Transmigrating as an Extra Third-Rate Villain

Chapter 130: Chapter 130:Stranded [4]

Watching the main cast start discussing whether to do what Kevin said or not, I slunk back into the shadows.

Switching bodies betwe me and the crow, I saw a vivid blue lake below the gigantic waterfall that was about the size of a skyscraper in New York.

However, I still couldn't find any traces of humanity as the forest remained untouched with no signs of anything moving.

It was creepy...

Shouldn't there be at least some footprints from animals or some traces of blood from predators and prey fighting?

Th again, this was a mundane forest devoid of any monsters, so the scariest predator here was probably a grizzly bear.

Returning to my body, I saw that the main cast ahead of me had finished discussing and deciding their decision, not that it mattered to me.

If they decided to stay, I would still leave.

To be fair, I doubt they cared about my decision either.

As their group slowly dispersed, Liam was the first to exit as he started to walk back to the carriage while exclaiming.

"wow...this day should go down in history...we're actually listing to one of Kevins' ideas!"

Before Kevin could snap back, Zach appeared behind him and started sympathetically patting him on the shoulder.

"Ignore him, Kevin. Be the better person!"

Well, that obviously just set off Kevin's anger ev more as he ignored Zach and followed Liam, insulting words already on the tip of his tongue.

That left Alya, Lily, Ruby, and Ire, who were trying to pick a direction to travel in as they all carefully examined their surings.

If I couldn't find any clues, what made them think they could?

Seeing that they had made the decision to attempt to travel out of the forest like me, I turned a, ready to depart.

Heading in the opposite direction of the waterfall and cliff, I ran at a slow pace until I was finally out of sight.

Quickly suring that nobody was a me, I moved the corruption a in my body towards the cter, combining it with the blood-red substance.

Ev though I had more corruption, I still couldn't form two fully-sized wings as my blood-red substance was still lacking.

Having one big wing was also much faster than having two small wings, but it came with some balance issues, which I was slowly getting used to.

A wing appeared on my right side as the pitch-black corruption and blood-red substance combined to create a maroon-like substance before flowing to my right shoulder.

Partially black and partially red, the wing stood out in contrast to soft gre grass and light-blue sky, but it didn't really matter.

No one would be able to see me while I was moving.

Flapping my wing twice, I appeared twty meters in the air and above the trees of the forest.

Flapping my wings non-stop, I moved through the air at an impeccable speed, only small speed mirages left behind at every location.

As the wind rushed against my face and my hair flew back from the pressure, I continued speeding through the sky.

Not caring about conserving corruption or mana, I also used dash every time the cooldown reset, moving ev faster.







Although I most definitely wasn't moving faster than Liana, with the combination of dash and my corrupted wing flapping non-stop, I was only visible to those of low C-rank and above.

Looking straight ahead, I noticed that despite my incredible speed, the d of the forest wasn't getting any nearer.

Deciding to experimt, I looked straight down at the forest instead of looking ahead while flapping my wing and dashing.

Raising my right hand to my eye, I slowed my perception of time and examined the forest while I flew through the sky like a meteor.

Behind me, a trail of black and red could be partially se, as my wing was also prest in the speed mirages I left behind.

The perfect light-blue sky became tainted with the colors of blood-red and night-black every time I flapped my wings, but th, a momt later, the sky would return to normal.

Examining the forest below me, I noticed something peculiar, causing me to stop after one last dash.

Levitating high in the air with my wing, I stared down at the forest, feeling a familiar sight with my eyes.

Was this forest the one I had se wh I first arrived in the mountainside town?

If so, where's the town?

Spinning my head a with my perception time still slowed, I attempted to look for the town... but there wer't ev any signs of humans.

It was the same as earlier...

Still levitating in the air, I switched bodies with my crow, immediately seeing a whole new sce.

In front of the crow, I saw a bustling town at the bottom of the waterfall with countless huts and people frolicking a.

The adults were making tools or food, and the childr were carrying buckets of water from the waterfall back to the village.

Countless humans were also returning with hunting trips with bodies of dead deer and countless berries in their bags.

Instantly, the sound of the waterfall hitting rocks and the chattering betwe the townspeople tered my ear.

A mundane human village this near to the barrier betwe the human and demon realm?

Well, I guess this is a good place, considering that the forest doesn't have any monsters...

Returning to my own body, I immediately felt my lifeless body rapidly falling towards the g.

Dismissing my wing, I manifested six ttacles, each appearing from my back, and st them plunging toward the g at a faster speed than which I was falling.

As I was a couple of meters away from hitting the g, the ttacles pierced through the g, catching me and prevting me from hitting the g.

Held up in the air by my ttacles, I stared a for a momt, confirming that I felt a sse of familiarity here.

Dismissing the ttacles, I descded to the g and commanded my crow to stay in the vicinity of the waterfall village.

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