My Family in the Novel?

Chapter 297: Holy war 35

Adrian sighed inwardly. Dragons were formidable opponents, and their alliance with the humans complicated matters. But he couldn't afford to be reckless. He needed to think strategically.

"Understood. Maintain our current positions and fortify our defenses. We cannot afford to lose any more ground," Adrian ordered.

Turning his attention back to the map, Loki glanced at Adrian curiously before posing a question. "Do you have anything in mind, Mr. Angel Eater?"

"Angel Eater?" Adrian echoed, puzzled.

"Hehe~ what do you think? Do you like it? That's been the ongoing title the army of angels has dubbed you with. Every time you go into battle, you devour their souls," Loki explained with a mischievous grin.

Although Adrian felt a bit of a cringe at the nickname, he couldn't help but feel a small sense of pride at having earned a title. Despite having only been through the battlefield two, maybe three times, he had made a significant enough impact to be noticed.

"Were you the one who spread rumors about that new name?" Adrian asked, narrowing his eyes at Loki.

"Oh, is it that obvious?" Loki replied, feigning innocence.

"Yes," Adrian said flatly. Considering that Adrian had only participated in significant battles a couple of times, it was improbable that a title would naturally emerge that quickly. The only logical answer was the god of lies himself, Loki.

"Hehe~ please don't get too mad at me. Sometimes the craziest rumors can affect the direction and cause of a war, so can you just let it be?" Loki pleaded, a playful twinkle in his eye.

"I didn't say I hated it," Adrian admitted. "Besides, one way or another, another rumor and a new moniker will probably be engraved in my name in the future."

"Well, I guess that's true, hehe~," Loki agreed with a chuckle.

Returning to his initial thoughts, plans began to formulate in Adrian's mind as he studied the map. The great forest was gone, the northern countries had collapsed, and the western alliance was under their jurisdiction.

An unaffiliated secret organization led by Gabin still lingered near the Holy Kingdom's borders, and finally, the Empire was the one force preventing them from taking over the entire world right now.

If all the other secret and smaller kingdoms gathered under the Empire's banner to fight against them, their whole situation would become more complicated.

Honestly, Adrian didn't want to spill blood, but if it was the only option, he would gladly do so.

"Loki, how many dragons are at the Empire's border right now?" Adrian asked, his gaze fixed on the map.

"Around 120, I believe," Loki replied. "Though some of them are used as carriages and supply carriers. The only notable dragons we should worry about would be around 70."

"I see... That's not their main force, right?" Adrian inquired, a glint of determination in his eyes.

"No, the dragon lord and a bunch of descended gods and angels are in the capital of the Empire," Loki confirmed.

"Good..." Adrian mused, his mind racing with possibilities.

"Oh, do you have a plan in mind?" Loki asked, his interest piqued.

"Yes," Adrian replied, a smile forming on his lips as he relished the thought of what he was about to do.

Adrian's eyes scanned the map, noting the strategic positions and the potential moves they could make. "If we can lure the dragons away from the Empire's border, we could create a significant opening. We need to devise a distraction, something that would force them to divert their attention."

Loki nodded, catching on to Adrian's line of thinking. "A false flag operation, perhaps? We could stage an attack somewhere else, making it seem like a significant threat."

"Exactly," Adrian confirmed. "We need to make it convincing enough that they can't ignore it. Meanwhile, we'll prepare our main forces to strike where they least expect it."

"And what about the secret organization by Gabin near the Holy Kingdom's borders?" Loki asked.

"We'll use them to spread misinformation," Adrian decided. "They can feed false intel to the Empire, making them believe the threat is real. With the Empire focusing on the wrong target, we can move in and take out their main force."

Loki grinned, clearly impressed. "A bold move. Risky, but if it works, it could turn the tide in our favor."

Adrian's mind was already working through the logistics. "We need to coordinate with our allies and ensure everything goes off without a hitch. Timing will be crucial."

