Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: A Strange World Part 8

Not wanting to take any risks here or see how far he could push it with Lady Noir, Don gave an agreeing nod. "Sure, go ahead."

She pulled away slightly from him and gestured toward the chair, "Here, take a seat. We got the most comfortable ones we could find."

Don quickly took a seat and immediately realized why he found Trixie sleeping on it in the first place. 'It really is comfortable, more comfortable than any bed I've been in. That's just depressing…'

He gave a nod on the surface to show agreement. "It's very comfortable."

Before he could say anything else, he suddenly felt a heaviness on his lap, which prompted him to look down. To his surprise, Trixie was now comfortably sitting on his lap with her butt pressed against his crotch.

"Trixie!" Lady Noir exclaimed, to which Trixie reacted by looking at her with a smirk before proceeding to grind her butt against Don's crotch. Feeling her soft bubble butt pressed against him, Don's body was quick to react, something Trixie immediately noticed.

"Get off of him, Trixie! You're clearly making him uncomfortable," Lady Noir scolded.

Trixie smiled at this and immediately argued, "That's not what his body is telling me."

"What do you-." Before Lady Noir could finish her sentence, she lowered her gaze slightly and saw what Trixie was doing, immediately realizing what she meant by her prior statement.

"Y-y-you get off him!" Lady Noir exclaimed before trying to grab Trixie.

However, Trixie vanished almost instantly and reappeared at another seat around the table, lazily resting her head on one hand while pouting at Lady Noir. "Geez, if I knew you were going to become this mean once he came along, I would've never helped you."

"I'm not being mean," Lady Noir defended. "You're clearly just making Predator uncomfortable."

At this time, Gary, who had also taken a seat, chose to comment on the matter. "Yes, very uncomfortable," he added with a warm smile.

"See? Even Gary agrees," Lady Noir said.

'I guess she's oblivious to sarcasm,' Don thought as he kept switching glances between Lady Noir and Trixie, who was currently arguing back.

"Gary's opinion doesn't count. You pay him, so obviously he's gonna support you," Trixie said.

"Gary's not like that," claimed Lady Noir. "He just knows not to overstep boundaries with people, unlike you. Anyway. Now is not the time to argue. Predator and I have supervillain business to attend to. If you're not going to add anything of value to the meeting, then you're free to leave."

"Fine, have your gross meeting." Trixie showed a disgusted expression before her figure vanished from the position she was in and reappeared at the transportation sphere doors.

Once there she paused and turned her gaze toward Don, pointing a finger at him as she declared, "I don't care what Elle says, your cock is mine." After saying that, she lazily walked into the transportation sphere before going who knows where.

Lady Noir watched her leave with an annoyed expression on her face. When she was gone, Lady Noir turned toward Don and vented. "Can you believe her? Jokes on her; she doesn't know the real Don has no interest in worldly temptations or desires."

Don nodded in agreement, but inwardly he thought something else entirely. 'Good thing I'm the fake Don then.'

Lady Noir let out an exasperated sigh. "Anyway, now we can finally begin. Gary, have you inserted the drives?" she asked as she looked toward Gary, who met her gaze and gave a nod.

"Already done, milady. You may begin whenever you're ready."

"Good," Lady Noir said. With that out of the way, she also moved to take a seat and chose the chair closest to Don on the right. After sitting down, she turned her attention to the center of the table before ordering, "Begin presentation."

Almost immediately, a blue light emerged from the table's center before growing wider and wider until it covered the entire surface of the table.

Next, a 3D model of a city appeared in front of Don, Lady Noir, and Gary individually, with one very large one present at the center of the table, hovering many inches above it. As these 3D models appeared, Lady Noir began her presentation of the plans.

"So, I managed to make many plans in my free time on how we could theoretically conquer Santos City. But given the state we're in now, I picked out the four best plans with at least a thirty percent chance of working," Lady Noir began.

'Better than zero I guess,' Don inwardly thought but just nodded along as Lady Noir continued.

"The first plan is called 'Bureaucratic Blitz,' and it has five steps to it." After Lady Noir said that, the 3D models present in front of Don, Gary, and herself changed accordingly, sometimes showing images and other times highlighting names or attaching images.

"The first step will be infiltrating City Hall." As Lady Noir stated this, the models in front of them changed to show the City Hall building. "To do this, we're going to have to disguise you as a mundane government employee."

The model reacted to Lady Noir's words and now displayed a man with poor posture, wearing a blue suit and carrying a suitcase. "Depending on how many months or maybe years it takes for you to get the appropriate position, you will begin planting operatives within the city's bureaucracy.

From there, you'll be able to use the infamous 'Endless Form Filling' technique to stall and paralyze the city's operations."

Don couldn't help but ask, "What's the 'Endless Form Filling' technique?"

Gary took the liberty of answering. "The 'Endless Form Filling' technique is the signature move of one of the city's most notable villains at the moment, Dr. Bureaucracy. He uses red tape and paperwork to frustrate heroes. As comical as it may sound, his 'Endless Form Filling' technique has left a great many heroes and victims stuck in administrative loops for hours.

A dreadful experience, I must imagine," Gary explained, before receiving a nodding approval from Lady Noir.

"I see…" Don nodded in understanding, though not really feeling excited for the plan itself.

"Step two will be to exploit Mayor Stumble's cluelessness."

Before Lady Noir could continue, Gray spoke up, 'milady, I think Sir Predator must not know much about the current mayor either."

"Oh, right," Lady Noir immediately acknowledged before providing a brief explanation. "You see, Predator, Mayor George Stumble is the current mayor of Santos City. He is well-meaning but perpetually clueless on how to run a city. The people must endure his grand plans that never seem to materialize and the impassioned speeches he makes about the city's bright future."

Gary nodded. "Yes, while also avoiding the subject of the latest villain attack."

'Glad to see the politicians haven't changed much in this world.' Don nodded in understanding, which prompted Lady Noir to continue.

"The plan is to use the mayor's well-meaning but ineffective plans to your advantage. For example, send out fake memos or decrees in his name, just to cause a bit of confusion and disarray among the city's departments. Next…"

'This is gonna be a very long and strange meeting, I can feel it.'

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