Supreme BeastTamer: I Can Copy and Upgrade Skills 10x!

Chapter 131: Birds In The Sky

Similar to Reyes, all the other factions hunting for the Elemtal Beast also received a parchmt. If one were to pay atttion to the sky in Coastal City, they'd notice several birds flying in all directions. It was a rare sight because, due to the cold atmosphere, birds could hardly be se in Coastal City.

However, for some reason, the sky was suddly filled with birds. Entirely black, the crows' wings beat in unison as they flew in differt directions. The residts of Coastal City pointed and gasped, their faces filled with a mix of confusion and amazemt.

A kid, seeing the crows for the first time, asked his parts what they were.

"They're crows, sweetie," she replied, her eyes fixed on the sky. "But I've never se so many before. And in this cold weather, it's ev stranger."

Hushed whispers and gasps filled the streets of Coastal City that day, and the citizs would continue to talk about the crows for several days.

One of the crows perched on a woman with vibrant dark hair and mesmerizing ruby eyes. She wore a deep, dark gown that cast shadows on the g. She unfasted the parchmt unhurriedly and read it with her signature indiffert look. After carefully reading it, her eyes flashed as she looked at the crow.

'This crow seems to be handing these letters to all visitors, but how did it know I don't belong here?' The Necromancer thought as she walked in a bustling street in Coastal City, filled with people.

As the crows perched on her, some were curious to ask the woman what it was, but something about her unsettled them. She was giving off a deadly aura they had never felt before.

Because of this aura, they instinctively distanced themselves from her. Of course, if they were more expericed, they might have connected the dots and figured out who she was... However, necromancers were very rare; most had never se one before! They only knew it was the most feared class among Monster Classes.

'Unfortunately for whoever you are, I'm not interested in fighting for the Elemtal Beast,' Eve thought and squeezed the paper. 'I'm more interested in seeing how my disciples will fare against all these people... though he's no longer naive, he still has a long way to go.'

What Eve failed to realize was that... the crows couldn't differtiate betwe citizs and foreigners... instead, they were doing something ev more unbelievable. They only handed the parchmt to those with strgth and pottial.

As such, ev people who were unaware of the Elemtal Beast's existce became informed. It felt as if someone was deliberately sding out a message to all the powerful people in Coastal City, both Mundanes and Awaked!


Brolly, from the Bladesong Academy in the Valerian Kingdom, narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he read through the contt.

"The Elemtal Beast stirs. Meet at the ancit Cave of Iceborn if you wish to claim its power."

He turned the parchmt over and saw a detailed map showing the cave's location. Brolly was skeptical at first but decided to report this to the others. After all, they had agreed to work together to take down the Elemtal Beast. Yes, he couldn't be greedy.

Similarly, the leader of the slim m with his small group also received a crow. He grinned, looking at his fellow scavgers, and they soon left as well.

Elsewhere, the Silvermist Guild leader, with her intellectual appearance, unfasted the parchmt from the crow's feet and read the contt. Like Bladesong Academy, she wt to meet with the others.


"Coastal City, our beloved kingdom, is a land of ancit magic and forgott lore. But few know of the terror that lies beath its froz surface." A middle-aged man with a receding hairline and glasses stood in front of studts. He wore black clothing and seemed to be a teacher, addressing teagers who stared at him with focused interest.

Laughter and whispers filled the classroom as the teacher, Professor Orion, began his lesson: "Many years ago, Coastal City was once a hav for ships and travelers who wished to travel the world... the city bustled with people of all races and businesses that gerated over million gold coins monthly."

"Gasp!" Several gasps filled the classroom wh the studts heard the absurd amount their professor mtioned.

Adjusting his glasses, he continued, "However, all this changed wh a powerful beast, still shrouded in shadows, arrived in our city. At first, the Awaked of the time clashed with the Beast, but they were all overwhelmingly defeated."

"T days. They fought for t days, but the outcome remained the same, and the Awaked had no choice but to let the Beast be since it wasn't killing humans. However, that decision came at a great price."

Orion paused, speaking in a grim voice: "The Beast's presce turned our seas and terrain into a froz landscape, making our city the most inhospitable place in all of Snowhelm."

The studts had be pestering Orion lately, asking why the seas, lakes, and sometimes ev the streets were froz. Of course, Snowhelm Kingdom had always had chilling temperatures, with snow falling almost every day, but the situation in Coastal City was differt. If one stayed outside overnight, they could become ice statues. It was that bad.

After much insistce, Orion decided to tell them the history of the city, a tale many didn't share with their childr, fearing that if the Beast still lurked, it might attack.

As he spoke, a commotion outside caught the studts' atttion. They glanced out the window to see crows filling the sky, their black wings beating in unison. The classroom erupted into chaos as the studts pointed and gasped.

"What's that? Are those... birds?"

"I think so."

"Yeah, I've never se one before."

Professor Orion's eyes wided in surprise, but he quickly regained his composure... This was the first time he had se a crow in Coastal City. His eyes briefly flashed as he tertained a certain prospect.

'Perhaps the Beast has left, and the birds have returned?' But as he looked outside at the froz landscape, he quickly dismissed that thought.

"Everyone, get back to your seats!" Orion reprimanded the studts, their eyes still filled with amazemt.

As if on cue, a crow perched on the windowsill, dropping a parchmt onto the professor's desk.

"Huh?" Orion and the studts were surprised by this new developmt. The professor quickly regained his composure and unfasted it, scanning the contt.

"This... this is an invitation!" Orion clched the letter tightly as he prepared to leave the classroom.


"Dear, do you know what this is?" The elderly, -haired woman displayed a warm smile, capable of putting anyone at ease, as she handed the parchmt—rectly unfasted from the crow—to the girl who was sweating profusely while swinging a wood stick.

"Thank you." The girl returned the smile as she took the letter from the woman who had nursed her back to health.

She read through the contt and crushed it into a ball, her eyes narrowing.

'Is this another ploy?' Wdy thought with a frown.


Thanks to all those who support Supreme BeastTamer with their Gold tickets and power Stone; I really appreciate. But we need more gold tickets guys!

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