Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 38: Chapter 38: Revenge Is Sweet (Part 3)

Donald was left stunned by the question Trixie asked him, not knowing exactly how to reply. Trixie seemed ready to ask something else, but once again, Don brought his hand toward her mouth and covered it before saying to Donald, "Don't mind her. She's got a very twisted sense of humor."

"Oh, you know you like my sense of humor," Trixie replied back while putting on a playful expression.

Donald just laughed awkwardly, not knowing how to respond, and before he could, the guys behind him and Don became rather restless.

"Hey, you guys finish somewhere else!" one displeased guy in line yelled out. This immediately caused someone behind him to shove and say, "Hey, just wait your turn, man. There's no rush." As this particular guy said this, his eyes were practically glued to Trixie.

The guy who shoved him looked at him with disgust. "Oh, shut up, you fucking simp. You're just like that guy in front of the line."

The guy attending the stall felt attacked by the statement and immediately barked back, "Hey, I already told you, I thought she was a masseuse, not whatever you degenerates are thinking about! If anyone tries to call me a simp again, you can forget signing up!"

Sadly for the guy attending the stall, his statement had the opposite effect, as numerous guys began to groan in disagreement.

"Can you believe this guy?"

"Fucking simp!"

"Can you even spell masseuse, my guy?"

Seeing things were about to get heated, which was very easy to happen in most universities, Don decided to extricate himself from the situation and quickly said to Donald, "We better leave," while gesturing for them to quickly walk away.

Donald gave a quick nod, and the two left with Trixie staying immensely close to Don as she asked, "So, what have you guys done so far? Did you find any nice campus sluts yet?"

Trixie asked as if it were the most normal question to pose. Once again, Donald was left stuck on how to reply to this, while Don simply gave her a sigh and didn't reply directly. Instead, he said to Donald, "Why don't you give her the booklet? If she's so curious about learning more."

Trixie immediately narrowed her eyes at this. "I don't want to look at some boring tour guide. I want the juicy stuff, you know what I mean."

Don, annoyed by her antics, shook his head. Realizing that Trixie's character, although pleasant to be in the presence of when just the two of them, was incredibly troubling in public as she basically said everything and anything that came to her mind without fail.

While she was occupied with the booklet, Don turned to Donald and asked, "Where to next?"

Donald, who had been seemingly in a daze, quickly jerked his head in response to the question before nodding nervously. "Oh, we should go to the library and get our cards."

"Yeah, are you okay?" Don asked, already pretty sure that he was reacting this way because of Trixie and her rather forward manner. 'I hope he doesn't have a crush on her because that would just end badly for him.'

Unaware that he was pretty much already seen through, Donald simply laughed it off and chose to direct the blame for his current behavior toward something else. "I'm fine, just can't stop thinking about those guys and their threat. I really think they might do something bad. The mayor may paint Central City to be this great budding metropolis, but we all know it's got some really dark sides to it."

Trixie, who had been passively listening to the two, immediately drew interest in the topic and turned to ask, "Don, making enemies already?"

Don just sighed. "It's more accurate to say we found enemies rather than looked. You see, what happened was..." Don quickly recounted the events that had transpired at the custodian's office, bringing Trixie up to speed. Trixie listened intently, and after Don was done, she couldn't help but express her outrage. Though exaggerated, she said, "Blasphemous!

I hope you're already planning a way to get them back."

"We don't even know their powers; it's way too risky, and we might just end up getting beaten up in the process, or worse," Donald replied back, showing a small smile as he thought of quite the idea. However, on the surface, he said, "I've got a plan, but I need to confirm something first."

After Don said this, he took out his phone and made a phone call. "Hello, Gary?"

"Ah, Predator, I wasn't expecting you to call me so soon. *Static*...*static* everything all right?" Gary asked with a bit of concern as he could hear quite a bit of background noise from Gary's end.

"Just a bit of turbulence here and there. Did you require assistance with something?"

"See Gary, if I wanted to show images that I took on my phone on someone else's phone, would you be able to do it?"

"Why, yes, sir. Unless they're class-A military power, I don't see why not. And if it is for standard devices such as phones, then you should be able to achieve this feat by yourself by simply using the inbuilt AI assistance model within your phone, aptly named Gary Assist.

If the solution you seek can be found or made with the equipment you set out with, you may leave your request pending, and I will get to work on it as soon as I can."

"Thank you, Gary."

"Do you require any other assistance, sir?"

"No, that'll be all." Don cut the call, finding that the solution came far more easily than he expected.

Donald simply looked up at him with curiosity. "Who were you talking to?"

"A tech guy, and I just got the confirmation we need that my plan may just work."

"But how do you already have a plan?" Donald couldn't help but narrow his eyes, thinking the plan Don was considering wasn't exactly going to be foolproof.

Trixie, on the other hand, was fairly excited. "Oh, can I help?"

Don then looked at her and smiled. "Oh, you have a very big part to play in this. So will you, Donald."

"Me? I'm not a fighter."

"But you joined to become a hero," Don asked, but Donald looked at him as if he was being sarcastic.

"Please, really? Nobody wants to be a hero these days for the sake of justice. I just want a cool name, a lot of money, and a loyal fan base."

Don smiled and put a hand on Donald's shoulder. "Then think of this as the first obstacle. Now, back to the plan. How fast can you run?"

Donald's eyes widened, and he gulped. "Fast enough, I guess. What's the plan?"

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