The Sugar Mommy System: The Evil Young Master is Villain!!!

Chapter 157: 2) The Alchemy contest

Days passed and as predicted, Bai Lung got grand-master level alchemy knowledge and he ev got a natural dual Light-dark fire, a powerful fire that could greatly help him boost the quality of the alchemy pill.

And at the momt, he was thinking of making a grand try at a small village named Elixira.

Just from the name alone, one can connect it to an elixir, it is said this land is blessed with good fertility and many alchemy plants grow here so it's a village for alchemists.

Needless to say, a Saint-Level alchemist who had explored the world is now here to seek a successor.



The bustling Alchemy Village of Elixira was alive with a cacophony of sounds and activity.

The village square, usually a peaceful heav with the thick smell of alchemy had transformed into a hive of excitemt and anticipation.

Stalls and tts lined the streets, each adorned with colorful banners and intricate symbols represting various alchemical sects and clans.

The air was thick with the aroma of rare herbs and the occasional waft of smoke from sizzling concoctions.

A large crowd had gathered a the grand Celestial Alchemy Pavilion, where the contest was set to unfold.

"Wow! I wonder who will win the alchemy contest!"

"Hmph! Gu Changgee from the Gu family is also here, I heard he has cultivated from childhood alone and hidd, I also heard his alchemy talted is highly gifted,"

"Gu Changgee? I heard he was mediocre... But it can be a lie too since he doesn't appear more to the public, I heard everyone in his family respects him so, it's most unlikely he is mediocre... Um!? I can't say more, I have no words left,"

"Hmph! Multiple people from the capital and other places have come here... Gu Changgee!? He has no chance,"

"Indeed! I heard the holy son of Nirvana Alchemy is also participating... I heard he is about to ter Master-level alchemist at the age of 47, "

( only raw age allowed. )

The voices of nameless and faceless spectators created a murmur of chatter and speculation.

News of the legdary Saint-level alchemist seeking a successor had drawn not only the crème de la crème of alchemy but also countless curious onlookers eager to witness history in the making.

"Fellow Daoists, siors, and juniors!!! Esteemed alchemists welcome to the Celestial Alchemy Pavilion! Today marks the beginning of the grand contest where we will witness the trials of extraordinary alchemists.

Only those who excel will be considered by the illustrious Saint-level alchemist for the esteemed position of successor!" one of the old m donned in fairy clothes uttered, his voice hanced by Qi.



Suddly the air began to swirl violtly and space began

to ripple like water.

Just th, a magical, heavly boat came out of rippling space like an in-game animation creating a strong impact.

"W-What is that?"

"That's a grand boat... Who is such a person?"

The pressure emitted by Boat was so strong, that everyone was pushed to their knees as if some absolute powerhouse had tered the area.

The saint-level alchemist was no exception, he was also pushed to his knees.

'An emperor domination aura? Such strong... Just who is this?'

Everyone was on their knees aside from one person and that was Gu Changgee.

[Ding! The system can't hold the Emperor's domination aura for a long time... ]

[Ding! After 30 seconds Host will face strong soul pressure, please be ready to face it... ]

[ 9 Seconds... ]

[ 8 seconds... ]

Gu Changgee heard it in his mind while his expression turned cold looking at the boat with great interest.

Suddly 4 people descded from the boat, they were, Bai Lung, Saintess, Zhao Ling, and Saintess's mother.

At the cter of atttion was other than Bai Lung, his imposing presce acctuated by his high-d, extravagant attire—a flowing robe of deep crimson embroidered with gold thread. The fabric shimmered in the sunlight, making him an object of admiration and vy.

His aura was dark and igmatic, setting him apart from the rest, and drawing whispers and furtive glances from those a him.

"Can you see that? The man in the crimson robe—he must be from one of the top sects. His aura is so intse; it's like he's shrouded in darkness and flame,"

"Y-Yes! Those clothes! They must have cost a fortune. I think he's here to make a statemt, not just compete..."

"I wonder what kind of alchemist he is. With such a mysterious presce, he could either be a formidable rival or just a showoff,"

Few kneeling people uttered.


Bai Lung snapped his finger and the boat vanished, causing everyone to breathe a sigh of relief.

