Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chapter 18: Moving in together

"Please, I haven't used the restroom for quite a while now. I really need to pee."

Xiaoyun looked down in embarrassment as his voice sounded a little desperate.

"I'll go get the bedpan."

As Leyan turned around, she began murmuring to herself.

"It's just part of my job. Yes, it's just part of my job. Don't make it weird..."


When Leyan came back, she was only holding a small bottle.

"We ran out of bedpans. They said it would be at least several minutes before there was one available."

Leyan hands the bottle to Xiaoyun, only for the bottle to fall straight to the ground.

"Um, Leyan, I can't move my hand..."

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. I completely forgot about your injury."

Leyan quickly picked up the bottle and just stood there as her brain couldn't comprehend it for some reason.

"Why am I so nervous? Leyan, stop panicking! You are a nurse now; you can't shy away from patients needing help!"

After calming herself down a bit, Leyan slowly lifted Xiaoyun's blanket to the side.

"Okay, I am going to remove your pants..."

As Leyan removed his pants with one hand, Leyan moved the bottle closer with the other.

"Look, Leyan, it's not that scary. He is just helping a patient. Just imagine he is just another patient. He isn't Songming, just a normal patient."

Leyan thought to herself as she slowly inserted Xiaoyun's cock inside the bottle.

"You can pee now..." Leyan softly stated with a straight face.

"I can't... I just can't do it in front of someone."

Xiaoyun was getting more and more nervous as he just couldn't bring himself to do it in front of Leyan.

"How about I put on the blanket."

Leyan pulled the blanket back up, with the bottle and her hand still underneath it.

"Can you do it now?"

"I am trying to, but... it's getting harder."

"What? Harder?"

After flipping the blanket over, Leyan immediately noticed the bottleneck was choking on Xiaoyun's cock as it was almost fully erected.

Leyan quickly pulls the bottle out before it gets stuck.

"Oh my god, why do you have to get an erection right now?" Leyan's face blushed as she nervously stated it out loud.

"I got excited looking at you. I am so sorry." Xiaoyun's face looks helpless as he apologizes to Leyan.

"You know, this is almost like when we were in the amusement park. You are clueless and don't even know how to ask someone to be your girlfriend. We are almost back to how we started."

Leyan brought up a random memory as they both suddenly fell into a flashback trip.

"You are right. I really do look clueless and naive back then."

As Xiaoyun's mind was slowly drifting into the past, Leyan was first to snap back to reality as she held the bottle back closer.

"Pee now!" Leyan yelled as she suddenly rushed the bottle to his cock as it softened.


With a water splashing sound, Xiaoyun was finally able to pee as he immediately peed inside the bottle.

"Phew, thank god that worked out."

Leyan puts the lid back on as Xiaoyun finally finishes peeing.

"Geez, that scared me..."

"Well, you were just keeping getting nervous, so I had to distract you somehow. It looks like it's a success."

Leyan pulls Xiaoyun's pants back up and tuck him back into the bed.

"Well, I have to go check on the other patient now. When you can move, you can call me again. My phone has a signal now."

"See ya..."

Xiaoyun watched Leyan leave the room, and he was now back to being alone in the room.

"Leyan in that nurse uniform... it looks so lewd when the cloth can barely fit her."

Xiaoyun murmured as he could feel something rising again as his mind was filled with Leyan's in her uniform.

"Shit, why am I thinking that kind of stuff when I can't even do anything about it."

Xiaoyun facepalmed himself as he felt a little stupid for even thinking about this kind of stuff.

"Wait, did I just move my hand?"

Xiaoyun moved his hand again and realized the anesthesia had already fallen off.

"I really could have avoided that embarrassment. Why didn't it fall off earlier?!?"

Xiaoyun was about to smack the guardrail in frustration but then stopped at the last second.

"Maybe it's not a bad thing..." Xiaoyun thought to himself.


Two weeks later, Xiaoyun was fully healed.

It was a lot faster than the doctor expected, as Xiaoyun was able to head back to his company immediately.

As Xiaoyun was taking out a document from the cabinet to compare plans, he suddenly noticed that some of the documents had been moved.

Xiaoyun immediately walked to the security room to check the security footage.

"Damn, bastard..."

After confirming his suspicion with the footage, Xiaoyun left the room and went back to his office.

An hour later...

"Boss, you called me?" A man asked as he walked inside Xiaoyun's office.

