Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

270 Epilogue

Lean Gorn

The blessing bell rings in the capital.

Under the waking blue sky, brightly colored petals dance.

The girl ran as she fell in love with the dream scene.

The boy running in front stopped a little further and waved in a hurry.

"Hurry! The carriage will pass by!"

"Wait, my breath..."

I cut my breath, but I managed to follow the boy without losing sight of him.

The shops in the King's Palace had been trading since the morning as a celebration day, but now they are mostly closed temporarily. Lots of people crammed into the road to see the parade at a glance.

Alone and close to the boulevard.

As she slipped through, the girl held back the bouquet of flowers in her arms so that it would not crumble.

"Come on, let's go. If we can get in here, we can get in here."

The boy pointed at the narrow alley and went in.

It's as easy as a wild monkey to walk up to a place blocked by luggage.

Hmm, I can't!

It's not impossible. Don't you want to see me?

"... not good"

"Yeah. Here, give me your hand."

After handing the flower bouquet to the boy first, the girl desperately reached out.

No matter what happens, the next one is also an obstacle. Encouraging herself to frustrate, the girl travelled a path without a path.

That's how we arrived between the buildings along the road.

When the child passed the gap where he could almost pass through, a wall of people was formed. I twisted my body around the waist of an adult, and I was already exhausted by the time I got here.

My favorite dress, my mother asked me to tie it up in the morning, and my hair is so messy.

Still, the girl's eyes glowed and she waited for her arrival.

Eventually, the carriage slowly approached with cheers.

Two fine white horses with golden horseback riding on black leather are pulling out a luxurious carriage with a folding cover.

On board is a tall and beautiful princess.

The man is the head of the Leonhardt Kingsguard Knights, a warlord who is famous in the surrounding countries.

The woman is called the treasure of Nebel, the First Princess, His Highness the Rosemary.

The marriage of two people who should also be called the treasure of the country.

Moreover, we can see at a glance that we love each other, not political marriage. The people rejoiced and sincerely congratulated the two who stood by happily.

The girl was one of them.

But that's not all.

The girl died of her father's illness a few years ago.

A girl who could not do anything to a suffering father and could only see off, then became interested in the profession of a doctor.

Most of the people around them opposed it.

It is impossible for a girl, and it is difficult for one parent because it costs money, and I try to make her give up for various reasons.

However, only the mother and the childhood boy supported the girl's dream.

The girl also read books and encouraged her to study alongside her mother.

At that time, Her Royal Highness the Princess of Rosemary was granted the title of Duke and told of the construction of a medical facility in her territory.

Moreover, it is not just a facility for treatment. It is said to have a research facility for medicines and treatments, and a school that gathers young people interested in medicine and raises doctors.

Open the door to anyone, regardless of their identity, nationality, or gender.

In addition, it seems that the mechanism of exempting some tuition fees for outstanding students is also being considered.

I couldn't believe the story of the Ideal Home right away.

Still, from that day on, for a girl, dreams were no longer just dreams.

"Hey, here we are!"

Um, yeah!

A carriage passes in front of you.

It was difficult to get close because the Knights Guard were surrounding the four sides. Somehow, she stepped out to give her bouquet of flowers, and her eyes met the woman waving on the carriage.

Being gazed at by a glowing beauty, the girl stops breathing, not moving.

The bride reached out to the girl who hardened with her breath held still.

I gently received the bouquet of flowers that the girl had offered me.

"Thank you."

"...... ah"

The girl wondered if this was about the amount of asthenia.

Even though there are many words I want to convey, my heart is full and I can't say anything. At the very least, the falling from the mouth of the girl who thought it was a celebration was something else.

"I'm going to be a doctor...!"

No, I don't think this is it, but it's too late.

The girl faded when she saw the bride's pale eyes turn round.

At this festive table, the girl blames herself for making a declaration that she doesn't understand.

But the bride didn't blame herself. If you don't understand the meaning, you won't be silent. She nodded happily with a broken face.

Yes, I'm waiting.

Just a few seconds of encounter.

A small event that no one around you would notice.

Nevertheless, the event was an important guideline in the girl's life.

Eventually, Nebel Kingdom's medical standards will be among the highest in the world.

Many excellent doctors and pharmacists were produced, and they were active all over the world. Some of them were doctors who continued to save the poor for free, and became called saints.

The Duke's territory, with its medical facilities, has developed remarkably and is now bustling alongside the capital city.

Energized by merchants visiting from all over the world, the city is full of rare and exquisite products, but everyone says with their mouths that they are not the greatest eye-catchers in this territory.

Beautiful, gentle and friendly Duchesses and Duchesses.

The Reigns laughed proudly that there was nothing more noble than them.

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