Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

269 Marriage Of The Reincarnated Princess. (2)

It's been tough since then.

Even when I tried to fix the makeup, the area around my eyes became swollen, so I needed to cool it first. When the redness subsided somehow, the congestion in the eyes was relieved and the makeup was finally repaired. The schedule I had been putting together in my spare time was already pushy, but all the maids who showed professionalism worked on it and managed to make it happen in time. I can only thank you.

Apparently, a lot of people came to see me after my parents, but I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to refuse. My mother, who accompanied me, told me that Niisama and Johan had heard what had happened and were blaming my father for being distant.

But I knew my father wouldn't do any damage. I could easily imagine where the wind was blowing and listening.

It seemed that Hanayana-chan, who had been summoned according to today, had also arrived.

It is a dream for me to really be present at my wedding. I'm sure they're looking really pretty.

I'd like to meet you, but when I do, I'm going to cry again, so I'd like to talk slowly after the ceremony.

Time to go to the ceremony.

There were two children waiting near the entrance. Girls dressed in glamorous dresses around the age of ten are gracious. It's very cute at first glance.

The hem of the long wedding dress is passed from the maid to the children. It's called a trane bearer or a veil girl.

Looking back over her shoulders, the children's expressions were stiff, as if they were quite nervous. Especially one of them looks pale and is worried that she will fall as she is.

I stared at her and saw her face.

My eyes blinked a few times. Have you noticed the state of the child? The other one raises his face. Her pale, tense face was similarly surprised.

Sneakily revealing a strange look, it bursts out at the same time. Somehow, while the gaze of the maids turned to the children, they put their index finger on their lips and gestured, "Don't tell me," and nodded with a full smile.

All right, well, it was worth a lifetime on a sunny stage.

Since the bride is doing this, she probably told me that it's okay to make a few mistakes.

It's time.

Two knights standing beside the heavy double doors put their hands on the knobs at the same time.

Gee, the door opened with a heavy clattering sound, and a dazzling light came in.

Equally spaced marble columns and arcaded high ceilings. High windows are adorned with blue-based stained glass, which glows beautifully in the sun. The high walls are decorated with angels and the trifolium with arched sculptures to delight the eyes of the viewer.

Invitations were lined up on either side of the long main corridor, and when the door opened, gazes gathered.

Follow the wedding aisle slowly.

I couldn't afford to check the faces of each person, but I could see that Hanaya-chan was there. Dressed in an ivory dress, she braids and halves her long, long hair. She grew into a beautiful woman with her pity intact.

Damn, the back of my nose feels dizzy. Just by looking at her face, she was about to cry.

I managed to overcome the urge of tears and concentrated forward.

Three priests hung golden struts on their white festivals clothes in front of an altar standing in the center. The archbishop standing in the center wears a tall hat similar to Mitra's.

And the moment I put the figure of the person standing in front of them in my sight, my breath stopped.

Wearing it is the Kingsguard Knights' gown.

The top is embroidered with gold thread on the oak fabric. The length is shorter than the usual regimental clothes. The red sash is hung diagonally and the chest is decorated with numerous medals.

From above, a cloak called Perrys is worn. Gold embroidery on top and assorted ruffles, long hem with gold and red edges and luxurious fur around the neck.

The Trousers are white and the boots are black. This is also decorated with gold rim.

I usually shed my frontal hair backwards, so I get a stoic impression, but for some reason it's spectacularly colourful.

Even at the age of thirty-two, the sophisticated beauty never withered. It's more attractive, with a calm, erotic touch.

"...... it's nice......"

Leonhardt in full costume was too nice, and I was going to be depressed.

I want someone to praise me for not falling off my knee. I did my best because seeing such a bride would be a trauma for the children.

Leonhardt was always handsome, but I felt like he was always shining more and more today. Honestly, I can't see straight.

Knowing or not knowing my mood while trying to keep calm, Leonhardt's gaze captures me.

The black eyes, which were always sharp in their gaze, were clenched to express surprise.

I feel uncomfortable being stared at.

When I was worried that something might be wrong, Mr. Leonhardt's skin became loose. With a slight blush on his cheek, he smiled very happy.

Her lips are silent and she spells "beautiful".


Stop it and die.

Simply die.

You're already overdosed and you're about to vomit blood, but stop this. You're going to die.

Even though the ceremony has only just begun, I'm already out of breath.

It's been two years since I got engaged, but I haven't been immune to Leonhard yet. Even though I knew that it was more skinship, I was about to die every time.

