Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 83- Keeno’s Side

Chapter 83- Keeno’s Side

[Keeno POV]

Leaving Pram and Freya alone to progress their relationship, me, Huginn, and Muninn left the inn. Walking down the street while heading for the Guild, I saw many people going back and forth in the direction of the gate. Among them were some adventurers and knights, but not so many that it matched the number from the defense battle. The crowd was actually quite large, but I wasn’t hindered since people would make way for me like Moses and the Red Sea.

‘Ya know you two, one of these days, I hope people don’t do this when they see me coming.  I mean, I’m only now realizing that this happens less when Pram and Freya are around.  It’s honestly a bit upsetting.’

The two birds hanging out in my tails moved around and started to gently pat me with their wings.  It was a funny sight.  I could also tell that Ama wanted to say something, but the multitude of angels around made it impossible.

‘I wonder if burning their halos off will do something?’

I looked the nearest angel in the eyes, and he flinched back and ran away down an alley.  I rolled my eyes and continued on my way.  With what people were doing, making it to the Guild was quite easy.  When I opened the heavy doors and stepped inside, it was like what the inside of an ant nest looked like.  People were running around here and there, some carrying stacks of paper, others bags of things, more with boxes.  Weaving my way through all these people, I made it to the stairs that led to the adventurer hall.  Once there, I went to an open counter with a receptionist.  Ignoring the slight flinch form her, I asked what I needed to.

“Name’s Okami, I was here for the defense battle a few days ago.  Is there anything that I need to do to help or someone I need to talk to, to find out any more?”

“O-Okami?  The Guild Master gave instructions to us that when you showed up, to bring you to him.  He has things he needs to talk to you about.  P-please follow me.”

The receptionist moved from behind the counter and started walking toward a hallway near the reception desk.  I followed behind her down the hallway until we got to a heavy looking wooden door.  She hesitantly knocked on it before the deep voice of that dark elf came from the other side, telling us to enter.  The receptionist opened the door and we both went inside.  After bowing a little, she scurried back out and the door shut behind me with a loud thunk.  Sitting behind a desk that was way too small for him was the same dark elf.  He was holding a pen looking thing and writing down something on a piece of paper before moving it to the top of a pile.  He then looked up at me.

“Miss Okami, correct?”

I nodded my head and sat down in a chair when he motioned to it.  We sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke.

“I guess introductions are in order.  My name is Heim, the Guild Master for the adventurers here in this city.” (Heim)

“I am Okami, adventurer from Solheim.” (Keeno)

“Nice to personally meet you, Miss Okami.” (Heim)

“The feeling is mutual, Sir Heim.” (Keeno)

“Drop the Sir, I’m not a knight.” (Heim)

I nodded my head, and he smiled a bit.  He relaxed in his chair a bit and closed his eyes.

“First, I’d like to thank you and by extension your party for your help in the defense of the city.  While normally this would go unsaid and assumed by people that participated in it, you managed to almost single-handedly defend a portion of the wall by yourself, your friend Freya and you yourself were invaluable in the Wyrm wave, and your friend Pram was one of the best healers here.  For all of this, the Guild wants to reward you three with an increased reward.  Also, since you are the group that reported the Horde in the first place, you’ll be granted the rest of the compensation for that.  Also, your accomplishments have earned you and your party members titles.” (Heim)

“…I…I don’t really know what to say to this.  I’m thankful for it all, yes, but I don’t know if I’m supposed to say something, or just accept it and move on.” (Keeno)

“Personally, I’d just accept it and move on.  No reason to not accept it after all.” (Heim)

“That’s a fair assessment.” (Keeno)

The Guild Master then placed two large sacks of money on the desk, and I picked them up and stored them away.

