What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 669: Conflicting Instructions

I looked back and surprisingly, the stairs were still there.

I thought with all that rumbling and stuff, the stairs would have closed up the momt I descded it.

Just to be sure, I placed my hand on the side of the stairs to see if I could use this to ascd back up to the surface and found that I could.

That means that this set of stairs was an actual Dungeon stairs and not just a random set of stairs disguised to look like them.

Hmm… Maybe that guy was telling the truth about the demoness screwing things up for us.

But ev if this is true, this doesn't make our position any better since we're now faced with the problem where we don't know if the demoness has set a trap for us.

This is going to be annoying…

I looked a the room to check where I was this time.

This floor still had ttacles for walls and it's also still a labyrinth floor.

Alright… Where do I go from here? There's a path going to the right and another going to the left.

Well Tyler, if you want me to save you, you might just want to drop a sign right now.

Just as I thought of that, a giant arrow appeared on the wall in front of me pointing towards the right.

Ok… I guess we're going that way th. We'll just--

Another arrow appeared above it, this time pointing to the left instead.

Yeah, this is going to be annoying.

Sigh… So which one was made by that demoness and which one was Tyler's?

Both of them are the exact same and they are pointing in opposite directions…

Well is there anything that can tell me which is the real one?

A sign popped up below the arrow pointing to the right with the words 'Trust this one!! This is me!!'

And immediately afterwards, another sign appeared above the other arrow with the words 'Don't list to her! This is the real one!'

Oh my god, this is so annoying.

"Why can't you just spawn another set of stairs or something that leads directly to you?" I asked aloud.

The wall in front of me seemed to shift for a momt before it reverted itself back to normal almost immediately.

I guess the demoness was specifically prevting something like that from happing.

I decided to shout out loud, "Tell me something that only a Dungeoneer would know!"

There was a pause before another sign appeared above the top arrow, 'I'm a D ranked Dungeoneer!'

Well… Good ough I guess.

I followed the top arrow and started walking towards the left.

As I was walking, I noticed that some parts of the walls and floor were constantly changing a us, like some parts of the wall might shift for a momt before reverting back to normal.

There was another momt where a ttacle popped out from a hole in the wall to try and grab me but the hole quickly closed up and cut the ttacle off.

Ok… I guess the demoness and that Tyler guy was in a battle of trying to place and remove traps targeted at me.

I'm not sure how concerned I should be about this.

A few metres down the corridor, another hole oped up in the floor despite us not triggering any pressure plates.

The good news was that we had not stepped into it so we were unaffected and merely stared at the hole wondering how we should cross.

I heard another click and a giant ball dropped down from the ceiling behind us and started rolling towards us, presumably to force us into the hole.

I got ready to try and stop the ball but a wall slid out and blocked off the path before I could, prevting the ball from reaching us.

I turned back to regard the hole.

Err… Does Tyler want me to jump in or was this a trap by the demoness?

Before I could decide, the floor closed itself up and we could move forward again.

This honestly feels like we were in some kind of amusemt park attraction or something which I found a little hilarious.

Continuing forward, I found ourselves staring at a simple wood door that looked rather fragile.

Err… I guess I should go in?

A sign appeared beside it, 'Hurry! Before she removes the door!'

Not ev a second later, another sign appeared, 'No! It's a trap!'

Ughh… Come on Tyler, you got to give me something to go off on. Don't just leave me hanging like that.

I waited for a bit, wondering if another sign would appear to tell me which was Tyler's.

Sure ough, one appeared under the sign that told me to ter through the door.

'I'm Tyler! I like to fuck monsters!'

Err… What?

I mean… No shame or anything but it's not like your sexual preferces would prove that is you since I don't know you personally.

This sounds like the succubus was trying to pass herself off as Tyler instead.

That means the other one must be--

Another sign appeared right beside that one, 'No!! That's her!! She's trying to pretd this sign was writt by me! I'm the real Tyler!'

God damnit… Why does the succubus have to be this cunning?

Ah, fuck it.

I braced myself and kicked the door op with my foot.

The door got busted down though I was not expecting for the tire thing to fly off its hinges from the blow.

Behind the door was a weird looking stone altar with what looked like a magic circle drawn a said altar.

It kind of reminded me of that altar of sacrifice or whatever it was called back in that Rejmar Dungeon.

I tried to use [Screed] on it but nothing came up.

That's odd.

Is that not an artefact but just some normal stone altar?

Looking a the rest of the room, I found no other doors or any other way out of here. Why would Tyler lead me into a room like this?

Am I supposed to destroy it? Complete it? Do a dance on it? What am I supposed to do?

I didn't ev have time to worry about that question because a part of the roof oped and something fell down to hit the g behind the altar.

It took me a momt to realise that something was a monster wh it rose to its full height.

Ah… It's a Lewd Dungeon Minotaur.

I'm guessing that demoness dropped this monster here to mess with me.

He rose up to his full height and I could see something else rising in betwe his legs as well, and it definitely wasn't someone with a shield.

She really thought that this guy can stop us? Did she not realise that we had to go through this guy to get to this floor in the first place?

The minotaur let out a roar and leapt over the altar towards us.

I directed Shadow Odeta to intercept the minotaur and she immediately jumped in to punch him across the face, sding him flying back towards the wall.

He quickly leapt back up on his feet, only to see the rest of my party converging on him and beating him up just like how I beat the first one up.

This time I chose not to join in and took the opportunity to inspect the altar instead.

If I had to hazard a guess… That Tyler guy probably used this to summon that demon into this Dungeon.

But that begs the question of what was I supposed to do with it?

Was he expecting me to destroy it? Or was the demoness herself the one who wanted me to come in here to destroy it?

Let's put aside the question of who was actually the one who wanted me to find this altar for now and see what we've got here.

I circled a it once, trying to see if there were any noticeable features on it that might clue me in as to what the purpose of it was.

Unfortunately, it didn't really have much and the altar itself could be liked to a plain stone pedestal instead.

"What do you want me to do with this?" I asked aloud while gesturing to the altar.

Almost immediately, two signs popped up in front of me at the same time.

'Destroy it!!'

'Don't touch it!!'

Geez… This really isn't helping at all…

I looked back at the minotaur that was still being beat up by my Shadow Summons.

I thought that it might somehow break free but it doesn't look like he was getting out of that dog pile anytime soon.

I turned back to the altar, "Alright… The one who doesn't want me to destroy it… What do you want me to do th?"

Another two signs popped up in front of me.

'Leave the room!'

'No! Destroy it!!'

Damn it… This feels like the case where one of them is telling the truth while the other is lying… Except you don't know who is the one speaking.

Great… How do I deal with this?

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