"I'll start making preparations," Loki said, his playful demeanor giving way to seriousness. "This is going to be one hell of a show."

As Loki disappeared to set things in motion, Adrian remained by the map, his thoughts returning briefly to Elena.

The desire to create a safe, peaceful world for her and their future together fueled his resolve. He would fight with everything he had to make that vision a reality.


Meanwhile, across the ongoing battlefield, Princess Christine raised her sword high in front of the thousands upon thousands of soldiers behind her.

"Everyone, the Grand Sanctum has been taken back! We have won this battle!"

"OOOOOOH!!!!!!!" came the shouts and screams of happiness from her subordinates.

Ever since this morning, they had been tirelessly fighting against the demons' remaining forces near the borders. When they finally won and reclaimed what was lost, the soldiers were ecstatic.

"Princess..." a voice called out.

"Tristan, huh? What is it?" Christine turned to see her most trusted knight approaching.

"Here," Tristan said, offering the princess a small marble that looked like a candy. Christine looked at him skeptically.

"Ah, please take it. It's a new type of energy potion turned into a candy by Miss Euphemia herself. It should prove to work well," Tristan explained.

"I see." Nodding her head, Christine took the candy and swallowed it. Almost immediately, she felt a wave of refreshment wash over her, the stamina in her body returning.

"Thank you, Tristan," she said, feeling revitalized.

"We need to stay vigilant, Your Highness," Tristan advised. "This victory is significant, but we cannot afford to rest on our laurels."

Christine nodded, understanding the gravity of their situation. "You're right. We need to fortify our positions and prepare for any counterattacks. Inform the troops to stay on high alert and start setting up defensive measures."

"Yes, Princess." Tristan bowed before heading off to relay her orders.

Christine took a moment to survey the battlefield, the remnants of their hard-fought victory still evident. The sight of her soldiers' triumphant faces filled her with pride, but she knew this was just one battle in a much larger war.

As she stood there, a messenger ran up to her, breathless and urgent. "Princess Christine, news from the front lines. The demons are regrouping near the eastern flank. They seem to be preparing for another assault."

Christine's expression hardened. "We can't let them regain their footing. Tristan!" she called out.

Tristan quickly returned to her side. "Yes, Princess?"

"Gather our best knights and prepare to lead a counteroffensive against the demons on the eastern flank. We need to push them back before they can mount another attack."

"Understood," Tristan replied, his face determined.

Christine turned back to her troops, raising her voice to rally them once more. "Soldiers of the Empire, our fight is not yet over! We must push forward and ensure the demons do not have a chance to regroup. For the Empire!"

"For the Empire!" the soldiers echoed, their morale bolstered by their princess's unyielding spirit.

As Tristan organized the troops for the counteroffensive, Christine couldn't help but think of her father and the burden of leadership they both bore.

She understood his caution, but in moments like this, bold actions were necessary.

She vowed to do whatever it took to protect her people and secure a future free from the demonic threat.

With renewed determination, she mounted her horse and led her troops toward the eastern flank, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Her father may have forbidden her from launching an assault on the eastern flank yesterday, but today's victory had proven the necessity of decisive action. If they had remained still, they never would have reclaimed the Grand Sanctum. They needed to maintain their offensive momentum before the demons could regroup. Now was not the time for indecisiveness or cowardice.

"You really are a fool, Father," Christine thought, a mixture of frustration and affection crossing her mind. "But that is what makes you kind."

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Christine closed her eyes briefly. When she opened them again, her green pupils had transformed, mimicking those of a reptilian lineage. Her dragon blood surged with power, readying her for the battle ahead. No matter what demons awaited her in the east, she would kill them with her own hands.

With renewed determination, Christine spurred her horse forward, leading her troops toward the eastern flank. She could feel the energy of her dragon ancestry coursing through her veins, granting her strength and resilience. The soldiers behind her, inspired by her unyielding spirit, followed with fierce loyalty and resolve.

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