Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 154: The truth behind Tianlong Yun's origin

Chapter 154: The truth behind Tianlong Yun's origin

Walking towards Tianlong Xiangyun's room, he was thinking about the events of these days. He had to deal with so many things, but the important thing was for the show to go according to his wishes.

It didn't take him a lot of time to reach the room where Tianlong Xiangyun was, entering inside he saw her sleeping in the bed. He had to accept that she was really hot, a true succubus who could steal peoples soul.

At that moment she opened a bit her legs towards him, and he had a full view, of her secret cave and body. But he had seen a lot like her, and looking towards her he said,

Tianlong Yun:"Are you going to stay longer awake like that my dirty daughter?"

He had known she was awake from the first moment he entered her room, but she had been trying so hard to pretend she was sleeping. At that moment Tianlong Xiangyun opened her eyes and said,

Tianlong Xiangyun:"I thought daddy would like to look more at my body."

It seems that what he had witnessed the previous night, it was real, because he couldn't notice any sign of faking it, when she said, what she said.

But this wasn't a problem to him, on the opposite this was a great news for him at the moment. Like this she would work totally for him, and he wouldn't need to deal with her.

Thinking like this he approached her, sat on the bed and put her on his lap. Then caressing her thighs and her secret cave, he slowly said to her,

Tianlong Yun:"Now tell your daddy, all you know about my origin."

Tianlong Xiangyun was getting really wet, from Tianlong Yun's caressing and his ministration. Little moans were threatening to escape her mouth. But she had to answer her daddy,

Tianlong Xiangyun:"Aahh, Daddy all I know is that you are not that Tianlong idiots son, oohh, but his illegitimate big sister's son. Aahhn, Your real father is the Yao family's patriarch's little brother, aahhn."

Tianlong Yun was surprised at her words, he didn't expect such a thing. That was why from this he suddenly pierced her secret cave with his two fingers.

Tianlong Xiangyun was startled from this and a moan escaped her mouth,

Tianlong Xiangyun:"Aaaagggghhhhnnn, daddy you are so meaann."

But then she continued with the rest of what she had started,

Tianlong Xiangyun:"Your real mother was taken by force from him and r*ped, aaahhhnnn, and from that you were borned. Aaahhnn, but since he was so powerful the Tianlong's couldn't do anything to him. Aahhhnn."

She was getting wetter and wetter with his caressing and ministration, she couldn't even muffle her moans anymore. Not that she wanted to anyway, but she had to finish what she started,

Tianlong Xiangyun:"Aaahhhnn, but your mother couldn't abort you, so she gave birth to you, and died during birth. Knowing of her fate, aahhnn, that idiot took you as his own son, hiding everything. Aahhhnn, this is all I know daddy."

This explained everything, even the reason why Tianlong Xia didn't know anything about his real birth mother. But it's not like it changed much in his plans.

He just ended up having to do another favor to the original soul of this body. At least like this he could take revenge for him. And at the same time it was an advantage he could use later.

Thinking like this Tianlong Yun kept going with his fingers. When he was suddenly awaken from his reverie, with a big moan from Tianlong Xiangyun, and his hand washed in her love juices.

Tianlong Xiangyun:"Aaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnn, Yeshhhhhhhh daddyyyyyyyy."

Seeing her like that he said with a bad smile,

Tianlong Yun:"Nnnttttqqqq, nnnttttqqqqq, nnntttqqqq, what a bad, dirty daughter. How come you are the only one to climax, what about me?"

Hearing those words Tianlong Xiangyun was immediately woken from the reverie of her climax, and sitting down from his lap, on her knees, she opened his zipper and said,

Tianlong Xiangyun:"Sorry daddy, I will fix this right away."

Saying that, she started her tasting of her favorite toy. While she tasted his big dragon Tianlong Yun started to give her instructions,

Tianlong Yun:"From today, you are going to resign from your post as CEO of the Tianlong Companies, and pass all the rights and duties to Bing'er, little dirty daughter."

Tianlong Xiangyun expected something like this, after all Tianlong Xia had already briefed her, on the matters of Tianlong Yun's harem. Furthermore she knew he didn't had much confidence in her.

So she just pumped her head faster to show her agreement. This at least earned her a groan from Tianlong Yun,

Tianlong Yun:"Uuuuuggggggghhhhhnnnn, you are really experienced in this, dirty daughter."

