Stealing Heroines’ Affections Is My Job as the Villain

Chapter 39: The Changing Tide

A whole month passed, and for the most part, life in Duranzia was uneventful… or at least, that's how it seemed to the nobility in the royal capital.

News of the Bloodgarden-Duranzia alliance by marriage hadn't yet spread across the nation, let alone to other countries. However, a few nations and empires, always well-informed, were already aware of the impending alliance from the moment it was decided.

After all, the Fortress Nation of Duranzia was growing rapidly with four vassal states, so it was only natural that many civilizations on the Central Continent viewed them as a threat.

In the end, it was always about who could act faster and more decisively.

While many civilizations hesitated to form pacts with the noble houses of the two ancient god continents, Duranzia took a bold risk. They made this political move to counter any potential military actions by the Military Kingdom of Serathen.

By allying with the powerful Bloodgarden household, Duranzia hoped Serathen would think twice before launching an attack.

Perhaps, it worked…

[In the Residential District of Velvana]

"Is it really true that our nation will soon become allies with the powerful Bloodgarden household?!"

"Yes, it is. Throughout history, it's been extremely difficult to even communicate with the gods of the ancient continents. But now that the barrier between our continents is weakening, it's smart to choose a side before we become victims of another Great Calamity War."

"Wow, to think we'd ever be allied with an Asura… especially the Bloodgarden Family. I heard the family head, Demon King Rohan, is a Fiendcelestial, just like his son."

"That's right. I also heard that God Vritra exposed Prince Lumis as a fraud who was a threat to our princess. The reason hasn't been disclosed to the public, but I wonder why the young lord of a powerful Deva household would want to harm our kind-hearted princess."

"In the end, it seems we were all wrong about God Vritra. Can you even imagine how handsome he is? I'm sure when I saw him almost two months ago, he didn't look that handsome."

"Maybe we just saw him that way because we thought he was a cruel monster. Sometimes, no matter how beautiful someone is, their personality can change how we see them. I guess it's just one of those things."

"Well, at least he's marrying King Felmus's daughter, Luciana Duranzia, who's known as the most beautiful maiden in all of Duranzia! Haha! I can already imagine how beautiful their children will be!"

"Haha! And that traitorous Prince Lumis thinks he deserves to marry our nation's princess? He might be a Deva, but he's certainly no god!"


These were the kinds of discussions happening in the royal capital and other parts of Duranzia.

Now, everyone was just waiting for an update from the Armed Palace about Prince Lumis's whereabouts or at least the date for the marriage between God Vritra and Princess Luciana.

It was all they could think of.

━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━

[In the Armed Palace's Throne Room]


The person shouting was Duke Thomas, who looked thrilled to bring the news to the king.

King Felmus was presently seated on his throne and looking unusually excited. His eyes gleamed brightly, like torches, as he leaned forward eagerly.

"This is excellent news!"

For weeks, he and the Duranzia Royal Council had been closely monitoring the Sword City of Gladius to the west, watching to see if the Military Kingdom of Serathen would halt their advances. After nearly a month of back-and-forth intelligence gathering and subtle political maneuvers, they had finally succeeded in getting Serathen off their backs.

They were free of military invasion!

"The Duranzia Fortress Nation is only in such a stable position thanks to you, God Vritra!"

"Indeed, it's due to his strength and consideration for inferior beings like us that we can eat and drink here today. Truly, God Vritra is as benevolent as he is merciless."

"Haha, it's funny to think we nearly formed alliances with that treacherous and inexperienced prince! I have to admit, I'm a bit embarrassed about our council's initial decision!"

"Well, that is all in the past! BAHAHAHA!"

"Cheers to a greater future!"

Members of the Council raised their goblets of wine, chuckling poshly as they clinked their cups together in celebration.

During their small but lavish celebration, Prince Vritra and Princess Luciana sat together in a quiet corner of the throne room, each with a mild smile.