"Yes, I just wanted to say I am happy with your work, Li Xiao..." Xiaoyun murmured as he reviewed the work progress on his desk.

"Thank you, boss——"

Xiaoyun interrupted Li Xiao before he could finish.

"But why did you betray the company? Did someone give you more money?"

Xiaoyun threw the work progress on the table as he stared dead into Li Xiao's eyes.

"What? I would never do that, boss. You must be a mistake, boss."

Li Xiao dropped a sweat as he looked down to the ground, as if ashamed of what he had done.

"Maybe I should tell you that there is a camera in this room. I saw you go through my desk drawer and then my cabinet. When did I ask you to open my cabinet and take pictures?"

"I am sorry, boss... My wife was severely ill, and he gave me an offer I couldn't refuse."

Li Xiao couldn't look back at Xiaoyun's eyes as he finally confessed to him.

"I hope you know this is corporate espionage. It will land you in prison right now...

But I am willing to forgive you if you reveal who's behind this. You will be able to go to HR to collect your severance pay."

Xiaoyun stood up from his seat as he stared at Li Xiao from above, creating a intense pressure directly at him.

"Its-it's our trading partner. He wanted you to die after you refused to bring the company public again...

But after hearing you survived, he told me to take as many important documents as possible to damage our expansion plans."

Xiaoyun rubbed his temple as he began to realize it was much worse than he could have imagined.

"You can go now."

Xiaoyun sat back down, looking extremely tired, as he dismissed Li Xiao.

"Thank you, boss."

With Li Xiao gone, Xiaoyun was now sitting alone in his office.

"Maybe I should hire some security... But how can I make sure that they are safe? What if the trading partner goes after Leyan?"

Xiaoyun took out his phone and called his trading partner.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Hello, this is Mr.Chen. I just wanted to ask what do you think is a good time for my company to go public?"

"What? Its up to your Mr.Chen. But if I were you, I would make it go public within three or four years...

I had heard that even some government officials would love to be able to invest some money into such a big and valuable company."

Xiaoyun clenched his fist in anger as he realized they were trying to take all his hard-earned work for themselves.

"Thank you. As you suggested, I will go public in four years. I hope you can invest in my company when it goes public."

"Of course, I will——"

Xiaoyun hung up the phone before the trading partner could hear him throwing his phone at the table in anger.

"Fucking bastard. Of course, everyone wants a piece of it. It always never goes according to plan."

After letting out his anger, Xiaoyun quickly calmed back down as he thought of his next steps.

"Maybe Grandpa was right. Maybe I should have maintained the status quo... But at least I have four more years."

With nothing much to do and his mind being all fuzzy, Xiaoyun took out his phone and called Leyan.

"Leyan, you still working?"

"Just finish my shift right now."

"Okay, I am coming to pick you up."

Xiaoyun hung up the phone and left the office.


After arriving at the hospital, Xiaoyun saw Leyan standing right at the front door.

Leyan got into the car and handed Xiaoyun a paper crane.

"This is for your good health... I didn't expect you to leave the hospital so early."

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

Xiaoyun switched the rear-view mirror charm to the crane as Leyan put on her seat belt.

"By the way, where do you live? Can you point out the direction?"

"It's just down the road. Just keep driving forward until I tell you to stop."

Xiaoyun started the car and drove forward as Leyan watched outside the car window.

"Babe, do you take the bus to work every day?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

"Yeah... What's wrong?" Leyan asked, as she could feel Xiaoyun had a problem with her taking the bus.

"I can drive you to work if you want," Xiaoyun suggested.

"Sure... But how about your work?"

"It's fine. My job is pretty flexible. Besides, I can support you if you don't want to work at all."

"No, thanks. I like this job. It feels nice being able to help others," Leyan smiled.

"Okay, then I pick you up every day. That sounds like a pretty good job," Xiaoyun joked.

"Of course, you should be thankful that you get the privilege to pick the queen up."

Leyan joked right as they both let out a small laugh.

"Okay, you can stop now."

"You sure it's here?"

Xiaoyun looked at the hotel, only to see cracks all over the walls and floors.

"Yeah, it's at 201. Since I have only been back in the city for two days, I haven't found a place to live yet, and I only have a few thousand left. So I have to make it count, unlike somebody over here."

Leyan glace over Xiaoyun as she exited the car.

