Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chapter 19: Leyan's Love (R-18)

Ten minutes later...

After the two had finished eating and washed the dishes, the two headed back to the living room.

"I'm going to go take a shower... Don't peak, okay?" Leyan asked.

"Do you really think I'm that kind of person? Come on, Leyan. Do you really doubt my integrity like this?"

Xiaoyun looked down in disappointment as if Leyan's words had really hurt him.

"Okay, okay, my bad. You're the most honorable person I have ever seen."

After the compliment, Leyan went upstairs to shower as Xiaoyun sat down on the sofa.

"What a great day to celebrate... I should do something."

Xiaoyun thought to himself as he got up and went to the kitchen cabinet to get a bottle of wine.

With a glass in hand and wine on the table, he turned on the TV and switched to the news channel.

"Good evening, everyone."

The news presenter paused for a second as the camera zoomed out to show a person walking up the stage.

"Tonight, we have invited an expert from Beijing University. He is a world-renowned astronomer who has found multiple distant planets."

The new presenter and the astronomer shook hands as the camera zoomed back in.

"Good morning Mr.Wang, we are really happy to have you hear."

"I'm happy to be here."

"So we just have a few questions, and one of the most important ones that has been on everyone's mind is the asteroids arriving on Earth tomorrow."

Xiaoyun opened the wine and poured himself a glass.

"Ah yes, that asteroid. I have seen much misinformation about it. However, I just want to clear up some misunderstandings surrounding it.

First, the asteroid is so small that when it enters the Earth's atmosphere, it will evaporate and just be a small piece of rock when it passes the atmosphere at its current speed."

Xiaoyun takes a sip from the wine glass as the astronomer continues his rambling.

"All this fake news is clickbait from independent media that has no regulation. I believe the government must take action against false information being spread online and——"

The camera switched back to the news presenter as if the new channel didn't like the astronomer's departure from the script.

"Huh? Was it really that sensitive?" Xiaoyun thought to himself as he drank the entire glass and poured himself another one.

"Unfortunately, that's all the time we have for the interview. Up next is the weather report..."

Xiaoyun took a small sip as he began thinking about what had happened again the past few days.

"Why did time slow down again? Why did it stop skipping? Maybe I am just having memory fog?"

Xiaoyun shook his head as he took another small sip.

"What are you watching?"

Leyan suddenly appeared right behind Xiaoyun as she tapped his shoulder.

"Oh, just the news. A small asteroid is apparently hitting Earth. Anyway, how was the shower?"

"It was amazing. I haven't had a proper shower since I came back to the city, and it was so relaxing to lay in a bathtub.

I never knew that bathtubs could be this relaxing! I think I've fallen in love with the bathtub," Leyan replied as she sat down next to Xiaoyun.

"That's nice to hear..." Xiaoyun replied as he poured himself another cup.

As Leyan looked toward the table, she noticed that half of the wine bottle was already gone.

"When did you drink so much? I thought you didn't like the taste of alcohol?"

Leyan asked as she noticed Xiaoyun's face was now all red.

"Oh, sorry, I just got used to drinking when I am alone at home..."

Seeing Xiaoyun looking a little down, Leyan suddenly grabbed the glass and hugged him.

"It's okay, I am here now..." Leyan whispered as she patted Xiaoyun's head and put the glass on the table.

"Thank you, babe..."

Seeing Xiaoyun cheered up, Leyan moved back to her spot on the sofa.

"Don't drink anymore, Okay? It's bad for your health," Leyan said as she thought back to all the patients she had seen in the hospital.

"I know, I know. I promise I won't drink anymore..."

As Xiaoyun's face started turning red from the wine, a question suddenly popped up in his head.

"Babe, I wanted to ask you something..."

"What is it?"

"I was thinking about selling the company. I am already all set at this point, and I don't want to put us at risk."

"But you put so much work into it. Are you sure you won't regret this? You don't have to worry about me."

Leyan quickly shook her head as she rejected Xiaoyun's suggestion.

"I don't know... I——"

As Xiaoyun instinctively reaches for the wine glass, Leyan snatches it before Xiaoyun gets it.

"You promised me that you aren't going to drink anymore..." Leyan stared at Xiaoyun's face as she reminded him.