"Given how slow and quiet the previous days have been, it's nice to have this change of pace."

Vritra sipped his tea after speaking.

Luciana looked at him and giggled softly, which caught Vritra's attention. He raised an eyebrow at her unexpected, child-like laughter.

"Hm? Did I say something amusing?" he asked calmly.

Luciana shook her head, still giggling as she moved closer to him on the two-seater.

"No… I just find it funny how quickly people change their views when they see a benefit. Just two months ago, most of the nobles in the Royal Council wouldn't have dreamed of celebrating in the same room with you."

She edged even closer, until her shoulder brushed against the young lord's.

Her cheeks flushed a little, and she shyly looked away.

"I feel it's a bit cheap of us, but I'm sure the feelings most of them are showing will eventually become genuine."

The softness of her voice and the sweet, flowery scent of her presence were soothing for Prince Vritra.

This was a reward he couldn't get from the system.

『Kukuku, I won't lie and say I don't enjoy her company…』

Prince Vritra nodded and drank some more of his tea.

"In the end, it doesn't really matter if their feelings are genuine or not. What matters to me is that you love me and I love you, my sweet Luciana. And if I'm being honest, your father's feelings matter too. After all, I won't be able to fully use my power in the Central Continent if he doesn't genuinely form this alliance with me and my people."

As usual, the young lord was smooth with it.

Luciana blushed quickly at his words.

She pressed her thighs together, fidgeted with her thumbs, and stared at the shiny crystal floor beneath her.

"Th-, Thank you, God Vritra," she stammered.

Vritra gave her a small side-eye and nodded in approval.

『How cute…』

There would be a time when she might call him more than just that, but for now, there was no need to rush.

Lord Ymnes and Spymaster Zorin were dead…

Prince Lumis had fled the nation…

And lastly, he was engaged to Princess Luciana.

『Two deaths, one runaway and an engaged couple…』

It was astonishingly perfect.

Standing behind them was the beautiful Esmeralda, watching with a contented smile.

『They look great together. Honestly, I don't think there's a place for me in this. No, actually, I don't think there should be a place for me. The princess deserves this more than I do.』

She nodded to show her acceptance.

"God Vritra?" Esmeralda said.

"Yes?" the young lord replied.

"I still wonder what happened with the young lord of the Blueworld household. He fled the nation, but we don't know why, and we have no reason to believe he's returned to the Heaven Continent."

Mentioning this Deva royal made Luciana frown slightly.

… Hnnngh

Over the past month, she had managed to push him from her mind and focus on the man she truly loved.

"The echelons of the Heaven Continent are as strict as those of the Hell Continent. If he did return, he would likely be beheaded for tarnishing the family name."

Vritra was mildly surprised.

He was impressed by how much Luciana knew about the rules and regulations of the ancient continents.

"Mhm, Luciana is quite right about that…"

The head maid and the princess looked at him.

"Really?" they both said.

Vritra nodded and blew on his hot cup of tea.

"But we don't need to worry about that pale twink. If we want peace in our nation, we should simply forget he ever existed, yes?"

He put some emphasis on "our" to show that he was truly with the idea of their alliance.

Esmeralda and Luciana nodded with smiles on their faces.

Shortly after, Vritra looked down at his cup of tea, staring at his own reflection in the surface.

『I don't think Luciana should ever find out what happened to that bastard, Lumis… at least not until he loses his title as a hero. Right now, my Fate Value is higher than his, but I don't know where he is at the moment. Of course, I've got Neron on it, so the moment he tracks him down… I'll kill him and claim my rewards.』

He glanced back at the princess.

She and Esmeralda were chatting away with bright faces.

『I told Luciana that only Devas are compatible with her God Vessel body, but the real truth is that any of the ancient gods, be it Asura or Deva, can grow stronger by tasting her essence. Kukuku, I'll make sure to bed the princess as soon as possible… I can't simply wait until we're married. How absurd.』

The villain nodded while smiling ear to ear.

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