Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 81- Pram: Teaser Extraordinaire

Chapter 81- Pram: Teaser Extraordinaire

[Keeno POV]

I didn’t know how long I had slept, but when I woke up next, the suns were just starting to rise over the walls of the city and was hitting the window just right to let a beam come into the room and shine right into my eyes.  I just laid there with my eyes half open, trying and failing to contemplate my current situation.  While lying there, my mind slowly beginning to wake up, Ama started to talk.

{Morning, sleepyhead.}

I didn’t reply and just blinked slowly.

{Hehehe.  It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you like this, it’s adorable.}


{Hehe.  While I’d love to watch you more in this state, you should really wake up.  Something interesting is happening.}

Ama’s words about something interesting knocked my mind into gear and I shook my head to get the last bits of sleep to go away.

‘What’s going on?’

{Just look over there.}

I turned my head in the only direction I could think of something interesting happening and a wide smile spread across my face.

‘She definitely knows.’

{Oh yeah.  It was funny watching what happened when she got back.}

‘Do I even need to ask?’

{Nope.  So, Freya being super tired, she accidentally laid down in Pram’s bed.  And a little while after the two of you went to sleep, Pram got back.  She got ready for bed, and when she got over to hers and found Freya sleeping there, she got one of those smiles that you get when you want to tease someone.  So, instead of going over to the empty bed, she just laid down there and went to sleep.}

‘So, she’s trying to goad Freya into making a proper move?’

{I think, though it could also just be she wanted to mess with her.  But I’m thinking she knows about Freya’s feelings and is just trying to tease her with subtle hints.}

Looking over at Pram’s bed, she was there sleeping soundly while Freya had her tail in her arms.  Pram even had it wrapped around them a bit.  Every so often, Freya would move, rubbing her cheek on Pram’s tail, extremely close to even nibbling on it.

‘I kind of want to wake Freya up to see her reaction, but it naturally happening will be much better.’

{I agree.}

Ama and I continued to chat while we watched Pram and Freya.  Apparently, we had all been out for two days from exhaustion and a lot of the residents of the city were back to normal while others were doing their part for the cleanup effort from the horde.  There had been lots of bonfires to get rid of the monster corpses and others were working on parts of the wall that got damaged from stray magic or monsters that managed to get past every vanguard.  Things had been going well for them until they got to the area I first fought in.

Apparently, the ground had turned to ash and people who tried to step into it started sinking like they were in quicksand.  That area was effectively dead to anyone or thing that was trapped in it and couldn’t get out.


{Don’t worry, Keeno, that’s actually a good thing.  If you drop a few hints in some appropriate places, people can use that ash for things.  It works well for growing crops and other stuff that promotes Life.}

‘I’m glad you know a positive side to that.  I didn’t know what I would do if I got apprehended for basically making an actual dead zone right outside the city’s walls.’

{Well, of course.  While these Authorities of ours may be opposites, they also work together to promote the other.  All life ends in death, and death can help improve life.  Like you said that one time, we complement each other perfectly.}

‘I think it was you who said that, but I could be wrong.’

We chatted some more and eventually, Huginn and Muninn woke up and flapped over to me.  I started petting them in the spot on their necks where they liked it and they nearly turned into feathery puddles.  This continued on for several minutes when I heard stirring from the other bed.  I looked over there and saw that Pram was awake.  She was lying on her side facing me and she had a mischievous smile on her face.

‘So, how long since you figured it out?’ (Keeno)

‘A while.  It’s kind of obvious when she gets a little flustered any time I look at her when we aren’t in some kind of serious situation.  Though playing oblivious is kind of fun.  This time, though, she gave me such a perfect opportunity that I just couldn’t resist.’ (Pram)

‘Think she’ll make a move after this?’ (Keeno)

‘Doubt it.’ (Pram)

‘Same.  From her own words, she wants to take more time to figure out if what she feels is actually love.’ (Keeno)

‘And, as the person in this room that knows what love is, your thoughts?’ (Pram)

‘Definitely in love with you but doesn’t want to admit it to herself since she fell too easily in her opinion.’ (Keeno)

{I, for one, think she should just accept it already.  Being prideful like that is just getting in the way of moments we can use to tease her with later.}

‘A certain amount of pride is fine, Ama.  In fact, I think it’s the right amount for her.  And besides, her being like this can give us a different kind of thing to tease her about, especially once they get together.’ (Keeno)

‘For my part, I also want to tease her, but I hope the two of you will leave me out of your teasing.’ (Pram)

{Pram, sweety, that’s not going to happen.}

‘*Sigh* I know, I just had to try.’ (Pram)

We then heard some more rustling coming from behind Pram.

‘I’m going to pretend to be asleep.’ (Pram)

She then closed her eyes and slowed her breathing down to mimic sleeping.  From behind her I could see Freya’s eyes slowly open.  She blinked sleepily a few times, not really understanding what was going on.  When she finally, fully woke up though, she froze.

