Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Revenge Is Sweet (Part 4)

It was now 10:30 AM, and Donald was currently standing in front of the school's library where some students were coming to collect their library cards.

Rather than stand at the building's front entrance, Donald stood by the side, hiding in some shrubbery while looking toward the front junctions. He currently had his phone to his ear and seemed extremely nervous as he spoke to Don.

"I'm still not sure this is a really good idea. What makes you think those guys are gonna pass through here anyway? I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but they don't look like the type to get library cards or hang near libraries for that matter."

On the other side of the phone, Don's voice could be heard, "They may not be the type to hang around libraries, but the people they're looking to exploit definitely are. It's a gamble, but I don't see anywhere else where we can find them and get a head start. You want to find another place?"

Donald sighed. "They spend a lot of time in the school bathrooms, maybe. But if you meet up with them there, well..."

"Oh shit! They're here," Donald replied hastily, trying to get his voice to stop trembling. He then ducked down so he could dive deeper into the shrubs.

Don urgently asked, "Well, what are they doing?"

"They're talking to someone. I'm hiding and can't see properly," Donald replied.

"Just peek over. Why would they be looking over at a bush on the side of the library? It's all in your head. Just peek out and get the concoction ready."

"I really have a bad feeling about this, Don. If they catch me after this, I'm the only child, you know. What am I going to tell my mom?"

"Quit thinking so much about it and use the tactical advantage," Don urged, causing Donald to frown slightly as he turned his attention toward a plastic bag hidden in the shrubs right alongside him.

Within the plastic bag were a bunch of water balloons, though they had a strong foul smell emanating from them as flies could even be seen hovering around.

"This stuff stinks. Remind me again why am I the one doing this and not you, Mr. Planner?"

"First of all, I'm the one who came up with the plan. Second of all, you did say you're fast. I'm not exactly confident in my speed skills. And lastly, if you're the one who does it, they might be more inclined to go after you as opposed to me."

Donald frowned at this analysis of Don's plan. "Are you trying to say I look more beatable?"

Don quickly avoided the question, "Would you just hurry up? I'm pretty sure Trixie is doing her part as well. Trust me, by the end of this, you're going to be thanking me."

Donald sighed, "Well, that's only on the condition your plan works. Dammit, why did I ever agree to this? Oh well, here goes."

Donald took a deep breath and yelled out from the bush, "Tony's a bitch!" His voice was so loud it drew the attention of the trio of bullies, who were indeed looking for someone else to harass into getting a room with them.

"What the fuck was that?" Tony came to an immediate halt and looked toward the library, and the buddy beside him, Dwight, pointed toward it.

"I think it came from over there."

"It could be those fuckers," the other guy suggested as the trio began walking over. Tony didn't seem worried.

"Or it could be some punk we know from the neighborhood whose trying to act tough on campus."

As the trio drew closer to the library's entrance, Donald crouched lower and reached for the plastic bag, opening it. The foul smell hit his face. "Seriously, Don, how did you get your hands on this stuff? What even is this stuff?"

"I paid the janitor 30 credits and told him to fill the balloons I bought at one of the stalls with the most disgusting mix he could think of. He didn't ask any questions and just said not to use it indoors, but outside is fair game."

"Isn't that counterproductive since he has to clean it?"

"No, he says he hates the guy who's in charge of cleaning the outside and said if we need his help again, just to ask."

"How convenient," Donald sarcastically muttered before reaching for one of the balloons and getting ready. When he heard the footsteps were close, he emerged out of the shrubs with one balloon in hand and quickly threw it at the closest target, Tony. The balloon exploded right in front of his face, catching him off guard and with his mouth open.

"What the fuck!" Tony yelled out while his buddies were immediately confused. Donald used that moment to get more balloons from the plastic bag and just toss them haphazardly at the group. However, with them being so close, they all hit, landing on their chests and neck areas.

"What the fuck," Dwight exclaimed as the foul stench entered their noses and the smelly, sticky liquid drenched their clothes.

Not waiting for them to make sense of the situation, Donald broke into a sprint and ran away after saying, "Payback's a bitch!"

Donald began running quickly. 'That felt amazing,' he thought. Then, as he looked behind, he could see Tony's face contorted in anger as he yelled, "I'm going to fucking kill you!"

Tony then broke into an angry sprint, jumping over the shrubs and immediately pursuing Donald.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Donald exclaimed. "They're after me! They're after me!"

Donald was in a panic but still remembered the plan, whose first step involved luring them into the gym building complex. A security guard who roamed the area nearby saw Donald run by and yelled in his direction, "Hey, no running on the grass!"

"Sorry!" Donald yelled back before quickly entering the building. The guard simply shook his head. Moments later, he saw the angry trio also running into the same building.

"Hey, you three!" he yelled out to them, but he got no reaction, so he had to pursue them. Just as he got close, he could already smell the foul stench that caused him to contort his face in disgust.

"What the fuck is that smell?" he paused in momentary disgust but then quickly resumed his pursuit.

Inside the gym building, Donald was making a beeline toward the showering areas. Without hesitation, he paused in front of the women's showers before saying, "You better be right about this, Don, because beyond these showers…."

Just then, the trio was quickly making their way toward him.

"Stop right there, you fucker!" Tony yelled out, causing Donald to gulp. Feeling it was better to take the risk, he proceeded to immediately enter the women's showers. It was a bit foggy, and he became slightly worried as he began to whisper, "Trixie, Trixie, are you sure?"

Trixie emerged from the mist wearing a towel and spoke in a low voice as the clear murmurs of other girls could be heard giggling and chatting away, sometimes playfully letting out moans as they played shower games with one another.

"They're right behind me, Trixie. Hide me!"

"Oh, don't be such a worrier. Wear this and get ready to run out once they enter."

"Wear what?" Donald was confused, but before he could question, Trixie raised her hands from below the mist. In her hands were a towel and a wig, which she revealed with a smile on her face.

At that very instant, the door to the girls' showers swung open, and Tony's voice reverberated, "Where are you, you little fucker?"

In response to this, Trixie smiled and told Donald, "Better act quick."

After saying this, Trixie let out a shrill scream, "Rapist! Rapist!" This caused the other girls to start yelling in panic, "Oh my God!"

Before Tony and the others could even react, one of the girls, rather than run, chose to reach into her bag and take out a taser, which she immediately used. What followed was the immense use of pepper spray in the direction of the three.

Donald looked on with wide eyes and quickly ducked in the smoke, whispering, "Trixie?"

But before he could ask, he found Trixie's figure was gone.

'Shit, shit, shit!' Left with no choice, he simply looked at the floor, saw the towel and the wig, and let out a sigh. "Shit."

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