Stealing Heroines’ Affections Is My Job as the Villain

Chapter 38: Hearts Aligned

"For eons, Devas and Asuras have been at war with no thought of peace. We Devas are benevolent beings, but it's always the malevolent ones from the Hell Continent that make us look otherwise.

"You're doing the same thing here. You've likely secured an alliance with King Felmus, and yet you still dare come after my head? Doesn't your kind know how to show restraint and tolerance?!

… Grrr!

"No matter what rank you hold, this battle won't decide whether your godforsaken race will dominate the Three Worlds Domain! Don't get your hopes up!"

After concluding his small speech born of frustration from the dark prince's arrogance, Lord Ymnes thrust his magic staff forward and let out a cold snort.

Things were quite different for God Vritra.

Throughout Lord Ymnes's talk, Vritra had been gazing at the old man with half-closed eyes, looking like he might fall asleep any second. Once Ymnes had wrapped up, Vritra covered his mouth and let out a loud yawn.


He then pointed at Lord Ymnes with a cold smile.

"You poor Devas, always bragging about how benevolent and pure you are, when many of your high-ranking members were the ones who caused chaos in the political structures of most demon king households.

"Asuras are not inferior to your kind; the higher-ups know that, which is why they fear the Hell Continent becoming a united force. So when you say this alliance won't change my people's chances of dominating the Three Worlds Domain, all I can do is laugh because you're just trying to cope.

"Now can you shut up and let me end your life?"

The Asura royal laughed wantonly.

Lord Ymnes knew he needed to be ruthless to win this fight, but he couldn't use his full power because of the restrictions set by the dimensional barriers between the six continents.

These barriers contained a fragment of Saint Melcius's soul, and his strong desire to protect humanity had triggered an ancient aspect of [Law Magic].

… [Conditional Magic]

This magic helped restrict the powers of anyone who wasn't from the Central Continent when they entered it.

The only way to bypass this restriction was to make a genuine pact with a powerful leader from a civilization within the Central Continent.

That's why both ancient god families were so eager to ally with the Fortress Nation of Duranzia!

It had always been a race!

『Yes, it's true that [Conditional Magic] is a very powerful part of [Law Magic]. But there are many rituals that allow a foreigner to use up to 90% of their magic power within the Central Continent.

『For many races, this ritual would mean death, but for an ancient god like me, I can endure long enough to secure victory. Unlike God Vritra, I'm willing to risk my life to ensure Prince Lumis wins. He won't use this ritual because it would cost him his life, making the alliance useless.

『And more than that… there's no way he could defeat me with my near-full power!』

Lord Ymnes phased his hand through his chest until he touched his mana core.

… Hrrnngh!

He then used it to ignite his soul.

This was [Soul Magic], a powerful aspect of [Ancient Magic] that could give someone control over their soul, allowing them to transform, destroy, or even elevate it to a transcendent level.

These were lost magical arts!

What Ymnes was doing now was crushing his mana core to create soulfire. He planned to use this soulfire to burn his soul and force a spiritual breakthrough from the rules imposed by Saint Melcius's [Conditional Magic].

… Cough! Cough!

Thick droplets of blood shot out of Ymnes's mouth.

The effects of the spell was already taking place.

『Burning my soul feels so──!』

The pain was unbearable, but the payoff was huge.


Soon, a powerful surge of mana began to flow from his body as he broke the physical laws set by Saint Melcius's will.

It was truly amazing to see!

『I know I won't be able to see you grow into the capable Heavenly King I know you can become, but let me do this as my final act of loyalty to you, Your Highness.』

Cough! COUGH!!

『Saint Melcius created this restriction to protect humanity at all costs, showing his dedication. I want to do the same for you… I-, I will lay down my life to make sure you are protected at all costs!』

Magic energy roared out Ymnes's body like a tempest.


Even the earth could feel the might of his aura.


Lord Ymnes's words caught in his throat. Could the [Soul Magic] spell have failed? In a way, yes and no.

The spell itself had worked perfectly, and he could feel his body brimming with so much magical power that he felt he could level mountains with a single wave of his hand.

But there was one failure he hadn't anticipated… time.

In what seemed like a split second, he saw God Vritra standing right in front of him, his eyes cold and merciless.

"Did you really think I would let you release your full power before I cut you down? How ridiculous."

God Vritra raised his blood sword.

It had a deep crimson color and moved like liquid metal.

