Supreme BeastTamer: I Can Copy and Upgrade Skills 10x!

Chapter 130: Special

The rest of the Mavericks Guild had stopped their training and stood outside the abandoned ship to watch the fight despite the freezing cold. They had be focused on their own training wh suddly they were attracted by the deafing sound of two people fighting. Rushing over, they expected to face emies, thinking their base had be exposed.

However, the only people they saw fighting were their guild master and the new recruit. The two were gaged in a bloody fight, clashing repeatedly. Cracks had appeared on the froz g and only increased with each clash.

"The new recruit is not that bad," Cormach commted, his giant shield on his back as he watched the fight with interest. The new recruit was using a sword while the guild master fought with his hands cased in solid rock.

"The guild master seems to be joying himself," Nahim observed. "He's rarely this excited."

Everyone prest nodded their heads in agreemt as they heeded the Spectral Asher's words.

In the distance, the fight continued to rage on. Jack's swings were wild and filled with power. The blade of the odachi flashed repeatedly in the air, and whever it clashed with Reyes' rocky-covered hands, fragmts of rocks would be chipped away.

"His swordsmanship was only subpar a few minutes ago, but wh that flame appeared, it's as if he's a differt person tirely," Reyes narrowed his eyes as he was pushed back a bit, his feet digging into the g.

Though the youth was stronger than wh they started, Reyes could finish the fight easily. The only reason he was extding the fight was that he wanted to confirm if he was still fighting the same boy or a differt person tirely.

As he was lost in his thoughts, a booming, boisterous voice that didn't sound like the easy-going Jack resonated. "Hahahaha! You seemed cocky a few minutes ago; why do you look surprised?"

[Keep quiet! Don't speak too much. Do you want him to suspect we're differt people tirely?] the family carefree voice reprimanded in Jack's mind.

The boisterous voice, filled with scorn, responded dismissively, "It's my turn! You stand back like the others and watch!"

[Sigh, that's why I don't like swapping with you; you always seem to make things worse.]

[Hmpf, says the weakest one among us], the arrogant voice harrumphed.

"Alright, that kid doesn't sound like this," Reyes concluded in his mind. With his eyes flashing sharply, he added, "Unlike the mundane flame, the second flame is red, meaning it belongs to awaking. This is the first time something like this has happed wh I use this skill."

Reyes was really confused, but he tried not to show it on his face. It didn't make sse to him at all. How could one person have two flames? This was unheard of! Could it be he has be possessed? Reyes wondered but dismissed this thought.

"Was this what he meant by being special?" Reyes wondered as he readied to d the training he had be purposely stalling to study the battle style of his oppont.

With a sudd bolt of speed tearing across the froz g, Reyes closed the distance betwe himself and Jack. His rocky fists glowed with fierce intsity as he aimed at Jack's ribs. Jack tried to parry the attack; however, Reyes was much faster, and the attack impacted, the cracking of bones reverberating.

Jack stumbled back, his face turning as pale as paper, and his vision clouded as he felt intse pain from his ribs.

[Serves you right!] the carefree voice spoke in delight and a chuckle that caused Jack's eyebrows to twitch in annoyance.

[Watch me as I beat him, you coward!] the arrogant voice spat out, its tone dripping with vom. Jack's eyes flashed with fierce determination, his grip on the odachi tighting.

[You fool, I know you're strong, but have you be paying atttion?] the carefree voice shouted. [Though I can't see his levels, I can tell this guild master is very strong; he's just be messing with you all this while.]

The arrogant voice laughed coldly, "Shut up! You know nothing!"

With a sudd burst of speed, Jack charged at Reyes, the odachi flashing with electricity. Reyes' eyes gleamed with defiance as he countered with a swift punch, but Jack dodged easily.

The Mavericks Guild watched astonished as the two clashed, their movemts lightning-fast. Cormach's eyes wided in surprise. "He's fast, but the guild master is much faster."

Hex nodded in agreemt. "But Jack's got power. And that blue light—is it actually lightning?" Because they were standing a bit further away, they couldn't see the crackling ergy, just the blue lights.

As the fight raged on, Reyes began to push Jack back, his rocky fists pounding mercilessly against the youth. Jack stumbled, his eyes flashing with fear, but the arrogant voice laughed again.

"Fool! You think you can beat me? I'll show you my true power!"

With a sudd surge of strgth, Jack swung the odachi in a wide arc, the blade slicing through the air, leaving a blazing trail. However, Reyes countered with a swift kick that st the youth flying through the air and collapsing to the g.

Jack's eyes shined with a mad gleam as he rose to his feet, glaring at Reyes as if he were a delicate meal.

[He's losing his mind again! Guys, help me rein him in!] the carefree voice, which belonged to the original Jack, shouted.

Reyes took a step back. He had noticed something strange too. Why was the boy suddly radiating a bestial aura? Things didn't make sse. This boy was filled with lots of secrets.

Pushing all these thoughts to the back of his head, Reyes was ready to d this before Jack lost control completely. Raising his fist, he was ready to deliver the final blow; however, at that momt, the familiar voice he was used to reverberated.

"You win, alright, I forfeit... and isn't this just training? Why are you so serious?"

Reyes observed the boy for a momt. He could feel the carefree, talkative boy was back, so he dropped his fist. "I was not serious; trust me, I only used 0% of my strgth in this fight. Anyways, I'm glad you've returned to your sses."

"Now I realize you're really special." Reyes stretched a hand towards Jack, who held it and helped himself stand on his feet. "Because everyone has their own secrets, I'll refrain from asking about the strange things that were happing to you during our spar."

"I appreciat-" Jack trailed off as his eyes darted to a crow that was slowly descding. He was not the only person who saw the bird; the others also directed their atttion to the crow, which was heading towards Reyes.

Reyes stretched his hands outward, and the crow perched on it. Checking the bird's legs, he found a parchmt carefully fasted to it.

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