Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 155: Agents of ‘EITS'

Chapter 155: Agents of ‘EITS'

Saying that he didn't go directly towards 'The Mansion' but towards the couple caf that Chu Fan was currently in.

After the matter that night, the girls of the caf were still kept under surveillance at the Tianlong House. Only the manager, the most obeying toy of Chu Fan was left to return there, and start employing new girls.

Tianlong Yun was controlling her through Chu Fan. He didn't want to hurt the other girls if not necessary, but they needed time to recollect their selves.

He couldn't let them go away and risk his plans. That was why Chu Fan was here, trying to put up the front of being at the caf dealing with the issues in here.

But the show Tianlong Yun was trying to show, had Chu Fan as a main character, so the one who needed to show up at 'The Mansion' was Chu Fan and not him.

Going there up close he immediately noticed the people from yesterday, here at the surroundings of the caf. This meant that they had believed that Chu Fan was the one they had been following yesterday.

Seeing this Tianlong Yun turned towards the guardians and said firmly,

Tianlong Yun:"You stay around and check the surroundings, after we come out follow us at a distance and check for any suspicious fellow."

Then he immediately disappeared from his place, and entered inside the caf from the back door without alerting anyone. He went directly to Chu Fan's office.

There inside the manager was trying to seduce him, but being a puppet, and not getting any orders regarding that from Tianlong Yun, Chu Fan was just continuing with his work.

His indifference made the manager to be a bit infuriated with her master. As soon as Tianlong Yun entered inside, Chu Fan left what he was dealing with and looked towards his master reverently.

The manager was a smart woman, seeing this happen in front of her eyes, she could understand that her master had a master for himself. That was why trying to learn more, she turned towards Chu Fan and asked,

Manager:"Master who is he?"

Tianlong Yun seeing her act like that, was about to tell Chu Fan to introduce him as his master, but then he suddenly saw something, which made him reevaluate the situation.

Looking closely at her with his spirit sense Tianlong Yun found out something that surprised him a bit but also gave him a clue. In the back of her neck, he found a small tattoo in the shape of an eye.

This gave him a bad feeling and in that moment he doubted if this was the mark of the agents of 'The eye in the sky'.

This was truly a crucial clue if this was true, and probably that organization had started to gather information, about the fact that there was someone behind Chu Fan.

It was truly his good luck that Qin Bao came at this time, because with her in the show he had a figure behind Chu Fan.

Thinking like this, he ordered Chu Fan to introduce him as the link between him and Qin Bao. And without getting a second late Chu Fan said,

Chu Fan:"Since when is your time to question my relation to others you sl*t."

He looked really pissed when he said that, and the manager was frightened. But Tianlong Yun could notice that her fright was just acting like that. But then Chu Fan continued,

Chu Fan:"But I am happy today, and I am going to fulfill your wish for today. He is mister Tian, he is the link between me and Young master Qin Bao."

At this moment Tianlong Yun was playing a show, where he was saying two dialogues at the same time,

Tianlong Yun:"Mister Chu please.."

But he couldn't finish his words because Chu Fan interrupted him with a smile,

Chu Fan:"Don't worry mister Tian, this sl*t is my personal trained toy. And she knows that if she ever talks.., well her end will be nothing good."

Tianlong Yun seemed a bit relaxed after hearing those words and said firmly,

Tianlong Yun:"Anyway your head is on the line, not mine. Come with me, Young master wants to meet with you."

After saying those words he made for the door, while watching the smirking face on the manager's face. It was truly a close call, who would have known that the spying organization gave so importance to Chu Fan.

Chu Fan didn't dare to get late in a meeting with Young master Qin Bao of the Qin family. No matter what at the end of the day he was a Young master in the Qin family.

The manager seeing them leave, stayed for a moment in there without moving waiting for them to leave the premises, then she took out her phone to report her new findings.

Manager:"Agent #3256014 reports new information.."

Since no one had given importance to Tianlong Yun earlier the waste of the Tianlong Family that died by poison, now with the small change in his lookout, no one could even recognize him.

But she wasn't able to notice that someone was spying on her from the ceiling, it was one of the guardians. From the moment he suspected on her, Tianlong Yun had instructed one of his guardians mentally, to keep an eye on her.

Immediately after this, the guardian keeping an eye on her sent a text to Tianlong Yun, reporting and confirming his doubts.

Tianlong Yun was in Chu Fan's car at the moment going towards 'The Mansion', but checking the car he was on, from the beginning he found 3 small microphones.

He didn't need to talk to Chu Fan about anything since he was his puppet, he could transmit all his orders mentally. No need to talk, but he had to kill any possibility for suspicions on him.

Thinking like this he didn't block the microphones, and ordered Chu Fan to ask for extra information,

Chu Fan:"Mister Tian, what might be the reason that Young master Qin Bao wants to meet me?"

But at the same time not wanting to spoil any information, he pretended to be a man of few words, and extremely loyal to Qin Bao,

Tianlong Yun:"I don't know about that, I am just a servant of Young master obeying his orders."

And the situation in the car, seemed to be the silent weird situation, which he wanted to create. Like this he managed to reach his both goals.

Even though the people following them were professionals, he managed to notice them. Apparently the duo had been changed, there was also another duo following, probably to keep track of him later.

This guys were really persistent and a pain in the as*, but there was nothing he could do to them at the moment. He needed to find all their agents, and the office in this city, if he wanted to wipe them out without much trouble.

Thinking like this and in that silence they soon reached the place where 'The Mansion' was being created. Yes created, because they were changing the previous existing mansion almost totally.

At the door were two guards, which seeing the car approach immediately notified Jiang Bo and Feng Tao. Both of them had been waiting for him to come so they gave their permission immediately.

Entering inside, Tianlong Yun was looking at the work that was being done in there. The outside look was the same and it seemed just like the previous building.

While inside everything was changing. They were changing the walls, the windows, the doors, the inner decorations and everything else. It was taking a really good shape.

The luxury inside, together with all the facilities that Tianlong Yun had requested, would make this mansion best public house for the rich people.

Seeing that there were a lot of workers, Tianlong Yun didn't get out of his character. Seeing Qin Bao approach with Jiang Bo and Feng Tao, he immediately went towards her, bowed and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Young master, I have brought mister Chu Fan as you requested."

He had already warned Jiang Bo and Qin Bao about the situation, the only people startled at this, were Feng Tao and Qin Bao's close maids.

But even them could go with the flow, when they saw that Jiang Bo didn't say anything to oppose it. They weren't fools, not to understand that something was going on in here.

At this moment Qin Bao broke this weird situation and said,

Qin Bao:"Come mister Chu Fan let us give you a tour of the place."

This was also what Tianlong Yun wanted to do. Like this they started to pass through the rooms one by one. This place would have it all.

This place had the normal rooms, the S&M rooms, the cosplay rooms, role playing rooms. They would offer services from single to multiple, and even org*es and partner swapping.

They would offer their clients a safe place to leave their wild fantasies, and the best of it all was that their workers would all be highly educated girls, and even ladies of high society.

Inside this place nothing was out of reach except r*pe and forced relations, they had to have a bottom line, if they wanted a good service and quality.

This would be the perfect place to gather information, and also trap their clients at the same time. No matter what, the people in power feared only one thing, public outrage and being cut from their friends.

This was great, but there was something that troubled Tianlong Yun a lot, in all the rooms he had entered


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