[Blood Magic • Bloodflash Disintegration!]

With this magical sword technique, the sword gained a powerful enchantment that made it incredibly fast.

The speed was so extreme that the sword seemed to blur blue as it moved faster than the eye could track.

The acceleration was so intense that each blood cell in the sword moved independently, becoming individual cutting edges with razor-sharp precision.

The swing of God Vritra's sword was so fast that Lord Ymnes couldn't even see it coming.


A high-pitched whine followed the speed of the blood blade slicing through the air.

By the time he realized what was happening, it was too late—his body was already cut in half.

But that wasn't all.

The sword's cutting force was so great that anything caught in its path was shredded to pieces. The combination of speed and the sharpness of each cell made the technique devastatingly effective, leaving no trace of Ymnes behind.

Flesh, bone, and any other organic matter were disintegrated into small, almost unrecognizable fragments.

[You've killed the master of Lumis, which has lowered the hero's Fate Value by 30%]

"Phew, good thing I attacked when I did."

With a small flick of his wrist, the blood sword dissipated.

In the next moment, Butler Neron appeared behind God Vritra, his head bowed and a humble look on his face. The elderly man was kneeling behind the glorious figure of his young lord.

"What do you need me to do, young lord?" Neron asked.

Vritra turned to him with a smile. "Clean this up. I have a small present I'd like to prepare before nightfall…"

With that, he walked away, leaving the elderly man to handle the cleaning.

━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━

Half an hour later…

Finally, Prince Vritra returned to the Armed Palace in Duranzia using spatial transportation.

As soon as he stepped through the palace gates, the servants, who were preparing for their evening chores, stopped what they were doing and lay flat on the ground to greet him.

"Greetings, God Vritra!"

Princess Luciana, who had been watching from her window for any sign of him, rushed out through one of the palace doors as soon as she heard the servants mention his name.

"God Vritra, you've returned!"

She had a bright smile on her face and small tears hanging beneath her pretty blue eyes as she jumped up to tightly hug the Asura royal.

"You should have at least told me where you were going! I was really worried when I didn't see you in your chambers, and I even searched the gazebo where we had our tea and several other places… I know I have no right to worry about someone as powerful as you."

… sniffle-sniffle~!

She wiped some of her tears on his robes as her slender arms wrapped even tighter around his muscular back.

"I just really wanted to see you…"

Seeing Lumis again had completely soured her mood and reminded her of her own self-doubt.

When she couldn't fight the strong feeling of self-hatred, the only relief she found was in love…

Something she could now only experience with Vritra.

"Don't mind my rambling… I'm just glad you're back."

She buried her face into his sturdy chest.

Naturally, Prince Vritra was somewhat surprised by her sudden and affectionate hug.

『Err, it's to be expected, I guess?』

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her shapely body close, and gently running his fingers through her soft, silky hair.

"It's fine… I'm here now."

Luciana's face flushed as she heard this, making her realize she was acting more like a concerned wife.

『I-, I'm overdoing it… aren't I?』

In reality, their arranged marriage had only been decided today, and Prince Vritra wasn't even aware of it yet.

『There's always a possibility he could reject me…』

There were plenty of signs telling her no, but she couldn't help doubting herself. She was simply too afraid of losing another man she was falling deeply for.

Her heart could only handle so much…

[Ding! The heroine is scared you'll reject her.]

Prince Vritra raised an eyebrow at this notification.

『Even after everything I've said and done? Sigh… I guess I can't really blame her. Talking to that white pig probably stirred up her fears and doubts again. She needs some reassurance to keep herself together.』

It his job to make sure she didn't lose her sanity.

Gently pulling away from their hug, he took her hands with an even softer touch, looking deep into her clear blue eyes.


A small gust of wind then lifted them both off their feet, spinning them gracefully into the air until they were high above the crystal palace and the mountain it stood on.

From there, Luciana could see the beauty of the entire Armed Palace and most of Velvana.

"Wow, it's so beautiful," she whispered.

"Not more beautiful than you, princess."

Vritra responded like a pre-recorded message.

Luciana's cheeks glowed a soft red.

She was momentarily speechless.

But she didn't need to say anything.

"Luciana, will you marry me?"

The instant she heard those words, her straight eyebrows shot up, and her mouth slowly fell open.

After a brief silence, she finally gave an answer.

"Y-, Yes, God Vritra…"

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