"Sorry. I'll go throw this away——"

Before Xiaoyun finished talking, Leyan suddenly started chugging the whole glass down.

"That's too wasteful... I-I'll drink it instead."

Leyan licked around her lips as she put the glass back down.

"Um, Leyan, have you drank alcohol before?"

Xiaoyun asked as he noticed Leyan's body started wobbling left and right as she tried to sit down.

"Me? Of course... A-Anyway, are you still thinking of selling your company?"

"I... I think I should... I can't afford to lose you to some——"

"Where is your courage? Has it disappeared after you proposed to me? When did you become so scared?

The Xiaoyun I remember will never back down from a challenge. Come on! Are you a MAN?" Leyan questioned Xiaoyun as she got up from the sofa.

"You are absolutely right. I had grew too conservative, I can do this!"

Xiaoyun thought about his decision again as he stood up from the sofa as well.

"Yeah! High-five! That the Xiaoyun I remember!"

Leyan suddenly leaned over to Xiaoyun as she tried to high-five him.

"Um, babe, you good? You seem a little drunk."

Xiaoyun supports Leyan back down the sofa as he notices Leyan's face is now all red.

"Yeah, I am fine. I AM NOT DRUNK AT ALL!"

Leyan suddenly wrapped her hand around Xiaoyun's back and hugged Xiaoyun tightly.



"She really just passed out from drinking one glass... Well, I should never let her drink again." Xiaoyun noted to himself as Leyan turned completely unresponsive.

"Okay, babe, I am going to carry you back to your room..."


As Xiaoyun puts Leyan down on the bed, she suddenly drags Xiaoyun down the bed.

"Honey, don't leave me, please."

Leyan murmured as she wrapped her hand around Xiaoyun's neck.

"I won't."

As Xiaoyun lay down next to Leyan, she suddenly spoke up again.

"Honey, do you love me?"

"Yeah, I love you, babe. You are the only person I have left."

"Then kiss me."

Xiaoyun's brain froze for a second as he couldn't believe what Leyan had just asked.

"Um, Leyan, you sure? I don't think you are thinking clearly."

Xiaoyun moved back a little as he didn't want to take advantage of Leyan being drunk.

"Hmph! Then I will do it myself."

Leyan opened her eyes and suddenly kissed Xiaoyun right on the lips.

Just when Xiaoyun thought it was going to be just a tap, Leyan suddenly stuck her tongue out and forcefully opened Xiaoyun's lip.


Xiaoyun tried to stop Leyan, but she just continued pursuing Xiaoyun's tongue.

Eventually, Xiaoyun gave up trying to stop her as he began going after her tongue instead.

As the two tongues exchanged saliva with each other, Xiaoyun suddenly got on top of Leyan.

"You force me to do this."

Xiaoyun was slowly getting lightheaded, and his face was completely red again.

"Do it, you coward. You don't have the balls."

Seeing Leyan taunting him, Xiaoyun ripped Leyan's shirt in half and then took off his own clothes.

"What a dummy." Leyan taunts Xiaoyun again as he struggles to take off her pants.

But seeing Xiaoyun unable to take them off after a whole minute, she takes them off herself.

"Wait, don't move."

Leyan stopped Xiaoyun as she took off her bra and panties herself.

"Now you can continue..."

Xiaoyun frozed for a second as it was the first time he had seen Leyan naked. But Leyan didn't stop as she moved her hand down toward Xiaoyun's crotch.

"It's so big. Do you want me that much?" Leyan asked as she gently touched the tip of Xiaoyun's cock.

Xiaoyun nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

After hearing this, Xiaoyun started moving his cock closer to Leyan's crotch.

But with the alcohol kicking in both of their head, the two were just grinding off of each other rather than putting it in.

Still, both were satisfied as they slowly moaned in pleasure.

But suddenly, Xiaoyun's cock was able to open Leyan's labia slightly as it slid open a little, forcing Leyan to sober up a little.

"Wait, wait! What are we doing?" Leyan suddenly yelled just as they both were about to climax.

Hearing Leyan's loud voice, Xiaoyun immediately began to sober up and realized what they had just done together.

"I didn't mean to——"

As Xiaoyun tried to move back, Leyan suddenly moved forward and wrapped her arm around Xiaoyun's back.

