My Family in the Novel?

Chapter 296: Holy war 34

Summoning her advisors back into the chamber, she laid out her next moves. "We need a new strategy," she announced, her voice steady and commanding. "Our previous methods have failed. It's time for a different approach."

One of her advisors, a wise and ancient god, stepped forward. "What do you propose, my queen?"

"First, we strengthen our defenses as never before," Eris said. "Reinforce the barriers around our realms and ensure no entity can breach them. Use every resource we have. I want the strongest magic and the most formidable guards at every point of entry."

The advisor nodded, taking note of her orders. "And Adrian?"

"We must gather more intelligence on him," Eris replied. "Find out his weaknesses, his plans, his next moves. We need to be one step ahead of him at all times. Deploy our best spies and infiltrators. Spare no expense."

Another advisor spoke up, concern etched on her face. "And what of Elena, my queen? She is a significant factor in Adrian's actions."

Eris's eyes narrowed. "Elena is beyond our reach for now, but that does not mean she is out of play. We need to find another way to get to her. Monitor her closely. If an opportunity arises, we must be ready to seize it."

As her advisors dispersed to carry out her commands, Eris turned her thoughts inward. She needed to regain her strength and focus. The constant energy drain from maintaining the barriers had weakened her, but she could not afford to show any vulnerability. The fate of their realm rested on her shoulders, and she would not let it fall.

With a final glance at the map showing the ongoing battle, Eris felt a surge of determination. This war was far from over. Adrian Vulter Tellus might be a formidable adversary, but he had yet to face the full wrath of a goddess scorned. She would regroup, she would strategize, and she would unleash a counterattack that would shake the very foundations of their enemies.

For now, though, she needed to rest and prepare. The next phase of the battle required her to be at her peak. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, centering herself. When she opened them again, they burned with a renewed intensity. The war was far from over, and Eris was far from defeated.

They even took the initiative on the empire's side now, and they hadn't yet released her new allies, who provided her with powerful subordinates. Not to mention her secret alliance with the current dragon lord. Everything right now was far from over. Although her substantial leash on Adrian had been torn from her hands, she hadn't lost all her cards yet.

"Calissia, go get me some—" Eris screamed in frustration, but she suddenly stopped mid-sentence. She started to wonder, 'Calissia?' Who is that? For some reason, speaking the name felt familiar. It was something she couldn't quite place, but she knew that name signified something important and relevant.

Meanwhile, a certain goddess who hadn't left her chamber yet had a sinister look on her face as she watched Eris slowly walk out of her throne room and into her heavenly palace. With Eris growing weaker by the moment, it wouldn't be long before her own plans succeeded.

"Just keep doing what you want, baby~" the goddess murmured to herself. Although she considered Eris a friend, to think she would go down this low… If this were a thousand years ago, she couldn't have ever imagined such a scene.


Near the empire's border, two individuals closely monitored the holographic map in front of them, surveying the ongoing war. The map projected key points of their strategic moves and highlighted their advantages.

"I think positioning the army near Count Haste is the better option here, Father," Princess Christine suggested, her voice firm yet respectful.

"No… it would be too risky," the Emperor replied, shaking his head.

The tension between the father and daughter grew, mirrored by the intensity in their draconic green eyes. Their already pink hair pulsed with a deeper pink hue as mana surged around them.

"Father, if we don't make a move now, all the advantages we have could be lost," Christine argued, her tone edged with urgency.

"Then so be it… The number of knights and peasants who've died has already exceeded a million, Christine. I will not risk any more lives on a counter-offensive that doesn't correlate with the facts!" the Emperor retorted, his voice booming with authority.

Despite their current advantages, the Emperor was wary of the demons' potential strategies. The border area was fraught with unknown dangers, and he feared a trap might already be set.

Christine's frustration was evident. She understood her father's caution but felt the urgency of their situation. "Father, we cannot allow fear to paralyze us. The demons are relentless, and if we don't act decisively, we might lose the momentum we've gained."

The Emperor sighed, rubbing his temples as he considered his daughter's words. "I understand your point, Christine, but we must balance aggression with caution. We need more intelligence on the demons' movements before committing to such a risky maneuver."

There was too much at stake. One wrong move and everything could end instantly. The only reason they had made it this far was because the Dragon Lord finally accepted their deal.

Yet, they couldn't simply command the dragons. Despite being favored as descendants of dragons, the Emperor knew all too well how selfish they could be. If push came to shove, the dragons would be the first to abandon them on the battlefield.

Moreover, it wasn't the dragons the demons targeted during battles. It was the humans—pesky, fragile humans who were insignificant before high-ranking demons. Despite the support of their draconic allies, the true burden of the war fell upon the empire's soldiers.

It might seem cowardly, but the Emperor had to be pragmatic. The already corrupted lands were tainted beyond recognition. Even if they won back this portion, it had been demon territory in all but name. Risking his army's lives for such a thing was unacceptable. That was why he had ultimately decided to stay on the defensive and ensure they maintained their current positions until a real, viable offensive plan could be formulated.

The Emperor sighed, gazing at the holographic map. "Christine, we cannot let desperation dictate our actions. Every life lost must count for something. We need to be smart, not just bold."

Christine hesitantly nodded but frustratingly walked out of the tent, anger evident on her face. Even with her father's wise counsel, she understood completely what he meant. Still, dilly-dallying like this would only hasten their end. The gnawing urgency to take action warred with the wisdom of caution in her mind.

"Your Highness?" A voice suddenly got her attention as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Ah, Tristan, you're back?"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

In front of her stood her most trusted knight, Tristan—the strongest human contributor in their battle against the demons. His presence was a beacon of hope and strength amidst the chaos. Looking at him, Christine tried to mask the frustration inside her as she smiled gently at him.

"So… What news do you bring?" she asked, her voice steadying as she composed herself.

Tristan bowed slightly before responding. "The scouts have confirmed significant movements among the demons. They seem to be consolidating their forces near the eastern border. It appears they are preparing for a major offensive."

Christine's heart sank, but she maintained her composure. "And what of the dragons? Have they shown any signs of wavering in their support?"

Tristan shook his head. "No, Your Highness. The dragons remain steadfast. Their leader has assured us of their continued alliance. However, they too are wary of the demons' next move."

"I see…." Although the news wasn't exactly new to Christine, as she had heard the same reports from her other subordinates, hearing it from Tristan's mouth now gave her the confirmation she needed. "Is there any sign of movement from the Holy See?"

"No, Your Highness. As always, they have returned the same message ever since this war started—they wish to remain neutral."

"So they wish to stay neutral, huh… lucky them, being beloved by the gods and such. If only that damn goddess would look at us in the same way."

"Your Highness, that's—"

"Blasphemous? Haha, you really think I would care now?"


Christine's eyes blazed with a fierce determination. Even if the gods cursed her now, she wouldn't care. For as long as she lived and her consciousness remained, she would curse the wretched gods above for only watching them suffer.

"Tristan," she continued, her voice steady but laced with bitterness, "even if the gods have turned their backs on us, we must not waver. The people of this empire depend on us, not on divine intervention. They need leaders who will fight for them, no matter the cost."

Tristan nodded, understanding the depth of her conviction. "We will fight, Your Highness. We will protect our people and our lands, with or without the gods' favor."

Christine took a deep breath, pushing back her anger and focusing on the task at hand. "Good. Now, we need to finalize our plans. Gather the commanders; we will meet at dawn to discuss our next moves."

"As you command, Your Highness," Tristan said, bowing slightly before turning to leave.

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