Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: A Strange World Part 7

As the figure was about to wake up, Don took a few steps back from the seat, which caused Gary, who was approaching, to look at him with a raised brow. "Is something the matter, sir?"

Don didn't really know what to say and simply pointed toward the chair where the figure soon sat upright.

"Oh dear, this is unexpected. I didn't expect Madame Trixie to be here. Then again, she has a terrible habit of sleeping in the most odd of places," Gary remarked in a lighthearted tone, which made Don more relaxed before proceeded to ask the question on his mind, "Is she the familiar?"

Before Gary could answer, the figure, Trixie, let out a yawn, showing her sharp canine teeth as she did while using her hands to rub her eyes. "So noisy. One minute, Gary, just let me sleep a little longer," she spoke in a cute-sounding voice. After yawning, she looked straight at Gary and didn't notice Don standing behind the chair.

"*Yawn~* I thought you and Elle went to rescue that Predator guy she never shuts up about," Trixie asked in a confused tone.

Gary maintained his usual demeanor, still keeping his hands behind his back as he answered with a smile on his face. "The young madam and I were successful in that operation, and Sir Predator has been successfully rescued. As you can see, if you turn behind you."

Trixie showed a confused expression and proceeded to stand up on the chair she was sleeping on so as to look over the backrest and see who was behind. Upon seeing Don's figure, her eyes widened slightly.

Don was a bit unsettled having the strange creature that was Trixie staring at him, her eyes possessing a crystal pink color that almost seemed to shine under the dim lighting.

"You're Predator?" she asked, tilting her head and narrowing her eyes slightly as she looked Don over up and down. "Considering how Elle never shuts up about you, I was expecting more."

"Sorry to disappoint you," Don shrugged, unsure what to say in reply.

Trixie maintained a narrow gaze on Don before asking, "Do you have a big dick?"

"Madame Trixie, I don't think that is an appropriate question," Gary interrupted.

But Don thought to himself, 'That's actually a pretty good question.' On the surface, though, he shrugged again. "I don't know. Depends on what you consider big."

"I guess I'll check for myself," she nonchalantly stated before her entire figure suddenly vanished, leaving behind only a light pinkish smoke.

"Where did she go?" Don looked to his sides but saw nothing.

Just as he looked down, he found that Trixie was suddenly crouched in front of him, her hands already working to undo the zipper of his pants.

"Madame Trixie, please stop! The young madam would be quite upset if she saw this," Gary protested, though not making much effort to actually stop her.

At that moment, the transportation sphere doors opened again and revealed Lady Noir's figure. She soon stepped out while carrying a large duffle bag, which she soon handed over to Gary before turning her gaze toward Don, where she saw what Trixie was doing.

Gary casually received the large duffel bag while saying, "I did try to warn her, but you know how insistent she can be."

'Well, this can't look good,' Don thought to himself, feeling like he had been caught in an incredibly bad situation. He was half-expecting an outlandish reaction from Lady Noir, but to his surprise, she looked at Trixie with a small smile as she asked, "What are you doing, Trixie?"

Trixie paused her actions to look back at Lady Noir. "Oh, nothing, Elle. Just checking to see if this guy is packed or not," she replied flatly.

Facing this, Lady Noir began to walk over. Trixie, seemingly unfazed, wanted to continue to undo Don's pants. However, Don reacted quickly. "Hey, wait a minute," he held onto her hands and stopped her from doing anything further. But she remained insistent, fighting back and trying to forcefully pull his pants down. "Come on, don't be shy.

Let me see it. Why are you being such a downer?"

Before she could finish speaking, Lady Noir had come from behind and smacked the back of her head quite hard.

"Ow, hey, that hurt!" Trixie immediately pulled back her hands and held her head, showing a pained look. She then immediately glared at Lady Noir and stomped her foot down in frustration. "What was that for? I thought we had a deal."

Lady Noir crossed her arms and looked away from Trixie while frowning slightly. This exchange left Don confused, though he was just happy that he wasn't the victim of Lady Noir's anger. But he was curious, so he asked, "What deal?"

Lady Noir immediately replied, "It's nothing, Predator. She's just delusional."

"I am not!" Trixie immediately argued before looking toward Don and explaining, "When Elle and I made a master-servant contract, she agreed that we would share everything, and that includes you." Trixie revealed in a serious tone while pointing a finger toward Don, particularly his crotch, before adding, "I need your spunk to help me grow.

I'm a more than one hundred years old and still a virgin. If I go back to the Nether-realm like this, my enemies will laugh at me. So stick it out and let me have my meal." Trixie demanded before placing her hands on her waist as if to assert her seriousness.

Though, given her stature, which was even shorter than Elle's, and the petite frame she had, it was incredibly hard to take her seriously. Even as she complained, her voice came out as cute.

Hearing the explanation, Don would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit happy, but he tried his best not to let it show. Instead, clearing his throat, he revealed, "Well, a deal is a deal. Lady Noir has sacrificed a lot for me; the least I can do is sacrifice this much for her."

Don's words caused Elle to look at him with a smile, feeling like he was willing to endure terrible situations for her. Gary, on the other hand, could more than clearly see through what Don was doing and simply commented, "How noble of you sir."

"What's that supposed to mean? Sacrifice? Are you trying to say I'm ugly and undesirable?" Trixie now turned her attention to Don, clearly angry at what he was insinuating.

"Well, you see—" Before Don could really explain himself, Trixie went on to ask a barrage of questions. "Aren't I cute? Isn't my skin soft? Look at how long my tongue is! I am absolutely fuckable. Whoever says I'm not is gay.

Are you gay?"

"What? No I-."Before Don could answer, Trixie continued with her barrage, "Do you like little boys? Hm? Hm?"

Thankfully for Don, Lady Noir soon came to his rescue as she shoved Trixie away before taking her place in front of Don. "Don't mind her. Like I said, she's a bit delusional. Please, Predator, have a seat and we can go through the plans to conquer Santos City."

Trixie, who was caused to stumble to the right, stomped her foot yet again, and glared at both Lady Noir and Don. "Don't ignore me! I've waited 100 years for cock! You will not deny me my moment!"

Lady Noir continued to ignore Trixie and simply kept her gaze fixated on Don. "Ignore her," Lady Noir advised, though given the cold look she spoke with and the stiff smile she had, it came across more as a warning than advice.

'This isn't going to be easy.'

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