"No, no, it's fine... But I want to save our first time for our wedding..."

"You really mean it?" Xiaoyun asked in shock as Leyan sandwiched his cock in between her thighs.

"Yes, you dummy! Do I really need to say it out loud? Geez, just don't go inside, okay?"

Leyan's face became extremely red as she started grinding her labia against his erect cock.

Seeing Leyan trying her hardest to make him cum, Xiaoyun decided to start humping between Leyan's thighs faster and faster.

"Hm!——I-It feel so good——Hm!——I can't hold it anymore! I-I think I'm cumming!"

Leyan started moaning louder and louder as she got closer and closer to climax.

"Me too! I am almost there." Xiaoyun grunted, trying his best to hold it in.

Suddenly, he could feel something hot being sprayed all over his legs, and he finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

Meanwhile, Leyan could feel something hot being sprayed all over her thighs, some even right at the labia, as she looked down at her legs.

But fortunately, it was closed, so none of it got inside her vagina as she let out a sigh of relief.


Xiaoyun and Leyan were lying on the bed naked, and the two cuddled after they both finished.


Leyan instantly shushed Xiaoyun before he could finish.

"Remember, no more thank you or sorry. It makes me feel like we owe each other something when we both enjoy it."

Leyan moved Xiaoyun armed around her back.

"You're right, honey. That is a bad habit, sorr——Ahem, I love you, honey."

Xiaoyun held Leyan closer as he almost slipped up again.

"I love you too..."

As the two fell into silence cuddling each other, Leyan broke the silence with a question.

"So when are you planning to marry me? Or are you going to do this and leave me like some rich playboy dumping their girlfriend after using it?"

Leyan's hand began drawing circles on Xiaoyun's chest as she stared right into his eyes.

"What? I will never do that! You are the love of my life, and I'll love you til I die... Hey, don't laugh at me."

Leyan laughed out loud as Xiaoyun replied in a full, serious tone, clearly not understanding that she was just joking.

"Ahem, how about next week? That's enough time for your parents and relatives to get to the city. And you can invite your friends, too." Xiaoyun asked as Leyan's smile disappeared.

"I don't mind it. We could do it anytime... But my job——"

"Don't worry, they won't fire you. Just take a break for a month. You just finished volunteering in the countryside. You need a short break."

Xiaoyun paused for a second, then continued.

"I will just donate some money——as charity for the hospital, you know, renovating the hospital and helping people in need with medical bills,"

Xiaoyun added the last part as he saw Leyan's face change from rejecting his idea to accepting it.

"Sure, whatever. It's your money. Anyway, I need to go now..."

Leyan suddenly got up from the bed to pick up her bra and panties from the floor.

"What's wrong?"

"I am going to take a shower again... All thanks to somebody making my leg all sticky."

Leyan pointed out as she walked towards the restroom.

"Oh, right... Well, this bed is unsleepable now." Xiaoyun murmured as he noticed the stain they had just made on the bed.

After thinking for a bit, he removed the bed sheet and blanket and carried them to the laundry room.

Then he got back to the room and walked inside the restroom.

"Hey, Babe, you can sleep on my bed tonight. I will go sleep on the sofa." Xiaoyun yelled as he could see Leyan's figure behind the glass panel.

"It's fine. We can just sleep on the same bed... We are getting married next week anyway. Just no touching, okay?


Just before Xiaoyun exited the restroom, Leyan suddenly called again.

"Wait, honey, can you bring some soap and a towel? Also, some clothes? I forgot to get them."

"Of course."

Xiaoyun left the restroom and walked to the main restroom in the hallway to get the soap. Then he walked back to the bedroom room and opened her suitcase.

"Hmm, what clothes does she wear to sleep?"

Xiaoyun just grabbed the top one and walked back to the restroom.

"I am going to leave it at the counter," Xiaoyun yelled as he put the clothes on the counter and the soap next to it.

"Wait, can you bring the soap in here?"

Leyan asked as the water sound disappeared.

"Um, sure."

Xiaoyun grabbed the soap and opened the glass panel, only to see Leyan completely naked in the massive bathtub.

What was more important was Leyan bowing down to scrubbing her legs with water, which meant her entire rear could be seen by Xiaoyun as she was facing towards the wall.