“Now, onto the titles, they are still being discussed, but you and your party will be notified once they are decided on.  Look forward to receiving them since they will come with a rank up in the Guild.” (Heim)

“Oh, now that is some pleasant news.  Does this mean we’ll gain access to the portal room?” (Keeno)

“It’s not that you can’t use it now, it’s just not monetarily justifiable, but yes, you will get a discount on one use of it.  Why, is there somewhere you want to go?” (Heim)

“Not at the moment, though I’m sure we’ll be using it to go to Solheim again at some point.  But that’s beside the point.” (Keeno)

“I see.  Ah, there was another thing I wanted to ask you.  It’s regarding the part of land where you fought.” (Heim)

I stiffened up a little at his words.

“Hehehe.  Don’t worry, you aren’t in trouble about that, it’s just we don’t know what to do with it.  Nobody can go into that area without endangering their life, but we need to do something about it, or it will impact the integrity of the wall.  Since it was an affect of one of your spells, we figured you’d know if there was something that can be done about it.” (Heim)

“Well, I’m no Life mage or someone with much agricultural experience, but I have it on good Authority that it can be used for good fertilizer for crops.  Other than that, maybe someone in a blacksmithing profession can use it.  What for, I have no clue, but if they can make use of it, then more power to them.” (Keeno)

“I see.  I’ll let those in the agricultural branch of the Guild know.  Now, that’s all the business I had that needed your presence.  Like I said earlier, we’ll notify you and your party members when your titles are decided on, so please remain in the city until then…Oh, and this is a personal question, but do you currently have a destination in mind?” (Heim)

“We do.” (Keeno)

“Ah…What a shame.  I was going to ask you if you would be willing to make this city your permanent residence, but it seems that I will be denied that.  Oh well, it’s not unexpected.” (Heim)

“While it is a nice thought, we do have our own goal we’re trying to achieve, so even if we didn’t have a destination in mind, I’d have to decline, though I am flattered by the offer and whatever possible benefits it would bring us.” (Keeno)

I then stood up from the chair and turned to the door.

“Again, it was nice to meet you, Miss Okami.  I look forward to hearing what you and your party will accomplish in the future.” (Heim)

I nodded in his direction before leaving the room.  When I was out in the hallway again, Ama finally spoke.

{Keeno, stay right here for a bit.  There aren’t any angels around here, so I can talk to you.}

‘Well, that’s good.  By the way, will be burning their halos off do anything?’

{Unfortunately not.  But it is a funny thing to think about.  It’d show them to stop unintentionally eavesdropping on any telepathic conversations.}

‘…Let’s save this plan for a later date.’

{Agreed.  Now, head back to the other two, if you hurry, we may get some teasing material.}

‘Oh, we have a ton of it, but more never hurt.’

I started moving.  When I left the Guild building, once again the crowd of moving people parted before me, and I quickly made my way back to the inn.  By the time I made it back, it was around noon.  I made my way up the stairs and when I got to the door to our room, I calmed my breathing down and attempted to be as quiet as I could.

I slowly put the key into the door and turned it.  When the lock clicked, my ears twitched since it felt extremely loud, though in reality it wasn’t.  I slowly pushed open the door and crept into the room.  It was dark with the only light coming in from the window near the beds.  Two of them were empty while the third one had two people lying on it entangled in each other’s arms.  I moved to get a closer look.  While both were dressed and there were no signs of…extracurricular activities, their faces were so close together that it didn’t take a genius to know that they had been kissing.  Pram also had her tail wrapped around one of Freya’s arm while Freya had her free arm wrapped around Pram’s waist.  Pram, on the other hand, had both of her arms wrapped around Freya’s neck.

{Well, this is cute.}

‘I agree.  And seeing as things obviously went well, I think I’ll hold off from waking them up and just leave them be.’

I turned around and left the room again.  After locking it again, I went down the stairs.

‘Well, I’m going to eat something.  Mind chatting with me, Ama?’

{I’d love to.  I haven’t gotten to do that enough today, after all.}


Chaos Realm:


Luna: …

Tamamo: Luna, we already sleep like that all the time.

Luna: I know, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to be wrapped up in your arms like that right now.

Tamamo: Then what are you doing just sitting there?

Luna: *Hops right into Tamamo’s arms* Fufufufufufu.

Tamamo: Better?

Luna: Much.

Atmos: Get a room, you two.

Luna and Tamamo: We will later.

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