My Family in the Novel?

Chapter 304: Holy war 42

his sister as she meticulously combed her hair. Despite being a doll, her hair was incredibly soft, rivaling only their mother's in its texture.

They savored the moment, relishing in the silence and peace for a few more minutes before Nyarla finally broke the silence. "Adrian…"

"Yes?" he responded, turning his attention to her.

"Mother has suggested making use of the old ones," Nyarla said, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Adrian's brows furrowed in thought. The old ones, powerful as they were, were also known for their fanaticism and unpredictability. They would stop at nothing to serve their masters, even if it meant going against orders or causing chaos.

"Those monsters?" he asked, a hint of skepticism in his tone.

Nyarla nodded solemnly, confirming the information.

Adrian leaned back in his chair, considering the implications. While the old ones possessed immense power, their loyalty was questionable at best. Their unwavering devotion to their masters often led to unforeseen complications, especially in matters of control.

Control was paramount in their current situation, and introducing such unpredictable elements could tip the scales in unpredictable ways. Adrian weighed the risks and benefits carefully before speaking again.

"It's a risky move," he admitted, "but if we can harness their power without losing control, it could give us a significant advantage."

Nyarla nodded, understanding the gravity of the decision. They both knew that their mother's suggestion carried weight, but they also recognized the potential dangers of involving the old ones in their plans.

The old ones were essentially gods in their own right, born from the abominations and cosmic horrors much like Adrian's own race. They were beings of immense power, not meant to be controlled, yet their potential influence in the war was undeniable.

"Since the goddess has invited a certain mysterious pantheon to her side, we should invite some friends of our own, right?" Nyarla suggested, attempting to persuade Adrian.

After careful consideration, Adrian eventually nodded, weighing the advantages and risks. Utilizing the great old ones could offer multiple strategic advantages, particularly in heavily fortified areas.

"Alright… let's make use of them. But how are we going to open the gate without alerting the laws of causality?" Adrian queried.

The laws of causality were already leaning towards the goddess's side due to her immense power. Adding more to it could potentially shift the balance entirely, allowing her to exert even greater influence while inadvertently restraining their own abilities.

"It's simple, really… we just need a vessel capable of housing them. And we have just the right person for that," Nyarla explained.

"You mean…?" Adrian trailed off, already sensing where his sister was leading.

"Yes. We'll make use of Lilliana, Adrian," Nyarla confirmed.

Adrian hesitated; his concern evident. "You know I can't do that, Sis," he replied, shaking his head.

"Don't worry. She won't be harmed, I promise you that. No, Mother promised," Nyarla reassured him, her tone firm.

Nyarla then gave him a stone.

Adrian took the stone from Nyarla, his eyes fixating on its surface as she explained its significance.

"That stone contains mother's essence. Those old guys will immediately realize how important she is to mother once they see that inside her soul. So, silently embed it inside her when you visit her," Nyarla instructed.

Adrian considered the stone, noting its lack of harm, before nodding in understanding.

"And also, Adrian, I've altered his memories for a bit, so prepare to act, okay?" Nyarla added.

"Okay," Adrian affirmed, mentally preparing himself for the task ahead.


In the center of the chamber stood three massive statues, each depicting a different old god. Their eyes seemed to follow Lilliana and Adrian as they entered, and the air was thick with an aura of ancient power. Adrian sighed a little as he saw the very center if the dark place. So this is where the old ones are being kept, he thought to himself. Despite his familiarity with the supernatural, the presence of these ancient beings still sent shivers down his spine.

The statues, hulking and imposing, exuded a sense of ageless wisdom and unfathomable strength. As Adrian's eyes roamed over their intricate details, he couldn't help but marvel at the craftsmanship that had gone into their creation. Each figure bore the unmistakable marks of a divine lineage, with features that spoke of a time long forgotten.

But amidst his awe, Adrian couldn't ignore the pained expression on Lilliana's face. She seemed overwhelmed by the oppressive atmosphere of the chamber, her eyes wide with fear and uncertainty. He knew that this place held no comfort for her, that the presence of these ancient entities was a source of profound unease.