Her eyes went wide, and her breathing started to become rapid as she started to panic.  She looked around and then her eyes met mine.  Seeing this, she started to panic more and subconsciously started to hug Pram’s tail tighter.  I reached out with telepathy to try and get Freya to calm down, but before I could, I started to hear what she was thinking.


‘…FREYA!’ (Keeno)

‘…How much did you hear?’ (Freya)

‘All of it.  Ama too.’ (Keeno)


‘…I’m never going to live this down, am I?’ (Freya)

{‘Not for all eternity.’}

‘…Damnit.’ (Freya)

‘Now, why don’t you calm down before you wake Pram up?’ (Keeno)

‘You think I’m not trying!?  How did this even happen?’ (Freya)

{You were too tired and got in the wrong bed.  Pram was also tired and didn’t notice you in her bed.}

‘…I see.’ (Freya)

She looked between her arms and Pram’s tail before, reluctantly, letting it go and moving slowly to try and not wake Pram up.  On my side, I could see the smile on Pram’s face as she laid there.  I was fighting to keep a straight face when I realized I didn’t need to.

‘Quit looking at me like that!’ (Freya)

At this point I was smiling ear-to-ear and probably looked like some kind of sleep paralysis demon, but it was just too funny.

{Freya, this kind of fun is what you signed up for when you decided to stick with us.  And besides, this is what a real family is like, lots of playful teasing and just generally getting along.}

‘…Ok, I’ll accept that, but can you stop looking at me like that?  It’s a little creepy.’ (Freya)

‘…’ (Keeno)

It was at this point that Pram started to move like she was about to wake up.  This caused Freya to start panicking again and, like the last time this happened, she fell out of the bed.

“Morning everyone.” (Pram)

“Mornin, Pram.  Sleep well?” (Keeno)

“Absolutely, especially since I had a dream that my tail was being hugged by someone special.” (Pram)

“EH!?” (Freya)

“Is something wrong, Freya?  And why are you on the floor?” (Pram)

“Eh…Ah…I-I um…spec-I mean, um…did you enjoy this dream?” (Freya)

“I did.  Kind of makes me wish someone would hug my tail while I sleep every night.  Wouldn’t even mind if they nibbled it a bit, but sadly it’s just a dream.” (Pram)

“……” (Freya)

It didn’t take a genius to see that Freya was so flustered she didn’t know how to truly react.  She did get up from the floor, though her hair was covering her face.

“I’m going to wash up and get ready for the day.” (Freya)

As she turned to go, all of us could see that her tail was waving happily, showing what she felt.  I looked over to Pram and saw her with a smile like she used to have a long time ago.

‘Good going, Pram.  Just a bit more pushing, and I think she’ll finally accept it.’ (Keeno)

{Yes.  Do it Pram, DO IT!}

‘All things in time, you two.’ (Pram)

‘…Actually, what made you fall for her?’ (Keeno)

‘…A few things.  One; she’s cute, two; I can tell that she’d never do something that would hurt me, three; she has all the things I like about a person and would want in a partner for life.  Honestly, and I don’t know if this is a good thing or not, but she kind of reminds me of you a little.  I don’t know if that means I like people like you, or if it’s something else, but I want to think that I just like the kind of person you and Freya are and am attracted to that.’ (Pram)

‘So that’s your type.  Well anyway, know that me and Ama support you two and if you ever need advice, just ask.’ (Keeno)

{Yeah.  Though, if it’s about dates and stuff, then don’t ask cause we don’t know either.  We’ve never done anything outside my place.}

‘…’ (Pram)

‘Ama, she didn’t need to know that.’ (Keeno)

{…Um…Oh look!  Huginn and Muninn are doing funny bird things!}

Pram and I immediately looked in the direction of Huginn and Muninn and sure enough, they were doing some kind of bird dance where they hopped around in a circle while they each flared their wings in turn in a rhythmic fashion.

“Are they trying to summon something?” (Keeno)

“I don’t know.  It looks fun though.” (Pram)

“True.” (Keeno)

Chaos Realm:

Luna: Pram is a little schemer.

Atmos: Yeah, but in a good way.  I bet she’s great at pranks.

Luna: We need to get them to start doing those.

Atmos: I couldn’t agree more.

Tamamo: No.  While I do agree it would be interesting to watch, I refuse to let the two of you do that.  They don’t need that much chaos yet.

I agree with Tamamo.

Order: Same.

Red: Red has…no opinion.

Astrea: Um…Miss Red?

Red: Hm?

Astrea: Would you like to come and play with me and Evelyn?

Red: …*nods*

Astrea: *Grabs Red’s hand and leads her away*

I should really invite Fu and Moco here.

Order: I already did.  They should be here soon.


Order: My pleasure.

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