The Sugar Mommy System: The Evil Young Master is Villain!!!

Chapter 158: 3) The Alchemy contest

Hearing the words, both Bai Lung's mother and Qin Chg were shocked.

Especially Qin Chg since she was considered trash for having weak spirit roots.

It left a deep psychological scar thinking Bai Lung would be like her too in the future not to mtion, that Bai Lung was physically weak too.

Days passed, but the memory of that day remained etched deep in Qin Chg's heart. She could never forget the sight of little Bai Lung, lying pale and brok on the g, the warmth leaving his body with every shallow breath he took.

That day, something changed in her—her heart, once filled with the hope of ordinary happiness, was now consumed with a singular, burning desire: to protect him at all costs.

As years wt by and she grew older, the pressure from her family only increased. The Royal Qin Family had no place for weaklings, and ev though she was a princess, her lack of talt in cultivation made her an outcast among her more powerful siblings.

Not to mtion, Bai Lung rarely visits the palace so, Bai Lung and Qin Chg rarely met each other and talked.

Every day, she faced ridicule, scorn, and rejection, all of which served to stoke the fire of her obsession.

If she couldn't excel like her siblings, if she couldn't gain her family's approval, th she would dedicate her very being to the one person who mattered... the one person who had always accepted her, Bai Lung.

One day!

'Bai Lung… you're the only one who ever needed me. The only one who sees me for who I am. They all think I'm useless, a disappointmt, but they're wrong. I don't care what they say. I don't need their approval. All I need is you.

I will protect you… ev if it means protecting you from yourself. Ev if you don't understand it yet, you will. One day, you'll realize that no one loves you like I do. No one,'

The image of him, frail and near death, haunted her every night... It became a daily nightmare.

It was a turning point in her life where she had lost a valuable frid, and only frid.

It was the catalyst, the momt that forced her to realize that the world was dangerous, cruel, and unforgiving—just as her brother, Qin Zhao, had shown her. But she wouldn't let the world take Bai Lung away from her.

She simply couldn't

Her love, which had begun as something pure and innoct, had grown into something dark and suffocating.

It was no longer love—no, it was obsession! Pure obsession.

To get what one needs to get, to seek comfort.

The more she saw him grow up from time to time, the more she watched him rise in power and status, the more her anxiety deeped.

What if he forgets about me? What if the world takes him away from me? What if these other wom take him from me?

She would not allow that to happ.

Once again, She simply couldn't.

And today, at the alchemy contest, seeing Bai Lung with other wom, her eyes narrowed.

'These other wom… I see how they look at you. They want you. They think they can take you from me. But they're wrong. You're mine. You've always be mine.

No one else can have you. I'll make sure of it,'

A smirk played on her lips.

Her heartbeat quicked wh she saw him holding hands with that saintess from Heav's fall sect.

She caught the faintest glimpse of affection from him directed at someone other than her.

A dark rage stirred within her, threating to consume her completely.

The gtle, kind-hearted princess she once was had long since disappeared. In her place was a woman driv by a dangerous, overwhelming love that would allow no one! That right, absolutely no one to come betwe her and Bai Lung.


Her reason for obsession was clear.

Qin Chg's obsession with Bai Lung is rooted in her due to fear of abandonmt and her feelings of inadequacy.

Rejected by her family and branded as taltless, she found her worth and purpose in Bai Lung's existce.

To her, he became the embodimt of everything she lacked: strgth, power, and most importantly the acceptance that she desperately craved.

She feels that by keeping him close, by protecting him, she can validate her own existce.

'I wasn't born with talt, but that doesn't matter. I will become strong. I will become strong ough to protect you, Bai Lung. No one else can protect you like I can. I'm the only one who truly understands you… I'll make you see that. Ev if I have to destroy everything else in the process,' — Qin Chg who still thinks Bai Lung is weak.

Not to mtion, Qin Chg believes that if Bai Lung were to abandon her, it would shatter her tire world.

Her obsession is her shield, a way to prevt herself from being discarded once again.

