Transmigrating as an Extra Third-Rate Villain

Chapter 127: Chapter 127:Stranded [1]

The barrier betwe the Human Realm and Underlands, better known as the Demon's realm.

At the d of the war, wh the demons knew their loss was inevitable, they launched a full-out attack on the helm.

Not caring at all for the survival of their species, millions of demons flooded the human realm, simply trying to kill as many people as possible.

Seeing this, one brave hero sacrificed his life and all his magic force to create a mountain range betwe the Human and Demon realms to prevt the demon's reltless attacks.

Do you know want to know what the mountain range was called?

Named after the hero who sacrificed his life, the mountain range was named the "Hajin Range."

Yes... the very mountain range I wt to as soon as I transmigrated and discovered the Dragon's Eye in.

Quite the throwback... is what I would be saying if I wasn't panicking.

There was no possible way for our carriage to suddly appear here, over t thousand miles away from the Elv realm.

Something had gone wrong... very wrong.

Wh I meant the future would be uncertain, I didn't mean that it would just randomly teleport me to the first place I visited after my transmigration!

Looking at Ruby, who had wok up, I wondered if she had noticed anything as she had access to teleportation, but her clueless expression showed that she hadn't realized anything.

In fact, I was the only one in this carriage who knew we were over t thousand miles away from our intded location without a driver.

...oh, wait, a driver, we didn't have one of those, did we...?

Peeking my head back out the window, I immediately noticed we were nearing a cliff with a waterfall.

...god my luck stat just really hates me today, huh?

Rushing past my confused classmates, I grabbed the carriage wheel, steering the horses away from the cliffside.

However, this sudd change in direction caused the carriage to suddly tilt to the right, causing everyone to fall to their right side.



*BAM* bad.

However, it seemed like my luck stat wasn't done with me just yet...

Turning a from the wheel, I immediately saw a body heading right at me, and before I could react, the body hit my stomach, knocking both of us to the g.


Coughing from the impact on my lungs, I slowly oped my eyes and saw a familiar figure lying down on my stomach.

With her silky black hair stretched across my stomach, Ruby slowly tilted her head upwards, meeting my eyes directly.

Her sweet aroma tered my nose, and the soft feeling of her skin and mine veloped me, sding shockwaves through my body.

As our eyes met, her blood-red eyes seemed to shine with passion, and a bright red tainted her usual pale skin.

Closing my eyes for a second, I could barely ev feel her on me as only her head rested on my stomach.

It was... comfortable.

The warmth suring us and the feeling of her tiny head pressing my stomach made everything else seem insignificant...

What was this feeling...?

Two unknown feelings had appeared in my body in two days now...

After a momt of silce, Ruby was the first to move as she slowly got off my stomach and stood up while still staring at me.

As the unknown feeling disappeared, I regained my composure and looked up at Ruby.

With a bit of red marked on her usual pale cheek, Ruby examined her surings, looking at our other classmates, before turning back to me.

"...what did you do now?"

Still lying on the g, I raised my hands and replied.

"I'm innoct this time... really."

Looking betwe my body on the floor and the wheel right above me, she coughed.

" *ahem* It certainly doesn't seem that way."

"Look outside."

Following my instructions, Ruby looked out one of the windows, immediately noticing the change in our surings.

Well, it wasn't hard to notice it.

We were supposed to be an empty plain with a bunch of carriages following up, but now we were in the forest, right next to a cliff and right in front of a gigantic mountain range.

Slowly turning a to face me again, Ruby placed her hand on her forehead and said.

" know I'm still your boss, right?"


"Tell me exactly what you did so we can fix this, alright? That's an order, not a question, alright?"


Sighing, Ruby looked a to sure no one was watching us before replying.

" *sigh* we're going have to do it the hard way, ar't we?"

"...the hard way...? w-what is that?"

Shaking her head, Ruby responded.

"You'll find out soon ough."

But, thankfully, before Ruby could do anything, Lily's voice sounded from behind us.

"What was that...?"

Quickly getting off the floor, I stared at Lily as she carefully walked through the carriage into the driver's area.

Glancing at Ruby and me with her eyes twinkling with suspicion, Lily asked.

"What happed?"

Pointing at the empty driver's seat, I confidtly replied.

"Our driver is gone."

After staring at the empty driver's seat for a momt, Lily replied.

"...and where is he?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I responded.

"No clue...wh I woke up, he was gone."

At my answer, Ruby made eye contact with Lily with an expression that said, "Do you understand what I'm dealing with?"

After the brief silce that sued, Lily took control of the carriage and stopped it before heading back into the main area where the rest of the main cast was situated.

Peeking my head out of the stationary carriage, I looked at the mountain, trying to pinpoint our location.


Seeing Ruby's head also peek out of the window in front of my face, I stepped back in shock.

"Hah, got you!"

Regaining my composure, I stepped away from the window and replied.

"Is this time for jokes? We're stranded in the middle of nowhere with no idea how we got here."

Staring at the mountain range, Ruby replied.

"Just tell me what you did, so we can fix this already."


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