Gently, Adrian placed a reassuring hand on Lilliana's shoulder, offering her what little solace he could. "It's alright," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "We're here together, and nothing will harm you."

Lilliana glanced up at him, her eyes searching his face for any sign of reassurance. Despite her skepticism, she found a glimmer of trust in Adrian's words. Slowly, she nodded, allowing herself to lean into his touch, seeking refuge in his presence.

As they approached the statues, the air seemed to thicken with an ancient presence, and voices erupted in their minds, echoing with a blend of curiosity and suspicion.

"Who is here?" The voice boomed, resonating within the chamber.

Adrian exchanged a glance with Lilliana, recognizing the weight of the situation. "We are," he projected his thoughts, his mental voice resolute.

"THIS Presence, humans?" Another voice interjected; its tone laced with skepticism.

Adrian sensed the urgency in their inquiry and chose his words carefully. "We have come seeking counsel," he conveyed, his mental voice steady despite the dissonance around them.

"For what reason does thee seek counsel?" A third voice chimed in, its tone tinged with a hint of intrigue.

Adrian took a moment to gather his thoughts, knowing the importance of their request. "We seek guidance in restoring balance to the world," he conveyed, his mental projection carrying the weight of their purpose.

"Hooooh?" The voices echoed, overlapping in a symphony of ancient inquiry.

Lilliana stood beside Adrian, her expression a mixture of apprehension and resolve. Despite the overwhelming presence of the ancient beings, she remained steadfast, her will bolstered by Adrian's assurance.

As the voices continued to reverberate through their minds, Adrian felt a sense of relief wash over him, knowing that Lilliana was protected by the stone he had embedded within her soul.

Adrian's smile widened as he finally beheld the faces of the ancient beings, their expressions ranging from astonishment to reverence as they recognized the presence before them.

"The great mother's presence!" One of them exclaimed, his voice reverberating with awe.

As each of the old gods slowly realized who he was, they paid their respects in their own unique ways. Fortunately, Lilliana remained oblivious to their true identities, a fact that relieved Adrian. Revealing their intentions to her prematurely could jeopardize their plan.

With a subtle telepathic message, Adrian urged them to play along, knowing that their cooperation was essential for the success of their endeavor. Despite the risk of deception, he believed it was necessary for Lilliana's safety and the greater good.

"Hello, oh great old gods," Adrian addressed them aloud, projecting confidence despite the uncertainty swirling within him. "Would you be interested in earning your freedom, perhaps?"

The chamber fell silent as the ancient beings exchanged glances, their features betraying a mix of shock and confusion. Adrian knew that his proposition challenged the very fabric of their existence, but he remained steadfast in his resolve.

As the tension mounted, Adrian stole a glance at Lilliana, his heart heavy with the weight of their deception. He knew that their actions were necessary, but the guilt gnawed at him nonetheless. Still, he was willing to bear the burden if it meant protecting her.

The ancient beings deliberated amongst themselves, their voices blending into a murmured symphony that echoed through the chamber. Adrian watched intently, his mind racing with possibilities as he waited for their response.

Finally, one of the old gods stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. "Speak, mortal," he intoned, his voice resonating with the weight of ages. "What is it that you seek from us?"

Adrian took a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead. "We seek your assistance in a matter of great importance," he began, his words measured and deliberate. "There are forces at play that threaten the balance of this world, and we require your aid to ensure its preservation."

The ancient beings regarded him with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity, their eyes betraying a wisdom that surpassed mortal understanding. Adrian sensed their uncertainty, but he remained steadfast in his conviction.

"We understand the risks involved," Adrian continued, his voice unwavering. "But we believe that together, we can overcome any obstacle that stands in our way."

The chamber fell silent once more as the ancient beings pondered his words. Adrian held his breath, his heart pounding in his chest as he awaited their decision.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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