Gu Changgee was lucky as he was only a standing figure causing few people including a Saint-level alchemist to take notice of him.

At the momt, everyone was focused on only two people Gu Changgee and Bai Lung.

'Oh! A villain with a system... How interesting!' Bai Lung smiled mysteriously as Gu Changgee.

However, That damn smile, it left Gu Changgee excited, his lips curling up forming a macing psychopathic smile.

It was clear it wasn't a contest betwe multiple people but betwe Gu Changgee and Bai Lung.

Just like Bai Lung, Gu Changgee had come here to search for a protagonist but he once again met a villain protagonist.

Gu Changgee had an eternal despair tree and could swallow origin like Bai Lung so, he was eager to swallow the origin of Bai Lung.

At the same time, Bai Lung was equally interested in swallowing the origin of Gu Changgee.

Not to mtion, if Gu Changgee devours Bai Lung his halo and powers would be greatly increased including the system level p while at the as time, Bai Lung could also increase the level of his system and gain multiple befits from devouring Gu Changgee.



Once again, the space began to ripple and another boat came out from the void.

This time it was a royal boat, The crown Prince and Princess were here.

'Hmm?' Bai Lung's eyes looked at his beautiful fiancee while her eyes wt towards him too.

But the next momt her eyes turned narrow seeing three differt wom near him.

'Hmph!' her eyes turned red.

Her breathing grew ragged while her heart start pumping.

For a momt lt felt like a strong killing intt was released at the suring.


Qin Chg!

Qin Chg was born into the prestigious Royal Qin Family, rowned for its powerful and accomplished members.

Well, they are an imperial family so, it's only logical for them to be famous.

However, from a young age, she was considered a disappointmt.

Unlike her siblings and cousins, Qin Chg displayed minimal talt in cultivation and alchemy, which was se as a significant failing in a family where success and power were paramount. Her inability to cultivate effectively led to her being labeled as a 'Taltless princess' which left a strong persona on her mind.

Her childhood was basically sured by dark, as if the very sun had vanished.

During that time, wh she was young, Bai Lung was Young too... Matter of fact way younger than her to the point where he used to call her sister.

Since their marriage agreemt was set early on, and Bai Lung's beautiful mother worked at the imperial court, Bai Lung and Qin Chg met frequtly.


It was a sunny day wh the sun had a strong glow, and Bai Lung and Qin Chg were in the gard at the Royal Palace playing 'run and catch'

"Sister wait!!! I can't catch you... Wait!"

During this time, Bai Lung was very weak as he was merely nine-years-old and his blood and soul were still healing.

Bai Lung was very weak, way weaker than a normal child.

While running after Qin Chg who was all happy and smiling, they wt towards the inner building.

And during this time, Bai Lung collided with a person and was instantly pushed back.


Not only was Little Bai Lung pushed Back, the figure ev kicked Bai Lung causing him to throw up some blood and pass out immediately.

Qin Chg who at the time was somewhat mature since there was years ago betwe them, had her eyes wided seeing Bai Lung like that.

She realized how fragile Bai Lung was... The only person in her life could also vanish at any momt.

"Y-You!? What have you done!?" She questioned the man in anger.

The man was other than her brother, Prince Qin Zhao, who at the momt was crown prince.

She instantly wt towards Bai Lung and checked his pulse, he was very warm at the momt and taking low breaths as if he could leave this world at any momt.

"Hurry up!!! Call healer..." She shouted but no one listed.

The Prince seeing this spitted on the g, "You Trash... You must be feeling sad for that trash! Hmph! I hate weaklings like you..." The prince snorted while he looked at the person behind him who was minister.

Saying that, both prince and minister left.

Qin Chg seeing no other option, carried Bai Lung and prested him before his mother.

Bai Lung's mother seeing his condition like this was instantly angered while she immediately summoned a healer.

But the healer who arrived at the sce only shook his soul... "I am sorry, but Dao heart of Young master is greatly shak, I fear, he might not be able to cultivate properly," The healer said as Bai lung at the momt had a dark spirit embryo.

( Note; like mtioned previously his spirit root was tak. So, he now has spirit embryo as most kid have spirit embryo which develops into a spirit root. )

( Key Point: some kids are born with spirit root and don't have to wait for it to develop and in order to cultivate one needs spirit root )

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