What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 668: I Guess We're On A Rescue Mission Now

Ok… So err… Has that guy now transformed into a door or something? Because what the heck was all that?

Or maybe he possessed the door with his spirit? That sounds a bit more likely than him being the actual door I guess?

Either way, one thing I could confirm right now is the fact that he's most likely held against his will and the demon had something to do with it.

I'm guessing that after he summoned her, she somehow managed to flip the tables on him and took over control of the Dungeon to use it for her own befits.

Perhaps that was the reason why the succubi were the way they were?

Hmmm… Guess that's something I should take note of if I plan to get involved with any more demons in the future.

Now it looks like he needs someone to save him.

But well… It's not like he gave me much info to help him anyway.

Like sure, we know he needs help now but how are we supposed to--

The door suddly changed again and this time it was two eyes and a mouth appearing on its surface.

The face did not waste any time in speaking to me, "I don't have a lot of time! She'll get suspicious! I'll help guide you to me! Just follow the trail!"

The face th disappeared once again before the door itself swung op, allowing us to ter.

Err… Ok… What trail was he talking about?

Just as that thought crossed my mind, a neon sign appeared on the wall of the passage behind the door. On it were the words 'This way!' with a brightly lit arrow pointing down the corridor.

I guess that's the trail th?

And this guy probably could manipulate the Dungeon to a certain degree but I wonder why he couldn't just make a teleporter to teleport us to him?

Heck, why not just op a passage that led directly to him?

I guess the demon must be prevting that?

Oh well, guess we'll just have to walk there.

I got my party together and we started heading down the dark passageway that the sign had indicated we should follow.

The place was tirely devoid of light and the only sound I could hear were our footsteps.

That was wh a sudd 'pop' sound came from my right and I jumped in surprise, which in turn made my party turn towards the source of the noise defsively.

I scowled wh I realised that the sound was made by another neon sign popping into existce on the wall which pointed down this one way path passageway.

There's literally no turns at all, why do you need to do that? And couldn't you have popped this into existce further down instead of right beside us?

Ok, maybe I'm complaining too much because I felt upset about getting startled by something as stupid as that.

I decided not to dwell on it and continued walking down the dark passage, only taking three more steps before another neon sign popped into existce on the other wall.

I don't want to admit it, but I jumped again from that.

Now I have a feeling he's just screwing with me.

Ignoring that sign, I continued and…


You've got to be kidding me…

The floor below us oped up and we found ourselves falling through the g.

I immediately tried to fly back up with my wings but the floor closed up almost just as fast as it oped, blocking me from returning.

I cursed and looked a me, figuring out where the floor trap had dropped me.

It was a featureless room just like the one that I had found myself in wh I escaped the ttacle wall. The only differce was that there was no door this time and it was just a room with four walls and nothing else.

This can't be a trapped room where we're just stuck here right?

I waited for a while, seeing if anything would happ and wh nothing was forthcoming, I started directing my Shadow Guards to inspect the room while I scanned it with [Screed].

Nothing came up and despite my Shadow Guards inspecting every part of the walls, ceiling and floor, nothing came up as well.


Ok, ok. Let's try something else.

I called up ev more of my Shadow Guards and arranged them in front of the walls, lining them up such that there were five of them in front of each wall with another t behind them.

With a mtal command from me, the t Shadow Guards started buffing the five Shadow Guards in front of them with [Strgth] and [Body Currt].

Once the buffing was complete, I had all of them punch the wall at the same time, striking at it with all of their might.

The tire room shook from the blow and I almost lost my footing from that.

Oof… I didn't think I was that strong.

I th wt to each of the walls to check on them to see if any of them had a crack or something.

Hmm… Nothing… Alright, try again th, let's also add five more Shadow Guards to buff the five that are punching the walls as well.

With three layers of buffs, my Shadow Guards punched at the wall again, striking it with ev more force than before.

This time I wasn't affected by the quaking because I was floating in the air instead.


I wt back to check the walls again, mtally cheering wh I found a small crack on one of the walls.

Brute force solves problems. If it doesn't, you're not using ough force.

I made sure that this was the only wall that had the crack and dismissed the rest of the Shadow Guards while keeping the original ones that had be in front of that wall.

I also added another five more to the front and t more to the back, making the back row buff the front row before they punched the wall in unison.

The crack got ev bigger from that punch, the tire wall shaking visibly from the blow.

Alright, just probably need a few more blows and this wall should come down soon.

Another punch later, the cracks had formed into a spider web shape and the cracks were slowly reaching the edges.

One more punch and the cracks have reached the very edge while the ctre of the wall caved inwards.

Alright, just one more!

I directed all of them to buff the front Shadow Guards one more time and braced myself as they punched forward one more time.

There was a loud crack and the ctre of the wall exploded outwards and threw up a cloud of dust.

I quickly used [Breeze] to blow the dust cloud away, inspecting the hole that we made.

Hmm… Not big ough for a person to fit through yet… Let's punch it one more time.

Eh? Was it just my imagination or did I just hear a shriek coming from somewhere?

It sounded almost like someone was being especially frustrated.

Meh, whatever.

I rearranged the Shadow Guards and made them punch the wall one more time, blasting op the wall and creating an ev bigger hole.

Alright, there we go, we can fit through now~

I recalled all of my Shadow Guards and brought out the original party before we wt through the hole.

Behind the wall was another dark passage with no lights and wt for several doz metres before it made a sharp turn to the right.

Hmm… If the person wasn't as strong as I was… Wouldn't they be stuck inside that room with no way to get out?

Was it just a trap that was designed to kill whoever that fell into it unless they were strong ough to get out? That's pretty sad.

I looked a, expecting there to be another sign that might pop up to show me where to go but nothing appeared.

Odd… Was that supposed to be leading me to that trap? Was he screwing with me the tire time? Maybe he's not captured by the succubus but actually working together with her?

Damn… Did I actually fall for that trap? That's annoying…

I guess I shouldn't trust any of those 'trails' anymore.

Just as I thought of that, the wall to my right suddly slid inwards before a face appeared on it.

"Arrgghhh! Huff… Huff… I apologise… That demoness is onto me… She's also manipulating the dungeon to make it harder for you to proceed. I'm trying my best to keep her in check but… Nnggghhhh!! I can't hold her for long… I'll try my best to aid you but she might change some of it into traps. Hurry! I can't keep this up for long!"

Just as he said that, another wall oped up to reveal a set of stairs leading downwards and I could somehow tell that the stairs were leading to the floor below.

Hmm… Should I trust him?

The face on the wall contorted in pain, "Arrgghh!! Hurry!! She's trying to change the stairs!! Quickly!"

Ah fuck it, let's just trust him one more time.

I ran for the stairs with my party and descded down the steps.

The walls a the stairs were also shifting a weirdly like they were made of jelly, almost like it was trying to collapse into itself.

Thankfully, nothing happed and we managed to reach the bottom of the stairs without any problems.

Alright… Now where are we?

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