Reincarnated With Three Unique Skills

Chapter 138: Chapter 138: Bella's Possessiveness

At last, Bella pulled Agus toward her father, urging him into a firm embrace.

Belial seemed awkward, but Agus was ev more so.

"Thank you, Father, for agreeing to our relationship. Soon, we'll give you a grandson to play with," Bella teased, her eyes glinting mischievously as she glanced at Agus.

"Ahem..." Belial cleared his throat, looking somewhat uncomfortable. "I hope so."

Turning to Agus, he added, "And boy, remember, if you ever think of adding another life partner, make sure my daughter is always your first priority. Power and influce can make ev the most loyal man fickle. This will be inevi—"

He was cut off by Bella's sharp gaze.

"Father, what are you implying? My darling isn't like you, who needs multiple wom. Hubby will have only me in his heart, right, Agus?" Her eyes, gleaming with jealousy, locked onto Agus, leaving him little room to disagree.

"Oh, yes, yes. Bella is right," Agus answered hastily, trying not to make her uncomfortable. Truthfully, he'd never considered having multiple partners.

Bella smiled faintly, leaning closer as she held his hand.

Belial scoffed, as though doubting the stimt but decided not to argue further.

Vina, watching her lord husband and their interactions, smiled warmly at the sce.

"So, Bella and Son-in-law, wh are you two planning to hold a formal wedding?" Vina asked, her tone light but serious.

Although the demon world didn't place much importance on formalities like marriage, the nobility held them as a way to strgth their bonds, just like in human society.

"Vina is right," Belial added, nodding in agreemt. "You two should have a formal wedding at least. A verbal ceremony won't suffice."

Bella and Agus exchanged a glance, as if they'd already made a decision beforehand.

"Father, we've planned to do it after our visit to Crimson City," Bella replied.

Belial raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were going to the human world for sightseeing. Why Crimson City now?" His voice carried a hint of concern.

Vina visibly tsed at the mtion of Crimson City.

Bella's gaze shifted to Agus, her voice filled with worry. "Father, Mother, Agus has a soul injury. We're hoping to find something there that can heal him."

Agus looked gratefully at Bella, their hands still intertwined, offering each other silt support.

Belial's expression darked as he realized the gravity of the situation. "Oh… that's a serious issue, boy. Unfortunately, we don't have anything here to treat soul wounds. I don't have the ability either."

He paused, thinking carefully before continuing. "If you're determined to go, I'll write a letter for you to prest to Lord Crimson. It should help, but don't rely on it too much. He's an unpredictable and incomprehsible person. Be cautious and don't draw unnecessary atttion. You've already drawn plty here, but in Crimson City, I won't be able to protect you."

His tone was firm, full of warning.

Bella's nervousness crept in at his words, but Agus squeezed her hand gtly, reassuring her.

Agus gave a curt nod, his voice resolute. "Yes, I will. I'll make sure both of us return safely."

"Wait, Bella and Son-in-law, why don't you stay here for the day before heading out?" Vina suggested kindly. "You must have traveled a long way."

"Yes, mother. We have planned to do so."

Bella and Agus nodded in agreemt and followed Vina out of the court.

Belial remained behind, his gaze lingering on Agus.

"Degaro, huh? Still, it rings no bell," he muttered to himself, feeling an unsettling sse of mystery suring the young man. Despite his abilities, Agus remained an igma that Belial couldn't quite decipher. He could sse something was being hidd, but he had no means to pry further.

Outside in the hallway, Vina excused herself, leaving the two alone, intding to cook a special meal for them. As she left, Agus noticed several mature demonic wom with incredible beauty watching them curiously from a distance. He quickly surmised that they were Belial's wives and concubines.

Growing curious, Agus turned to Bella. "I forgot to ask, how many wives and childr does your father have?"

Bella looked at him with a small smile. "My bad, I should have told you sooner. He has 49 wives, and my half-siblings? Well, they number close to 0."

Agus raised his eyebrows in surprise, which didn't escape Bella's sharp gaze.

"What?" Bella asked, her voice tinged with suspicion. "Are you tempted as well?" Her shimmering purple eyes were piercing.

"Of course not. I was just asking out of curiosity," Agus replied smoothly.


Bella dismissed it but th moved closer, interlocking her arm with his, her body pressing intimately against him. It was a clear sign of possession, as if declaring him hers to anyone watching.

Agus remained silt, though his body betrayed a subtle reaction to her closess. He could already tell the night ahead would be intse, judging by the passionate look in her eyes.

Yet despite the warmth and closess, Agus couldn't shake the feeling that something was still missing, a lingering sse that gnawed at him from deep within.

Agus and Bella passed by a training g where young princes and princesses were being instructed, sured by high-ranking guards for tight security. An elder instructor was teaching them how to properly harness their bloodline powers and effectively use their strong demonic bodies to their advantage.

The guards noticed Princess Bella and Agus approaching and gave respectful bows. Word of the rect incidt had already spread like wildfire, and no one dared to underestimate Agus anymore.

"Haha, Bella! Have you finally come to visit this old man?" an elderly, -haired Oni stepped forward with a wide smile.

The Oni, a higher-evolved species of demonic ogres, looked more humanlike, with distinct horns and intricate red markings on his face.

Bella returned the smile. "Yes, Teacher Orlando. I thought I'd take this opportunity to introduce you to my husband."

As she spoke, she glanced fondly at Agus.

"Ah, I've already heard the news. It seems my old ears still catch the important bits," Orlando chuckled, his voice warm but teasing.

Master Orlando th turned his gaze to Agus, scrutinizing him from head to toe, his sharp eyes analyzing every detail.

The young princes and princesses, who had be training nearby, watched Bella with shining eyes, admiring her strgth and reputation. Many of them knew the stories of how she had grown powerful under Master Orlando's guidance. Although they were half-siblings, they rarely had the chance to interact with her as oft as they would have liked.

The sce was filled with curiosity, respect, and a sse of legacy, as the next geration of demonic royalty looked to Bella and Agus with awe.

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