My Family in the Novel?

Chapter 302: Holy war 40

There were no dragons aiding her right now, so if the demons suddenly decided to attack and kill all the humans here, they would be no more than pieces of meat waiting to be slaughtered and devoured.

"Well, I just offered quite a few enticing things~," Sarela said in a nonchalant tone.

"...?" Askal raised one of his brows, curious as to why Sarela didn't explain further. But knowing her personality, he figured she would probably have fun with the humans before killing them mercilessly in front of the others. "By the way, won't this get in the way of our plans?" Askal asked, scanning the entire group. Although they were mere humans, they were also quite strong.

"Hmm~? Not really. I can take care of them if they ever rebel, so just trust me, okay~? Besides, it will make our jobs for today absolutely faster if we make use of them."

Askal sighed, still skeptical but willing to trust Sarela's judgment. "Alright, if you say so. But remember, we can't afford any slip-ups. The timing of our plans is crucial."

Sarela smirked, her eyes gleaming with a mix of excitement and malice. "Don't worry, Askal. Everything will go smoothly. And if any of these humans step out of line, I'll handle them personally. It will be entertaining to see them squirm."

She then addressed the human soldiers, her voice carrying a deceptively sweet tone. "Alright, listen up! You will follow my instructions to the letter. Any deviation, and you'll regret it. Do I make myself clear?"

The human soldiers, despite their resolve, couldn't help but feel a chill run down their spines at her words. They nodded in unison, understanding the gravity of their situation.

"Good," Sarela continued. "Now, we have a lot of work to do. Move quickly and efficiently, and you might just live to see another day."

As the soldiers began to follow her commands, Askal watched them with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Sarela's plan than she was letting on, but for now, he would play along.

Meanwhile, Sarela reveled in the control she held over both the humans and her fellow demons. The intricate game of manipulation and power was her favorite kind of play, and she intended to enjoy every moment of it.


Inside the empire's capital city, a beautiful black-haired lady stood tall, watching the setting sun on the horizon. Perched at the very tip of a towering structure, she balanced effortlessly as the wind grazed past her.

She slowly closed and opened her eyes, a silvery hue glowing within them as her sight expanded and zoomed in.

Scanning the expanse outside the capital's borders, her head tilted slightly in frustration as she failed to locate the person she was looking for. "Where the hell did that kid go? Didn't I tell him not to leave the princess's side?" she muttered, clicking her tongue in annoyance. Despite her enhanced vision, there was no clear indication of where her disciple Tristan was.

'Don't tell me that bastard acted alone again,' she thought, considering his overly heroic and justice-driven personality. If it was for the sake of doing good, he might have just done it.

Scratching her head in irritation, Siena closed her eyes, breathing in and out to calm the boiling anger within her. Suddenly, a voice called out.


"WHAT!!!?" her voice erupted in surprising anger, causing the floating Mila to cover her ears in surprise.

"Why are you being so loud, boss? Well, you are normally loud, but you look even more pissed off today," Mila remarked, lowering her hands from her ears cautiously.

"Haah… it's nothing," Siena sighed heavily. "Why did you come here, Mila? Here to lecture me about something again? Or did that damn emperor order something?"

Mila floated closer, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. "No lectures this time, boss. And the emperor hasn't sent any new orders either. I came to tell you about the latest reports from the front lines."

Siena's eyes narrowed, her annoyance momentarily replaced by interest. "Reports? What's happening out there?"

Mila nodded. "There have been movements on the northern border. A large number of demons were spotted, and it seems they've taken a group of our soldiers' hostage."

Siena's expression darkened. "Demons? Hostages? Could it be…... Tristan as well…?" she trailed off, her earlier frustration resurfacing.

Mila nodded again. "Yes, it's likely he's among them. The last sighting of him was near the northern border, and he hasn't been seen since."

Siena clenched her fists, her anger now directed towards the situation rather than her disciple. "That idiot… Why can't he ever follow orders?" She took a deep breath, calming herself once more. "Alright, Mila. Prepare a team. We're going to the northern border to get our people back."

"Ok, stop right there, boss. I can understand your frustration and worry, but there's no confirmation he's actually there. Besides, the princess is keeping quiet about it for some reason, so she must have a plan that she doesn't want the emperor to hear."

"So that pink-haired old man hasn't heard of this yet?"

"Yeah, the report was privately telegraphed through, probably to make you aware as well, boss."

"Tsk… I see. If that's the case, there's nothing I can do about it."

"And also, there's a second reason why I came here…"


"Another report has been heard… but it's more of a rumor than a report."

"Is it important enough where I would want to hear it?"

"Yes… I haven't confirmed it yet, but there are talks suggesting that a full all-out attack by the demons is about to happen in the Holy Kingdom soon. I thought it would be best if you heard about it first before the emperor."

"Well, isn't that amusing? After all this time avoiding the white city, did the demons finally have the balls to destroy that place? Good for them."

"You aren't planning on helping out?"

"Me? Nah. Fuck those old retards there for all I care. You know I don't get along with those guys, right?"

"I see."

Siena leaned against the railing, deep in thought, her gaze fixed on the horizon. "It's not just about not getting along, Mila. The Holy Kingdom has always been... complicated. They have their own agenda, and it rarely aligns with ours. Besides, if the demons are targeting them, it might divert some of their forces away from our borders. That could be beneficial."

Mila nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. "Still, it's risky. If the Holy Kingdom falls, the demons will grow bolder. They might even set their sights on us next."

Siena sighed. "You're right. We can't afford to ignore it completely. But sending aid directly might not be the best course of action. We need to be strategic about this."

"What do you propose?"

"For now, we monitor the situation closely. We need more information before making any moves. If the Holy Kingdom is truly in danger, we'll consider our options. In the meantime, keep our forces ready and on alert. And Mila, try to gather more intel on both fronts—the northern border and the Holy Kingdom."

Mila saluted. "Understood, boss. I'll get on it right away."

As Mila flew off to carry out her orders, Siena remained on the tower, her mind racing with possibilities.

The war was becoming more complex with each passing day, and every decision carried weighty consequences.

She had to be careful, not just for her own sake but for the sake of everyone who depended on her.

"Tristan, you better be safe," she muttered to herself. "And as for the Holy Kingdom, let's see how this plays out."

With that, she turned and descended the tower.

"Now then, I better let off some steam… I believe those lizards need a sparring partner as well," she muttered, shaking her arms to loosen up. Using her pure silver aura as a cushion, Siena landed gently on the ground before taking a step that made her vanish into thin air.

Her speed was so fast that she appeared as a mere blur, even to those considered fast in the world. Finally, her eyes landed on a grand coliseum near the empire's grand castle, where a green dragon lay sleeping casually, as if the coliseum were his own nest.

Solidifying her aura in mid-air, she used it as a platform before turning around and delivering a powerful kick directly to the dragon's head.


"WAKE THE FUCK UP, YOU OLD BASTARD!!!" she shouted as the dragon's eyes slowly turned into swirling circles from the impact.

The colossal beast groaned, shaking its head to clear the dizziness. "Ugh… Siena, must you always wake me up in such a violent manner?" the dragon grumbled, his voice resonating deep within the coliseum.

"Maybe if you didn't nap so much, I wouldn't have to," Siena retorted, landing gracefully beside him. "Get up. I need a sparring partner."

The dragon stretched his massive limbs and yawned, revealing rows of sharp teeth. "Fine, fine. But if you break any of my scales, you'll owe me."

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