Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 82- Freya things with a Side of Fluff

Chapter 82- Freya things with a Side of Fluff

[Freya POV]

Quickly making my way to the bathroom after escaping the teasing smirk of Keeno and the sleepy beauty of Pram, I quickly stripped and turned on the magic tool that produced water.  I didn’t wait for it to warm up and just jumped right into the freezing cold water in order to hopefully cool my head.  The second the cold water hit me, goosebumps appeared all over my skin and my tail that was waving unconsciously stopped.  I just stood there with the water falling onto me while I tried to figure out what was wrong with me.

“…Just what is up with me?  Why do I get so…nervous…no……flustered when Pram even talks to me?  And what even was that a little while ago?”

Just thinking back at what Pram said a short while ago had my tail waving around so fast, I thought it’d catch fire, especially that last bit.

“Didn’t Keeno say that those of Pram’s race only ever let their lovers nibble their tails?  And she said that she’d let the one hugging her tail at night do that to her!”

My tail started to wave even more, and I felt my ears twitching wildly, flinging water all over the place.  My heart was also beating so fast I thought I’d pass out soon.

“Why does this make me so happy?”

While I was lost in thought, I looked around until I saw my reflection in the mirror.  My cheeks were bright red, my ears were twitching, and I was smiling like Keeno did whenever she bragged about Amaterasu.

“Am I in love with Pram?”

I thought back to the conversation me and Keeno had the other day.

“Pram is an open book when it comes to her feelings.”

Though I didn’t see her expression too clearly since I was on the floor, she was clearly looking at me.  When she said that, there was a gleam in her eye that had some sort of meaning.

“Am I just looking too far into things and interpreting what I want?  Wait, I want that?”

I turned my head up and let the cold water splash in my face.

“Why are these feelings so confusing?  And am I really that easy?”

I stood there for a moment, contemplating things when I thought back to something else Keeno told me.

“Wait…why does that matter?  Isn’t there an example of someone that fell in love at first sight near me every day?  Fated One stuff aside, does being easy even matter?”

Getting this far in my thoughts, I turned off the water and used some magic to quickly dry off.  I then started working on my tail.  While I was doing this, I thought about how to go about conveying my feelings to Pram.

“I mean, I’m obviously in love with her.  I don’t know what exactly made me fall for her, but I did.  Now, how do I tell her?  Do I just go up and say it, or should I make some kind of grand gesture?  Do I get her a gift?  Is it too early for a ring?  No, it’s definitely too early for that, though one day…um.”

Thinking about all of this was getting me nowhere. While I continued to meticulously groom my tail, an idea struck me.

“I’m an idiot. I should just ask Keeno.”

Using telepathy, I reached out to Keeno.

“So, um…question. If I, hypothetically, wanted to get Pram a gift, what would be the best thing to get her?” (Freya)

“……Ok first, this is a surprise in development. Didn’t think you’d be pushed to figuring this out so fast, but anyway a gift for Pram, huh? …Is this to show her your feelings?” (Keeno)

“…Yes.” (Freya)

“Hmmm.  Well, while a gift is a good idea, I think it should wait until you are together since me telling you what to get her would be less special. So, while I do have some ideas for the two of you for dates and stuff, I’m going to have to let you figure this out on your own. But I’ll at least help set the mood a little. Hurry up with whatever you’re doing in there. Huginn, Muninn, and I will go and get some stuff to eat and find out if we have anything we need to do regarding the horde cleanup. Make the most of your time.” (Keeno)

“…Thanks…I owe you one.” (Freya)

“Nah. It’s all good. Just make sure it’s a moment you both will remember forever.” (Keeno)

With that she cut the connection. I finished up with my tail and got dressed. I placed my hand on the doorknob and hesitated.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

“Ok, Freya, you got this.”

I opened the door slowly and stepped out. I didn’t realize how long it was in there, but it was long enough for the suns to rise high enough that they lit the whole room up. Pram was sitting on the edge of a bed, looking out the window. The gentle morning light of the suns reflecting off her silver hair, making her glow in an ethereal light. When she heard me approach her, she turned around with a gentle, sleepy smile on her face.  Taking this sight in, I froze up, my heart beating so fast I thought it was about to explode.

“Keeno said you had something to talk to me about?” (Pram)

I was still stunned by Pram’s beauty to get any words out. She just looks so, SO much more beautiful than she did just a little while ago that it made any words I wanted to say get stuck in my throat.

Pram looked at me silently, still smiling.  She shifted her position on the bed and patted the spot next to her.

“Feel free to sit down, I don’t bite.” (Pram)

I leaned my head forward until my hair covered my face as I slowly made my way over to the bed. When I sat down, Pram frowned a little and scooted closer to me.   Her tail moving around my back, avoiding my own but still encircling me.

My heart was beating so fast and loud that I was surprised she couldn’t hear it. Her hand was placed on the bed, just barely touching mine. Being this close to her, I could smell the scent of nature and, if I had to describe it, life. I was still finding it hard to put words to voice when Pram moved her hand and brushed my hair out of my face.

“While it’s cute in its own way, you look much prettier when I can see your face, ya know.” (Pram)

As she moved my hair, her fingers brushed my cheek, and it sent an electric shock through my whole body. Now that I was sitting next to her, I could make out all the small details of her face. Her grey eyes with that always sleepy look, the mouth in an ever-gentle smile, her nose, hair, fluffy ears. She was driving me insane.

Not knowing at all what to say, I just acted. I moved and grabbed Pram by the shoulders and brought my lips to hers. Her eyes went wide for a second before she realized what was happening and, wrapping her arms around my neck, she reciprocated the kiss. I felt her tail move and wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to her.

It was like time stopped for me as we stayed like this. All I could focus on was Pram and the feeling of her lips on mine. I also noticed that, much less than with Keeno, the temperature in the room grew warmer. We stayed like this for several minutes before separating, our lips still connected by a silver string.

“Oh my, that was quite magical.” (Pram)

“It was. But will you accept my feelings?” (Freya)

Pram still had her arms wrapped around my neck and she pulled me closer. She stopped just short of kissing me, but we were close enough for our foreheads to touch.

“Silly, I would have stopped kissing you immediately if I didn’t accept them. Im just glad I didn’t have to make the final push to make you realize your feelings.” (Pram)

“So, it was obvious?” (Freya)

“To everyone but you.” (Pram)

I felt my face flush even more, eliciting a laugh from Pram.

“Hehe.  You’re simply too cute, Freya. It’s been driving me crazy waiting for you to finally figure it out.  I mean, I’ve given you so many opportunities to make a move, I thought I was going to have to start resorting to drastic measures.” (Pram)

I was about to say something when Pram sealed my mouth with another kiss.  This one lasted for just a second, but that second was wonderful.

“Now isn’t the time for words, let me kiss you a little longer before Keeno gets back. She already knows that it’s probably gotten to this point, but we need to make sure she doesn’t catch us or else we’ll be teased to no end.” (Pram)

I just nodded my head before our lips met once more.

Chaos Realm:


Atmos: How sweet.

Tamamo: Easily flustered people are cute.

Keeno: Hehehehe.

Amaterasu: Hehehehehe.

Don’t tease them too much just yet.

Order: It’s more effective when done at the right time.

Keeno and Amaterasu: Heard loud and clear.

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