My Family in the Novel?

Chapter 298: Holy war 36

For now, the questions could wait. The battle demanded his full attention. And Tristan, the captain, would not fail. Not again.

Amidst the battlefield, Princess Christine stood tall, her regal form hovering in the air as she cast her most powerful spells, providing crucial support to her army. Explosions echoed and swords clashed across every field, from the skies above to the ground below. Violence was rampant, sparing no corner, not even the flowing river beside them, as humans and demons alike ripped each other to shreds.

Her presence was a beacon of hope and strength, her magic lighting up the sky with brilliant, destructive energy. With each spell she cast, the demons were pushed back further, their lines breaking under the relentless assault.

"Your Highness, we are steadily pushing them back," one of her mage subordinates reported, flying close to her. "But it seems the demons are baiting us towards something. Do we proceed with our assault?"

Christine narrowed her eyes, surveying the battlefield below. The demons' retreat did seem unusually coordinated, almost as if they were leading her forces into a trap. She couldn't afford to be reckless, not when so much was at stake. But at the same time, hesitation could cost them their hard-won momentum.

"Maintain our current position," she commanded, her voice resolute. "Strengthen our defenses and prepare for any surprises. We will not be lured into their trap, but neither will we lose the ground we've gained."

Her subordinate nodded and flew off to relay her orders. Christine continued to hover, her green reptilian eyes scanning the battlefield with a predatory intensity. Her dragon blood surged with power, giving her the strength and clarity she needed in this critical moment.

As the battle raged on, Christine's thoughts drifted to her father's caution and her own drive to take decisive action. The grand sanctum had been taken back because she had dared to push forward, despite his warnings. She couldn't afford to be indecisive now, but she also had to be smart.

"Prepare the siege weapons and have the archers ready to provide cover fire," she ordered. "We'll force them to reveal their hand."

Her soldiers moved with disciplined precision, their faith in her unwavering. They knew their princess was a fierce warrior, a leader who fought alongside them and understood the stakes of this war. As they prepared for the next phase of the battle, Christine took a deep breath, channeling her magic into a protective barrier around her troops.

The demons wouldn't catch them off guard. She would see to that personally.

Back on the ground, Tristan continued to cut through the demonic ranks, his blade a blur of motion. He fought with a ferocity born of regret and determination, each swing of his sword a step towards redemption. The voices of his comrades still echoed in his ears, their pleas for assistance driving him forward.

"Hold the line!" he shouted. "We've got them on the run. Don't let up!"

Christine watched him from above, a sense of pride swelling in her chest. Tristan was a formidable warrior, and his leadership was crucial to their success. Together, they formed an unstoppable force, a blend of tactical brilliance and raw power.

If they kept going like this, surely, they would reclaim their northeastern border as well. The demons were acting suspiciously, but if they could maintain their current position, the demons would have no choice but to reveal whatever it was they were hiding.

Christine wasn't a fool. As someone who had fought these foul creatures for months, she knew how cunningly dangerous they were, especially the high-ranking generals who could treat them like mere children on the battlefield. Her experience with the demons had taught her to be both cautious and bold, knowing when to press the attack and when to hold back.

Part of the reason they were winning right now wasn't just because of their strategies and overwhelming numbers, but also due to their equipment. Their weapons and armor were imbued with draconic and divine energy, making it easier for them to permanently kill the demons. This advantage was crucial, and Christine knew that without it, their efforts might have been in vain.

As much as Christine hated to admit it, the goddess's powers were very useful when it came to fighting the demons. For that, she was grateful. The divine energy infused into their equipment made a significant difference, allowing them to cut through demonic defenses that would have otherwise been impenetrable.

With every clash of swords and burst of magic, the battle raged on. Christine's forces, equipped with their powerful weaponry, pushed the demons back relentlessly. The demons' movements grew more desperate, their retreat becoming more chaotic.

Christine watched as her soldiers fought with determination, their spirits high from the recent victory. She could see the resolve in their eyes, a reflection of her own. They were united in purpose, driven by the shared goal of reclaiming their land and protecting their people.

"Keep the pressure on!" she commanded, her voice carrying across the battlefield. "We will not let them regroup. Push forward, but stay vigilant. We must be ready for anything."

Her orders were met with a resounding cheer, her soldiers rallying to her call. They advanced steadily, their formations tight and disciplined. Christine hovered above, her magic ready to support wherever it was needed. She kept a watchful eye on the battlefield, looking for any signs of the demons' hidden agenda.

The sun was beginning to set, casting a reddish glow over the blood-soaked ground. The air was thick with the scent of battle, a mix of sweat, blood, and smoke. Christine's green, reptilian eyes scanned the horizon, searching for any sign of treachery.

Despite the demons' cunning, Christine felt confident in her forces' ability to handle whatever came their way. They were well-prepared, their equipment giving them a crucial edge. The divine energy that powered their weapons and armor was a blessing, one that Christine acknowledged with a quiet, begrudging gratitude.

As the last rays of sunlight faded, Christine saw a shift in the demons' ranks. They were falling back more quickly now, their lines breaking apart. It was as if they were abandoning their positions entirely.

Looking around, Christine spotted two demons at the back of the battlefield, scanning the scene much like she was. She hadn't noticed them at first since they were about three kilometers away, but thanks to her draconic eyes, they were now very visible. She couldn't help but shiver slightly, her eyes widening as the two demons seemed to smile at her, indicating that they were aware she had seen them.

The realization sent a chill down her spine. These were no ordinary demons; their presence and the malevolent energy emanating from them marked them as high-ranking. The fact that she hadn't noticed them earlier was alarming. Had they been hiding their presence, or was her attention so consumed by the immediate battle that she had overlooked them?

Christine quickly averted her gaze and issued a new command. "Everyone, regroup! Mages, form a barrier immediately!"

Her voice carried the urgency of the situation, and her troops responded without hesitation. The mages began chanting in unison, their hands glowing as they created a protective barrier around their forces. The shimmering dome of magical energy enveloped them, providing a momentary respite from the chaos outside.

Christine's mind raced. How could she not have noticed those two demons until now? What had happened? Her instincts screamed that this was part of a larger ploy. The demons' retreat might have been a ruse to lure her forces into a false sense of security.

"Stay alert!" she called out to her soldiers. "These demons are more cunning than we anticipated."

The soldiers tightened their ranks, their expressions resolute. They trusted her judgment, and she wouldn't let them down. Christine soared higher, her eyes never leaving the two demons. She needed to understand their strategy and counter it before it was too late.

The demons continued to watch her, their smiles never wavering. They radiated an air of confidence, as if they knew something she didn't. Christine's grip on her sword tightened. She couldn't afford to let fear or doubt take hold. Her people were depending on her.

"Tristan!" she called out, summoning her most trusted knight.

Tristan appeared beside her in an instant, his sword at the ready. "Yes, Your Highness?"

"Those two demons in the distance," she pointed towards them, "they're high-ranking. I need you to lead a squad and keep an eye on them. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary. We need to know what they're planning."

Tristan nodded, his expression grim. "Understood. I'll keep you informed."

As Tristan rallied a small group of elite soldiers, Christine turned her attention back to the battlefield. The barrier was holding, and her troops were regrouping, but she knew this was just the beginning. The real battle was yet to come.

Her thoughts drifted to her father's cautious approach. Perhaps he had been right to be wary. The demons were playing a deeper game, and she needed to be one step ahead. With a deep breath, she focused on the task at hand.

"Prepare for anything!" she shouted to her troops. "We hold this line no matter what. For our kingdom, for our people!"


Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, two demons floated in the air, their eyes fixed upon the human army in the distance.

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