Transmigrating as an Extra Third-Rate Villain

Chapter 128: Chapter 128:Stranded [2]


Interrupting me mid-stce, the stationary carriage somehow flipped over, sding everyone flying downwards to the floor.

This time, I was prepared for more sudd shakes, so I raised my hand to my eyes, instantly slowing my perception of time.

Using the well of corruption inside me, I magnified six ttacles that all appeared on my back before soaring upwards at an incredible speed.

Catching me mid-fall, the ttacles plunged into the hardwood of the carriage roof, suspding me in the air.

Creating multiple holes in the roof, the corrupted ttacles pierced right through the roof of the carriage.

Controlling the ttacles while unstable hovering in the air, I attached them from the roof and made them plunge downwards at a slower speed.

All five ttacles moved in differt directions: two wt to my right, two to my left, one to the back of the carriage, and one to the front.

As both the ttacles and I plunged towards the g, I st the ttacles downwards at an ev faster speed until they finally made contact with the g.

As the ttacles dug straight through the grass and dirt of the g, my body was finally stabilized in the air, hovering a couple feet above the carriage's floor.

Like a spider, I had six legs or ttacles, in this case, holding me up. Each one flew right out of my back, out of the hole in the carriage roof, and down into the g.

From an outside perspective, it would seriously look like there was a massive spider inside of the carriage.

Suspding in the air and looking downwards, I also saw Ruby falling straight at the hard g, so I manifested yet another ttacle, this time appearing above my shoulder.

In a swift and fluid motion, the ttacle pierced through the air and wrapped a Ruby's body right before she hit the floor.

With the ttacles now carrying Ruby's additional weight, I infused more corruption into the six ttacles, causing them to grow longer and dig further into the g.

As the ttacles pierced right through the stone below the g like a knife cutting butter, I finally stabilized both Ruby and me.





As the carriage completely flipped over and loud screams could be heard from further inside the carriage, Ruby and I were the only ones to remain unharmed as my ttacles held us up the tire time.

Feeling the carriage stop shaking and become motionless again, I dismissed the ttacles, causing both Ruby and I to fall to the g.

Landing on my feet, I saw Ruby gtly descd to the floor and land on her back with a confused expression.

...I guess you really can learn from your former emies.

This whole spider ttacle thing had be a spontaneous decision inspired by my first-ever battle with the djinn in the mirror room.

The horror I felt wh seeing the ttacles for the first time transformed, as now I felt like Spider-Man wh I used them myself.

How much have I changed since that first incidt..?

Quite a bit... I guess.

Still, recalling how the ttacles effortlessly pierced through both Liam and Ire's bodies, a sse of horror still remained.

Could I do that...? Did I want to do that?

As the sun shone through the hole in the carriage room from my ttacles, Ruby covered her eyes and asked.

"Do I ev want to know at this point?"

Offering her my hand with a smile, I replied.

"I learned a couple of new tricks."

As she overlapped her hand with mine and gtly applied pressure to my palm to stand up, I felt the same sse of warmth from earlier.

Why was it so comfortable... so natural?

In that fleeting momt where our hands were joined together, it felt like time stopped...and not literally.

All my worries and thoughts about our currt unknown ssation faded away, being overpowering a ssation of relaxation and warmth.

Who cared if we were stranded and lost in the middle of a forest...? Who cared if we were about to die?

The soft ssation of her hand pressing against mine seemed to overpower my mind, calming down my brain, which was moving at the speed of light, trying to figure out our currt situation.

At that momt, there were no negative thoughts or worries inside my head.

Only positive memories and thoughts flooded my head, causing a small and awkward smile to subconsciously appear on my face.

If only this momt could last felt so comfortable and calming...

However, that was just a dream.

As Ruby stood up and removed her hand from mine, my mind quickly returned to internal chaos as I tried to make sse of our currt situation.

How had our carriage be teleported over ,000 meters away from our intded location...?

Interrupting my thoughts, I saw Lily and Alya appear as they tered the driver's part of the carriage with Ruby and I.

Behind her, I could see the carriage in shambles. The chairs were all flipped over, and the floor had dts from things falling, and there were dust clouds everywhere.

On the other hand, the driver's compartmt was in slightly better condition as I had partially stabilized it with my ttacles.

Ignoring the destroyed carriage behind her, Lily looked right at me and asked.

"Are you ready to talk now?"


As Ruby broke into laughter at Lily's words, I sighed before saying the same exact thing.

"Like I said, the driver wasn't here wh I woke up."

Pointing out of the window, I continued.

"Look, do you know where we are?"

Glancing out the window, Alya, who had some territorial knowledge as she was the second successor to the Elv throne, muttered.

"T-that's the Hajin m-mountain range."


Responding to Lily's confusion, Alya continued.

"I-it's the barrier betwe the human and demon realm... which is over t thousand miles away from where we are supposed to be."

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