"If you want, you can live at my place. I got plenty of empty rooms." Xiaoyun suggested as he walked out of the car and locked it.

"Sureee... It's never going to happen. I can't freeload off of you."

Leyan walked inside the hotel as Xiaoyun followed right behind.

"But I brought the house for us. There wouldn't be a point for me to have a house just for myself."

As Xiaoyun explained it to her, a heated argument suddenly broke out in front of them.

"Hand over all the money, or someone is going to get hurt."

The masked man at the counter draws out a knife and points it at the clerk.

"So be it, stab me. I got nothing on me, and this business is the poorest in the town. I don't know why you even came here to rob this place."

The clerk just stood there and did nothing as she adamantly crossed her arms.

"Fuck you, I hope this damn place goes bankrupt."

The masked man turned around and immediately noticed Leyan and Xiaoyun standing right behind him the whole time.

"Hey, you two, hand over all your valuables. Or I am going to stab you."

The masked man pointed the knife at the two as he pointed at his bag.

"Okay, okay, just don't hurt us."

Leyan immediately took out her phone and wallet and put them in the masked man's bag.

"How about you? Don't play stupid. Do you think you look tough wearing a suit? Hand me your money before I stab you."

The masked man swings his knife around to threaten Xiaoyun.

"Hey buddy, you might want to look behind you."

Xiaoyun tried to hold it in but accidentally laughed out loud.

"Do I look stupid? What the hell you laughing——"

Before he could finish talking, the masked man was instantly knocked out by the clerk holding a chair.

"Dumbass, what make you think you can rob my hotel, you went to the wrong place, ptui."

The clerk spits on him and immediately takes out her phone to call the police.

Leyan quickly ran up to the bag and took back her phone and wallet.

"Yeah, you are not staying here tonight. Don't argue with me."

Xiaoyun demanded as he followed Leyan up the stairs to 201.

"Fine. Just in your place for one day. Then I move out."

"You wouldn't want to leave after being in the house for one day. I promise."

"Yeah, yeah, sure, honey."

As Leyan replies, she opens the door to her room. The hotel room was just as Xiaoyun expected.

It was a single bed and a table with a tiny restroom.

"Help me pack everything up then."

Leyan opened her suitcase and started packing things up.

As Xiaoyun helped her pack up, he noticed a picture of Leyan's family.

"Is this your parent?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

"Yeah, that when I was still a small kid, my mom and dad are much older now."

Leyan takes the picture away from Xiaoyun's hand and puts it in the suitcase.

Five minutes later...

"Okay, we are all packed up now."

Leyan murmured as she finally closed the suitcase.

"Let me hold it."

Xiaoyun takes the suitcase and carries it downstairs, with Leyan behind him.

"I would like to check out," Leyan asked the clerk.

"No refund for early leaving."

The clerk pointed to the sign on the side, which had the word no refund right in bold.

"Oh, I must have missed it. Thank you."

Leyan thanked the clerk as she turned around and got into Xiaoyun's car.


After twenty minutes of being stuck in traffic, Xiaoyun and Leyan finally got to the entrance of the Luoping community.

"Wait, you live in this place?"

Leyan asked as she couldn't believe all the houses that they just drove past.

"Yeah, I brought it when I saw a housing advertisement for how to marry someone. Apparently, I need to buy a house before I try to marry someone," Xiaoyun replied.

"That is so sexist. Why do men need to buy a house just to marry someone? It should be both working together to achieve it and enjoy their fruition."

"I thought so too... if you really want to contribute to the house, you can clean up the house and cook for me," Xiaoyun suggested.

"Sure, I don't mind it. I should at least pay rent as well."

"No need——Go for it if that's what you want."

As soon as Xiaoyun tried to refuse, he could see Leyan's face change. If he insisted on her not paying, she was going to leave.

"Oh yeah, next week is your birthday, isn't it?" Xiaoyun suddenly remembered.

"Wow, I am surprised you remember that for once."

Leyan's face looked exaggerated as she stared towards Xiaoyun's eyes.

"Hey! I was just busy last time. I made up for it with a movie trip right a day later."

"Yeah, a 'day' later, as you said. I remember you buying a birthday cake a day after my birthday, and you were so confused about why I got so mad." Leyan laughed as she pointed out the past.

"Well, I don't see anyone buying cake for my birthday... Actually, never mind. I don't even know my birthday now that I think about it... Anyway, we are here now."

