Strongest Superhuman System

Chapter 135: The Gods Must Be Crazy

Mark took a gamble and immediately ran towards the left where the Cerberus was coming from, and the Cerberus released a large bark as it immediately raised its paw and sent a hit towards Mark! Mark slid under the strike and tumbled to his feet while thinking quickly about what to do next. His heart was beating like a drum in his chest because he knew that one mistake from him would be the end!


The Cerberus turned around and chased Mark down! It swiped its paw across the ground to launch many stone missiles toward Mark, and since Mark was facing away from it, he was not able to see them coming. Mark grunted in pain as some of the rocks slammed into his back, while others barely missed him by millimeters!

The force behind the stones was so intense that Mark actually felt himself stumble on his feet in the middle of his run. He caught himself before he could fall and he was able to stay on his feet and continue moving!

But before he could go far, the Cerberus had already reached him again. Mark turned to the side and his eyes widened as he saw the Cerberus right beside him! The Cerberus struck out at Mark in a massive swing and Mark cursed in his heart! He knew that there was no way he could dodge the hit, so he had to guard and hope for the best!

Mark immediately jumped and tucked his body into a ball to try and absorb as much of the impact as possible!



It felt like a train slammed into Mark! A superpowered train on steroids! This hit was not as heavy as the first one that he felt just before he died, but that did not make it any less painful! This hurt like a bitch! Mark flew through the air and slammed into the floor multiple times.

There was a large rock wall on the left side of the clearing and Mark finally stopped as his back slammed into that wall with force!


Mark groaned as he felt many of his bones creaking in protest from the massive hit that he just received. How long has it been since he felt pain like this? Was it that Armageddon that had him feeling like this last? No, that one was worse than this.

[Achilles Heel]!

Mark immediately activated his divine skill now that he had a clear view of the Cerberus so he could see what its weakness was. The world around him disappeared into various shades of black and grey that only showed the outline of the Cerberus in green static.

The skill showed Mark the weakness of anything in his line of sight as a red outline to allow him to fight against it more easily, but Mark was shocked by what he saw from the skill. Why is the Cerberus glowing red? There isn't a single part of it that isn't red!

Mark could not understand why the entire body of the Cerberus was red! Was this some sort of joke!? You're telling me that the entire body is its weakness? That was impossible! Mark was hit by that beast many times and he knew that it was not weak! There is no way that the entire body is the weakness!

Mark was sure that there was some other explanation for this and he just had to find out!

Mark turned to the side as something else caught his eyes. He couldn't see it before because of how dark the area was, but there was some chain-like outline that glowed red in the distance as well. Was that the chain that held Cerberus before it was released?


Mark's eyes suddenly felt a jolt of pain and Mark had to close them and deactivate the skill immediately! What the fuck was that? Don't tell me I'm not strong enough to use this skill for this long! That's some bullshit!

[The User's eyes have suffered acute strain due to extended use of the skill [Achilles Heel]. Time before the skill can be used again: 5 mins]

You've got to be fucking with me!

[No, I am not.]


The sound of the Cerberus charging for Mark drew his attention back to the present and he immediately started to pull himself out from the wall! Mark was able to pull himself out from the rock wall and he landed on the ground just before the Cerberus reached him! He looked up and saw that the Cerberus was right on top of him and he immediately jumped to the side to avoid it!



The Cerberus released a low whine after slamming into the wall, but it was back on its feet before Mark could even understand what the hell that was. Mark was standing close to the rock wall and he immediately realized that the Cerberus could corner him against the wall if he stayed where he was.

Mark cursed in his head as he knew that it would be a bad idea to get stuck in that area, so he immediately charged to the side! The beast charged along with him!




Mark was running fast, but the Cerberus was right on his tail as it barked loudly and aggressively! Mark flipped over a large rock in his way, but the Cerberus didn't have the dexterity to flip over the rock and it just broke through the rock!


Mark turned around once he heard that whine! The Cerberus did it again. It felt pain when it struck that wall, didn't it? But even though it seemed hurt, it did not stop chasing after Mark, instead, it was right on top of Mark as it tried to swipe him away with its claw! Mark decided that he was not going to run away this time! Mark had a theory!

A dangerous theory that could either end up with him finding a way to win this fight, or he could become paste on the ground if he was wrong.

But wasn't it better to gamble and see if you are right rather than running away forever!?

Mark pulled his fist back and released a massive punch towards the incoming paw!




Mark cursed as the impact sent him flying back towards another rock formation and he slammed his back into the wall and groaned as he slumped into the massive depression that his body dug into the wall. He slowly pulled himself out from the rock formation and flicked his hand in pain as he felt a massive throbbing coming from there. What the fuck is that thing made of?

Mark couldn't deny that hitting the Cerberus hurt more than he thought it would, but at least he finally got what he wanted. It seems that gods aren't as twisted and cruel as I thought they were.

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