Transmigrating as an Extra Third-Rate Villain

Chapter 131: Chapter 131:Trapped? [1]

Walking a the forest, I tried to see if there was anything in particular that was triggering the feeling of familiarity, but there was not.

Everywhere I gazed, my eyes kept feeling the same feeling, as if recognizing every tree and branch suring me.

Keeping tabs on the waterfall village through the crow's eyes, I slowly walked a the forest, observing and examining everything.


Only a few meters away from where I landed, a familiar waterfall and cliffside tered my sight.

Switching to the crow's body, which was at the bottom of a waterfall, I gazed upwards, and with my hanced eyesight, I saw my lifeless body lying on the g.

"...that's not possible."

Considering the speed and time I was traveling for, I should have be hundreds of miles away from the water... yet here it was.

Was this the external variable?

Leaving the waterfall aside for now, I walked to the right and peered through the dse forest.

A few meters away from the water, a flipped carriage lay, with holes in the g right next to it.

"...? That's not good, is it?"

Slowly walking to the carriage, I thoroughly examined it before concluding that it was indeed the carriage I was in not only an hour ago.

The familiarity with the trees I felt earlier... did I just go in a big circle?

"...No, I was flying straight ahead in one direction, right?"

Seeing that nobody else was a, I re-manifested the pitch-black and blood-red wing before appearing t meters in the air.

At a slightly slower speed than last time, I flapped my wing, zooming through the sky while occasionally glancing at the g.

After a few minutes of traveling in the sky, I descded to the g and glanced a for a second.

"'s still there."

The sse of familiarity was still there...

Walking straight ahead, in the opposite direction of the carriage and waterfall, the sse of familiarity kept growing stronger... until a waterfall tered my sight once again.

At this point, I had confirmed that I was going in the opposite direction of the waterfall, so I just siltly stared at the waterfall in shock.

"...he jinxed it... just escape, my ass."

Somehow, I had gone in a complete circle...

Heading straight, I also spotted the flipped carriage only a few meters away, and beside the carriage lay an exhausted main cast alongside Ire and Ruby.


" you guinely believe that this shit is my fault."

"I'm just saying the one day we decide to trust you, some bullshit like this happs. It actually cannot be a coincidce."


Stepping betwe Liam and Kevin, Zach tapped both of them on the shoulder and said.

"Look, we're all tired from running and demotivated from not making any progress, but let's just take a deep breath."

Removing Zach's hand from his shoulder, Liamn calmly replied.

"Alright.. yeah, arguing isn't gonna get us anywhere; let's just rest for a bit and continue trying until something works."

Nodding his head in approval, Kevin stood up, allowing the group to begin planning their next few steps.

I guess they figured it out, too.

No matter which direction you traveled in this forest, your destination was always this spot with the waterfall and flipped carriage...

Lying down against a nearby tree and staring at the top of the waterfall, I took a momt to regain some of my lost mana.

I had be in worse scarios... so I wasn't as panicked just yet.

Usually, there was some impding danger that would lead to my death or the d of the world, but in this case, there wasn't really a big problem.

Sure, being stranded in this forest was annoying, but was it a world-ding problem?

Slumping down again the trunk of the tree, I dismissed all my corrupted items except the crow and also began planning.

There was one direction I hadn't tried yet... and I doubt the main cast had tried it as well.

It was also the same direction of the village that my crow had discovered.

After sitting a in the shade for a couple of minutes, I reluctantly stood up and walked to the edge of the cliff.

Looking downwards, I saw the waterfall accompanied by a steep drop; however, that wasn't the real problem.

The problem was getting back up off the clip once I dropped all the way down...

There were tons of protruding rocks sticking out of the cliff, so I couldn't just use my wing and constantly appear t meters upwards until I reached the top.

I would have to flap my wing, calculate the route for my t-meter jump, th flap, and th calculate a twty times.

It would take at least three hours for me to get back up, but I could go down in less than a minute.

"Well... it's not like I have a choice?"

Jumping off the cliff, I manifested six ttacles from my back and st them plunging downwards.

...I probably looked like a gigantic flying spider from the waterfall village's perspective, didn't I..?

Free-falling in the air, I used my eyes to examine the area of the forest below the cliff and saw something out of the ordinary.

There were some tracks of humans as I saw tiny footprints and signs of fights, but that was too expected, considering there was a village.

Weaving and turning to avoid the protruding rocks as I fell downwards, I turned myself a mid-air so that the ttacles and my back were facing the cliffside.

Th, right as the bottom of the waterfall fast approached, I st the ttacles piercing backward, causing them to go right into the cliffside wall.

Holding me in the air right above the bottom of the waterfall, the ttacles wt deeper into the cliffside, creating multiple holes before finally stabilizing me.

Just like that, the sce of the human with ttacles coming out of his back, floating in the air next to a waterfall could be se.

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