Xiaoyun opened up the garage and parked the car inside.

"Wow, this house looks so big. You really brought this?"

Leyan's face looked shocked as she stepped out of the car.

"Yeah, how many times do I need to tell you that?"

"I am just shocked that people actually live in these big houses."

Leyan gently touches the walls as if she is afraid of breaking something.

"You haven't see it all, let me give you a tour of the house."

Xiaoyun held Leyan's hand and entered the living room.

"What? That sofa is so big! And the TV! This living room is so spacious. Even a fireplace! I never seen someone actually use this."

Xiaoyun could see Leyan's eyes widen as she looked around the living room, eyes fill with glitter as if it was her first time seeing something so fancy.

Next, the two headed toward the kitchen.

"Oh my, is this an oven and a dishwasher? AN ACTUAL DISHWASHER! Oh my god, I had never seen one of these. If Mom got one of these, she would have so much less work to do every day."

Leyan immediately ran towards it as if it were some sort of holy relic.

"Geez, it's just a dishwasher. Is it really that big of a deal?"

"You would understand when you get forced to wash dishes every single day as a child."

Leyan moved towards the fridge and opened it, only to find barely anything inside.

"Wow, there is so much space in here... but it's almost all empty space. Do you not buy any food at home?" Leyan asked.

"Um, I only order takeout. I don't have the time to cook dinner."

"Well, you got to have something at home, right?"

Leyan looked around the kitchen as if she was trying to cook for Xiaoyun.

"Yeah, I have some noodles in the cabinet."

Xiaoyun stopped Leyan from walking further into the kitchen, as the cabinet she was about to open contained a bunch of wines.

"Let's go to the gym." Xiaoyun suggested as he grabbed her hand again.

"You have a gym?" Leyan asked in shock.

The two headed inside the gym, which made Leyan's eye widen even more.

"Yeah, just right after I finish my dinner, I have nothing else to do, so I do some light exercise. The gym only has a treadmill, a few dumbbells, and a bench."

"Oh my god, you are so healthy 'Mr. Take out guy'. Is that what you want to hear?" Leyan joked as they two looked around the gym.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, now let's go to the backyard."

"What? A backyard?"

Leyan's head was getting a little dizzy as she couldn't handle all the luxury in the house.

"Yeah, ironically, most of the space in the house is in the backyard. I was just as shocked as you when I heard it."

Xiaoyun opened the backyard door as the two stepped outside.

"Wait, is that a pool? And a hot tub?"

Leyan pointed all over the backyard as she quickly ran toward them in excitement.

"Yeah, even though I had never used it, I got no clue how to get the pool running."

"Well, me either. That's quite a bummer." Leyan looked a little down as she wanted to use it.

"I can hire someone to set it up tomorrow. I want to try it out at some point... Anyway, let's go back inside. It's getting cold."

The two headed back inside as Xiaoyun closed the door behind him.

"Now, let's go to the final part of the house——"

"Is it the the bedroom?" Leyan looked excited.

"Bingo, you got it."

Xiaoyun brings Leyan upstairs and then into the hallway.

"The first room on the left is the bathroom, then the room on the right is the master bedroom.

There are four other rooms. I currently sleep in the office room. This might feel weird to say, but I feel a calling to that room.

"What? Didn't you buy this house recently? That's weird..."

"Yeah, maybe. Anyway, you should take the master bedroom since that room is the only one that has been cleaned. All the other rooms haven't been washed yet."

Leyan drops her suitcase in the bedroom as Xiaoyun drops her other suitcases.

"Okay, let's go back to the kitchen to cook something. I am sure you are getting hungry, just like me."

Leyan holds Xiaoyun's hand this time and brings him to the kitchen.

"Well, you aren't wrong. I haven't eaten anything today yet."

"Just wait for ten minutes. It will be done soon." Leyan stated as she began cooking the noodles.

Ten minutes later...

"How is it?" Leyan asked as she kept stares at him eating the noodles.

"It tastes so refreshing. Maybe I ordered so much takeout that it ruined my taste buds."

To show how much he liked it, Xiaoyun even drank the entire soup right before her eyes.

"You don't have to compliment me that much. It's just noodles with some salt."

Leyan blushed as Xiaoyun return the favor by kept staring at her the whole time as she began eating the noodles.

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