That's why she clings so fiercely to him, going as far as to eliminate anyone she sees as a threat to their relationship.

She has convinced herself that this is love, but in reality, it's a toxic and all-consuming madness, a product of her own fear of being unloved and unwanted.

She ev un-alived her own brother in madness.

No one knows where is him or what happed, but only Qin Chg knows how brutal he died.

Hahaha haha!

Over his helpless face, Qin Chg laughed, his hands and legs were chopped off, a spear in his left eye, and both ears were cut off... It was a horrifying sce.

But he deserved it... He deserved it for attacking Bai Lung, for scattering the Dao heart of Bai Lung.

"Qin Chg! Spare me... It's the fault of the prince, not me..." Ev the minister begged but he wasn't soared either.

That day, two people met the most horrifying death known to mankind... A really slow and painful death.

Was she mad? Indeed she was mad! A perfect yandere.

Through that day wh she learned Bai Lung might be trash and weak all his life, Qin Chg's behavior escalates over time. At first, it's small things: she followed him everywhere staying in shadows and more however, they never talked.

Life wasn't the same as before.

However, Qin Chg was someone who moved from being trash to mediocre in the eyes of people but in the eyes of God, she wt from Trash to a powerless powerhouse.

And in that journey, someone else helped her!

And that someone was...


At the momt, ( alchemy contest )

Qin Chg swiftly moved towards the Bai Lung, her sharp eyes looking at three wom.

"it seems the charming hero is here sured by flowers," she said with a hmph.

Bai Lung maintained his cold face while he glanced at her.

"Well! It seems the princess is here too, I hope princess isn't here for the alchemy contest..." Bai Lung replied back.

"Alchemy contest... Young Master Bai must be joking, I don't possess profound consciousness," she simply responded with a mysterious smile.

"Oh!" he leaned close to her air, a magical batter closing a them.

"I know about alchemy... If you need alchemy pills, make sure to contact me,"

Hearing this, Qin Chg blushed a little bit.

'W-What... He said, to contact him if I need alchemy pills... It means he loves me from while heart correct otherwise why would he offer!' she was melted like plastic, however next momt she looked at Saintess.

Among three wom, she possessed a strong aura, and thanks to her constellation eyes, she could ev see her sword spirit.

"To think the saintess of Heav fall sect is also a sword cultivator... How interesting,' she said while she looked at saintess's mother, since both has somewhat same face, it didn't took ev second to figure out both were mother and daughter.

'Hmm!? Why is he with mother and daughter... Gasp! Don't tell me he likes mature wom,' with that in mind she looked at Xu Yin, there want much differce in their breast size or hip size... Since Xu Yin had already give birth, her hips was slightly bigger but Qin Chg kept the favor of charm to herself knowing she was best.

Next momt, she looked at Bai Lung and smiled.

"I would be very fortunate to get pills made by you..." she responded.

"I would be happy to hand my pills to you too," Bai Lung said while his eyes narrowed lightly because he knows Qin Chg possesses Profound consciousness.

He had se her use runes last time.

Not to mtion, that next soul must have taught her some alchemy, runes and array making.

It's clear after all, the clothes she is wearing is not just made for highest quality but it also has lots of Runes and Array chanmt.

"By the way princess Qin... Can I kiss you, we are gaged so, I believe I should be allowed to," Bai Lung said in a small tone.

"Eh!? I- umm! I guess, you can... But,"

Qin Chg was stunned by Bai Lung's bold request to kiss her. Her face immediately turned beet red, and she nervously looked a, feeling a mixture of excitemt and embarrassmt.

"Here?! Now?!" she stuttered, unable to hide her surprise.

Bai Lung chuckled at her flustered state, joying the effect he had on her. He leaned in closer, gtly touching her chin and tilting her face towards his.

"Yes, right here, right now," he said with a mischievous smile. "Why not?"


( I will write fast pace from now on, haha, both month I was unable to break mgs by 5$ anyway, three people purchased privilege this month, I am quite happy, I hope I can break Mgs this month! Lol!)

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