Tianlong Xiangyun was startled, she thought that Tianlong Yun was trying to tell her that she was a cheap sl*t, and that he didn't want her. That's why she left what she was doing and said panicky,

Tianlong Xiangyun:"Please, please daddy don't get mad at me. That was before I knew you. From now on Xiangyun is daddy's girl, only daddy's."

Tianlong Yun was satisfied with her conduct and said dominatingly,

Tianlong Yun:"Don't worry I know dirty daughter. But you left your job in the middle, you shouldn't do that anymore."

Startled again from those words, Tianlong Xiangyun immediately started the tasting once again, but this time she used her final weapon, those big soft mountains of jade she possessed.

Feeling those cotton mountains entrapping his member Tianlong Yun felt like it was one of the best things he had felt until now. She really knew how to use those soft, silky mountains.

Which earned her another groan from her daddy,

'Uuuuurrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh, sluuuuurrrrrrpppppppp, uuuuuuuurrrrggggggghhhhhhhhnnnnnn'

Like this in the next half an hour these were the only sounds inside the room. Getting ready to get out of the room, Tianlong Yun turned towards her and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Do what I asked of you cleanly, and without raising any suspicion. Also I want a detailed list of all the board members, especially your confidantes and the spies. By the way do you have any toys inside the company?"

Tianlong Xiangyun was a smart woman she could understand his intentions, that was why she was also kind of ready for his request and said,

Tianlong Xiangyun:"The lists will be here by the evening daddy, and all my toys can be ready anytime you want."

Tianlong Yun was satisfied with her answer, she was a really smart and sly woman. It was a perfect addition to his foundation at the moment. That was something he needed at the moment.

Tianlong Xia could play that role, but she was already busy managing his harem, and with the training of the shadow girls. Mu Xiya had to take care of the Mu family businesses, so having her by his side it was a really good option.

Thinking like this he said to her,

Tianlong Yun:"Well done, after you finish what you have to do tonight, you will be my personal assistant and come everywhere with me. And you should be ready for everything. Are we clear? Everything!"

Saying that he left her room, leaving behind a stunned Tianlong Xiangyun, who didn't expect such a thing. This was a great opportunity for her to be beside her daddy.

Leaving Tianlong Xiangyun's room Tianlong Yun made for the dining room, it was already time for breakfast. And all the people at the table were waiting for him.

Inside the dining room the people of the house were like always, some were getting ready the table, and some were talking cheerfully. Tianlong Yun went directly to his place and started eating.

He had a lot of things to do today. He had to go and check the work on 'The Mansion' and also check on Doctor Song, who was selling the cure of the virus to the people in their lists.

Right after he had found the cure, and proved that it worked, Tianlong Yun had left Doctor Song the responsibility to sell it. Until now everything seemed to be working fine but he couldn't be careless.

The breakfast soon was over, and it was time to start the day. With that thought in mind he kissed his beautiful future wives and left home, accompanied by the four guardian beasts.

He had decided to call the four kids he named after them, the real guardian beasts. They truly had the talent to be future guardians of his clan.

The first thing he did after getting out of the house he decided to called Jiang Bo and asked,

Tianlong Yun:"Jiang Bo where are you?"

He didn't use mental communication, because his people still hadn't learned how to use it, and was useless being him the only one who could talk.

Jiang Bo had been busy all this time, he had to take care of all the matters regarding the Long triad, and the suspicious foreigners messing around. And on top of that was the search and check his master had asked the other day. So he had been a bit bussy,

Jiang Bo:"Master I am at the mansion with Feng Tao, we are waiting for Young master Qin Bao to come here, according to your instructions."

Hearing that Tianlong Yun thought this was a perfect chance to introduce Gao Ling to Qin Bao and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Perfect, wait for me there. Have you done the check, I told you yesterday?"

Jiang Bo knew that this was an important issue and that it was of primary order, and he was trying his best,

Jiang Bo:"I have started master, but it's really difficult to do this without being noticed, and I am still in progress. I need help to do it faster."

Hearing him Tianlong Yun knew he was right and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Ok, let's do it like this then, leave the search of the workers at the houses at the moment and focus on the workers in there. I am coming to check the place myself. Meanwhile find us a place in an open area where we can talk in there, I am coming."

Saying that he


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