I still can't believe you're going to be my daughter-in-law.

It doesn't matter if you get used to it or get tired of it or not. With every passing day, I like more and more, and my heart seems to break.

I managed to reach Leonhardt's side with a thin smile on my face.

In the harsh air, prayers by the archbishop begin.

A voice reciting a Bible passage echoed in the wide space. The flat but rhythmic tone of your voice calms you down like you're reading a sutra.

When you finally get ready to breathe, you'll move from prayer to vows.

"When you're healthy, when you're sick, when you're happy, when you're sad..."

The script is no different from the earthly style.

This is what I felt when I attended my relatives' wedding when I was young. I don't know what it means, but I remember being moved for some reason. That's probably because they looked happy.

Your eyes and expression say you're the happiest person in the world.

The bride with a smile on her face looked undoubtedly the prettiest in the world.

"When you're rich and when you're poor."

I wonder if I can be like that.

What do I look like now, next to someone I've been chasing all my life?

"Love, respect, comfort, help"

Some days I cried because it was hard not to be seen as a woman.

I almost broke my heart, and there were moments when I wanted to stop. But I couldn't stop liking it.

To be honest, I didn't feel optimistic that I could be liked, and I was always desperate. Even now that we know each other, sometimes I think it's a dream.


"Do you swear to be sincere as long as you live?"

"I swear."

A sincere voice will tell you.

Leonhardt's beautifully sidelined face was not lost.

Yeah, it's okay.

This is a reality.

I was right next to Leonhardt.

When I was a child, I told it to me in my heart.

Today, my dream comes true.

"I swear."

His chest was full and his voice trembled a little.

Eventually, a velvet ring pillow was brought to face Lord Leonhardt.

He took off his white gloves. A large, modest hand takes a silver ring. She gently lifted her left hand and clasped it against her finger.

I take the ring in the same way, but it seems like I will take it off because I am nervous.

But his left hand clenched his fingers like a dance of encouragement, so he was distracted and the tremor was relieved. I managed to push it to the base of my finger.

I raised my face.

I think she looked like a child without much relief.

Then, my gaze met with a grim and gentle eye.

A gaze full of compassion and a desire for shelter. However, it contains more than that.

The inky eyes spoke more eloquently than words, saying, "I love you."

When I thought that I had been seen with such eyes, my face suddenly became hot.

Leonhardt rolled the veil around and poured it backwards.

My fingers slipped to my cheek in a hurry. I was faced up by the attached hand.

Oh, what? You're doing this at the right time?

Even when your head is not working well and you are confused, your pretty face is approaching.

When you can't stand it and your eyes are meditating as hard as you can, your forehead feels soft.

When I opened my eyes with a sigh of relief as I immediately left, there was still Leonhardt's face at a distance that was out of focus.

It's chirping and blinking.

Before the brain understood, the lips overlapped the lips.


Surprisedly, it solidified.

My head is pure white and I can't think of anything.

Perhaps after more than ten seconds, my lips are finally separated.

Oh my God, you're a very good couple.

The Archbishop smiles at us with his smiling eyes.

I had no intention of making fun of him, but I was ashamed to raise my face.

Then sign the marriage certificate.

Blessed, he finished the ceremony and was escorted to the carriage by Leonhardt.

I stared at him with gentle eyes, my face still blushing.

"Let me prepare my mind."

At the meeting, after the ring exchange, the archbishop was supposed to say "Kiss the oath".

I was going to skip the process and end up kissing my forehead.

Even if there is grudge, Master Leonhardt only laughs with Nikoniko.

Because you're so beautiful, I couldn't bear to endure it

Besides, I might say such a word.

My cheek, which was becoming even more red, was almost tied to a hand that stroked my cheek with love.

"Also, there's a sense of restraint." Most of the men at the venue were in love with you. "

I think 'almost' is a clear overstatement.

Even though I was shocked, I couldn't hide what I was happy about, and my mouth was loose.

"Don't worry, you're the only one I have."

All the time?

"Yeah, for the rest of my life."

Leonhardt laughed joyfully as he nodded without hesitation. Smiling like a boy is my favorite way to laugh.

"I will continue to love you, too." Death divides the two of them forever. "

As a matter of course, they swear not only for life, but also beyond.

I leaned back softly, delighted by my deep affection.

I want to walk next to this person all the way from today.

When you are healthy, when you are sick, when death divides you.

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