Strongest Superhuman System

Chapter 136: A Dip In The River


Mark looked toward where he could see the Cerberus standing while cradling its paw gently. Mark noticed that there was something wrong when the Cerberus hit those rock formations. Usually, something that is capable of killing Mark in one strike should not be feeling hurt by simply slamming into a few rocks.

Mark could have taken the hits from those rocks easily and he would not have felt a single thing.

But the Cerberus released a whine after it struck the wall and that meant that it felt some pain from it. That made Mark immediately realize that the Cerberus was not just a powerhouse that was capable of killing him in one strike. The Cerberus had a high offense, but its defense was shit!

Mark needed to be sure of this theory and that is why he decided not to dodge that hit from the Cerberus while sending out a punch of his own. If his theory was wrong, then he would have tanked the hit for nothing and he would have just been pummeled into the ground, but if his theory turned out to be right, then he would find out what the Cerberus's weakness was.

And it turned out that his theory was right. No wonder the Achilles Heel skill showed that its entire body was its weak point. It wasn't pulling my leg after all! It was just saying that the Cerberus had a shitty defense!


A wicked grin began to spread across Mark's face as he finally broke himself out from the rock wall and rolled his shoulder while walking towards the Cerberus with hostile intent! Now that Mark knew that there was a weakness he could exploit, he was not going to hold back one bit. This bastard was going to feel the pain of a thousand deaths!

This bastard just killed him, so there was no way he was going to hold back against it.

All Mark had to do was to make sure that he did not get hit by the Cerberus. The Cerberus had a wickedly high amount of offensive power and if it got a clean hit on Mark even once, then Mark was certain that there was no way he could survive it.

But since its defensive power was nothing impressive, that meant that if Mark could avoid all of its hits while dishing out hits of his own, then there was no way he could lose.

But that was the real issue now, wasn't it? It was almost impossible for him to avoid the Cerberus perfectly since it was so fast. The Cerberus was faster than Mark and it could move its paws to hit Mark faster than Mark could get up high enough to land a hit on a vulnerable spot. The real test here for Mark was finding out how to outsmart the Cerberus.

Mark leaned down and stretched his hands to the side to loosen them. All that running, as well as the hits that he received made him feel some restriction in his muscles, but it was not enough to make him uncomfortable. If Mark had to guess, he would say that he was at about 60% of his full strength.

It was not what he would have liked to use in fighting against a monster like this, but it would have to do since it was all he had!

"Come on, doggy. Let's rock!"


The Cerberus could hear the mocking tone in Mark's voice and it saw it as a challenge and it charged straight for Mark with more intensity! Mark ran towards the Cerberus as well and just before it could slam into him, he slid under it and came up from the other side!

He stumbled a bit as he felt some of his wounds groan in pain, but he got his feet back under him as quickly as possible before he raced towards the opposite side of the clearing, the area where he saw something that looked like a chain!

The Cerberus was right on Mark without missing a beat and it released another series of loud barks as it tried to crush him with rocks it swiped from the ground! But Mark dropped to the ground once he heard the rocks whizzing in his direction and he rolled towards the chains and grabbed them!

They were extremely heavy, and if Mark had to guess, then he would say that the chain weighed about as much as a large school bus! But luckily for Mark, he had more than enough power to not only lift the chain but to use it as a weapon!

Mark grinned as the Cerberus stopped running towards him once he grabbed the chain! The Cerberus seemed to become more cautious now that Mark had the chain in his hand and Mark's lips spread into that sinister grin again as he wrapped the chain around his body so that it wasn't dragging on the ground.

He started swinging the chain end beside his body as if he was preparing to use it as a lasso, and the Cerberus chose that moment to attack immediately! Mark charged to the side and ran away from the attack before the Cerberus could get to him! He dodged behind a larger rock formation and appeared on the other side while sending the chain towards the Cerberus blindly!


The chain slammed into the Cerberus's middle neck and Mark heard it growl in pain and anger as it began chasing him down once more! Mark had a plan, but he needed to make the Cerberus as angry as possible for his plan to have any chance of working. When it is angry, it won't even be able to tell that it was falling into a trap until it was already inside it!

Mark heard the Cerberus behind him and he quickly loosened enough of the chain from his body to allow him to carry out the plan! The Cerberus slammed its paw into the ground and Mark dodged to the side! He dashed in between the Cerberus's legs and used the chain to wrap around the hind legs that were open!

The Cerberus dragged its leg forward and Mark pulled the chain in the opposite direction until he was sure that the chain was taut and tight enough that it would not get loose no matter what!

The Cerberus turned around to tear into Mark again, but Mark just dodged aside and he rolled until he was looking at the Cerberus from the opposite side! The Cerberus tried to move forward to attack Mark, but something held its leg back and prevented it from moving forward. It whined in surprise and looked towards Mark to see that Mark's face was slowly splitting into a sadistic smile!

The Cerberus immediately turned around slowly to look at the chain tied to its hind leg.

The part tied to its hind leg was still visible, but the other end was nowhere in sight! The Cerberus' eyes widened as it realized the fact that the other end of the chain tied to its leg was currently inside the river Styx!

Mark had tied one end of the chain to its leg, but the other end was inside the Styx and it was being pulled by the souls!


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