"Finally you got the soap, just hand it to me."

As Leyan turned around to get her soap, she immediately noticed Xiaoyun was still naked from earlier.

"W-Why are you naked? A-And why are you hard again?"

Leyan blushed as she could see Xiaoyuns' cock was fully erected again.

"I forgot to put some on... And I just got too excited looking at you... Sorry——"

"Do you need to do it again?"

"Right, um, I'll go——"

"It looks painful... Do you want me to relieve it?" Leyan suggested as she felt a sense of responsibility.

Xiaoyun thought for a second but accepted the offer in the end, as his brain couldn't refuse such an offer after getting a taste of the relief from earlier.

As Xiaoyun sat down where Leyan signaled her to sit, she sat down in the space next to him.

Slowly, Leyan moved her hand onto Xiaoyun's erect cock as she began to stroke it a little.

"It's so hot..." Leyan murmured as she could feel the heat radiating onto her hand every time she stroked Xiaoyun's cock.

"It's my first time doing this... kind of stuff. Tell me if I'm doing a bad job..."

Leyan blushed as she started stroking Xiaoyun's cock faster and faster.


Xiaoyun suddenly groaned as Leyan accidentally held onto the cock a little bit too hard.

"S-Sorry, did I go a little too hard?" Leyan apologized as she could see the pain on Xiaoyun's face.

"Just a little more gentle is good. The speed was fine."


As Leyan resumed stroking Xiaoyun's cock, her hand was getting a little sore.

"Why doesn't it come out?"

Leyan started going faster in frustration, but she didn't put as much pressure to avoid the mistake from earlier.

"It's okay, you can stop..."

Xiaoyun tried to calm Leyan down as he felt a little bad for Leyan's hand.

"Fine, we'll just do it again."

Leyan moved in front of Xiaoyun, her back facing him, and then sat on top of his legs.


Xiaoyun's face looked shocked, and he couldn't believe what was happening before his eyes.

"Just for today, okay? I-I'm still not letting it inside yet, okay?"

Leyan started grinding against Xiaoyun's cock as her thighs and labia sandwiched it.

"I love you, babe."

"I love you too, honey! This feels so much more different——Hm!——than touching myself!"

Seeing Leyan's voluptuous breast bouncing up and down as she moaned, Xiaoyun couldn't help but grab it with his hands.

"No, don't touch there——Hm!——I'm cumming!"

Leyan collapsed on top of Xiaoyun as she reached her climax.

"So this is your weak spot..." Xiaoyun whispered into Leyan's ear as he rubbed Leyan's nipple again.

"Hey! I told you to stop!——Hm!"

Leyan moaned out again as Xiaoyun started grinding against Leyan's labia again.

"You still want me to stop?"

"Hmph! You dummy, you're going to regret it!"

Leyan suddenly switched position as she faced Xiaoyun face to face and sandwiched Xiaoyun's cock only with her crotch and labia.

Immediately, Xiaoyun felt pressure from every movement Leyan made.

From peeling his foreskin much more back than before to the tightness and fleshy feeling of her body, Xiaoyun was starting to reach his limit.

It felt almost as if he was actually going inside Leyan's vagina despite only grinding against each other.

"I can't hold it... Leyan, stop."

Xiaoyun warned, but Leyan continued moving up and down as her labia began to open wider and wider every time.

"That's what you get for earlier," Leyan smirked as she continued moving faster and faster.

Suddenly, Leyan felt something accidentally enter her labia as she moved all the way up.

She immediately tried to stand up, but the soapy water on the bathtub floor made her trip instead.

Fortunately, Xiaoyun noticed it right away and lifted Leyan away from his legs.

"Whew, that was close..."

The two let out a sigh of relief, as it didn't break anything as they had imagined.

"Yeah, that was close... Thank——"

Xiaoyun suddenly kissed Leyan before she could finish.

"You forgot what we promised?"

Xiaoyun stares Leyan in the eye as their lips separate.

"You are right, I almost forgot... Let me reward you."

Leyan sat down on the bathtub floor, then suddenly lowered her head.

"Babe, you?"

Xiaoyun's face was in complete shock as he couldn't believe what Leyan had just done.

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