we?" Lilliana whispered, her voice trembling.

Adrian smiled, a sinister gleam in his eyes. "We are in the heart of the Sanctum of Shadows, the very nexus where the old gods are imprisoned."

Lilliana looked around, her ashen eyes wide with awe and fear. The power emanating from this place was unlike anything she had ever felt. It was ancient, raw, and overwhelming. "What do we do now?"

"Now," Adrian said, stepping forward, "we awaken them."

He approached a massive stone altar at the center of the platform. The altar was adorned with intricate carvings and symbols that seemed to shift and change as he moved closer.

Placing his hands on the altar, Adrian began to chant in a language Lilliana didn't understand, his voice resonating with the dark energy of the chamber.

As he chanted, the runes and symbols on the pillars and the altar began to glow brighter, filling the chamber with an eerie, otherworldly light.

The oppressive energy grew stronger, and Lilliana could feel it pressing down on her, threatening to crush her under its weight.

"Hmm~? As expected, they're not here. I guess this must just be the gate," Adrian mused, his eyes scanning the dark chamber.

Lilliana struggled to understand what he was talking about. The oppressive energy felt like it was crushing her soul, and she could barely stand under its weight. She looked at Adrian, her eyes wide with fear and confusion. "What do you mean? There's something here. It's threatening to crush me!"

Seeing Lilliana suffering unexpectedly, Adrian sighed and coated her in a purplish aura. "Oh, I forgot you were a human," he said nonchalantly.

Lilliana coughed for a few seconds before glaring at Adrian angrily. "Let's get out of here, you bastard!"

Adrian chuckled. "Hmm~ I would love to, but sis asked me to be very meticulous on this mission, so no. And besides, we're already here anyway; might as well finish it, right? Kukuku… And don't worry, you probably can't see it, but the thing in front of us isn't an old god. It's just a guard dog they placed."

"How is that even reassuring?" Lilliana snapped.

Adrian simply smirked and approached the black creature that was emitting the crushing pressure. He mumbled something in a language Lilliana couldn't understand, "######."

Suddenly, the pressure disappeared. The black creature seemed to dissolve into the shadows, leaving the path clear before them. Lilliana felt a wave of relief wash over her, but her fear and anger were still simmering just beneath the surface.

"See? No problem at all," Adrian said with a satisfied grin.

Lilliana took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "What now?" she asked, her voice steadier but still tinged with frustration.

"Now, we proceed to the real chamber where the old gods are sealed," Adrian replied, his tone serious for once. "This was just the entrance, the test to see if we were worthy of moving forward."

Lilliana glanced around the now calmer chamber. The oppressive energy had faded, but she could still feel the lingering power of the place. "And what if we're not worthy?"

Adrian's eyes gleamed with a dangerous light. "Then we make ourselves worthy. We have the bloodline, the power, and the will. They will have no choice but to acknowledge us."

Despite her reservations, Lilliana followed Adrian as he led the way deeper into the sanctum. The path ahead was illuminated by the faint glow of runes on the walls, casting eerie shadows that danced around them. The silence was broken only by their footsteps and the occasional whisper of ancient, unknowable forces.

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