Reincarnated With Three Unique Skills

Chapter 137: Chapter 137: Sacred Phoenix

"Vina, why didn't you leave?" Belial asked upon noticing her presce.

Vina smiled as she moved closer. "Because I want to join in your family discussion as well. I've tak care of Bella like my own child, so I will complete the duty in her mother's absce," she said, gtly holding Bella's hand in support.

"And, my lord husband, you can't refuse," she added with a resolute look, her wings straighting in defiance.

Bella glanced gratefully at Vina.

"Bella, why don't you introduce me to our son-in-law?" Vina asked with a teasing smile.

Bella smiled, but Belial furrowed his brows.

"Hey, who is our son-in-law? I hav't approved anything yet!"

Ignoring her father's protest, Bella intertwined her hand with Agus's. "Of course, Mother. His name is Agus, and we've already completed our marriage vows," she said with a smile, watching her father to gauge his reaction.

Belial's expression darked, clearly displeased by the news, but he also knew she was an adult. The problem was something else.

"Bella, wh you brought him to the demon world and made him your servant, I never thought you'd decide to make him your other half. Don't you realize your child's bloodline would be diluted?" Belial asked, his tone a mix of concern and curiosity.

Bella smiled, recognizing her father wasn't truly angry. "I don't care about that, Father. We want each other, and that's what matters most to me."

"Lord husband worries too much," Vina interjected gtly. "There's no guarantee their childr will have a weaker bloodline. Hav't we se how powerful and promising Agus is? Who knows, their offspring might bring a miracle?" she added with a soft smile.

Belial heard her but was clearly displeased by Agus's silce. "I understand, Vina, but why hasn't he said anything? Does he not value this relationship ough to speak?" Belial asked, his gaze locking onto Agus.

Bella squeezed Agus's hand, leaning in to whisper, "Hubby, just call him father-in-law, so we can get through this quickly."

"Father-in-law?" Agus blinked, finding the sudd relationship awkward, but he composed himself, meeting Belial's stormy gaze.

"Father-in-law, Bella is all I need. I will never let her down as my... wife, in my life. Please, give us your blessing," he said calmly, his sincerity evidt despite the awkwardness.

Bella's gaze was filled with love, her heart filled with happiness at his words.

Belial's expression softed slightly as he asked, "What is your family name? You need to reveal your backg before you ask for my blessing."

Agus hesitated before replying, "My full name is Agus Degaro."

"Degaro? Never heard of it. I know most of the promint families in the human lands, but yours doesn't sound familiar," Belial remarked, his brows furrowing in curiosity.

"I actually don't know either," Agus admitted.

"You don't know?" Belial's voice carried a hint of suspicion. "That is certainly odd."

"Yes," Agus replied. "My memories are... a bit fuzzy. It's like they're there, but I can't recall anything about them."

Agus wasn't lying. For days now, he'd be seeing blurry images, but of them had solidified into clear memories of his past self or idtity. He suspected it had something to do with a connection to a higher realm or something, though he had no concrete proof yet.

Bella, knowing this about him already, remained calm, her warm hand offering him silt comfort. She didn't doubt him and trusted his journey of self-discovery.

Belial, however, found the situation mysterious. Who could his parts be? he wondered. A person with such unnatural talt definitely couldn't come from an ordinary family. If Agus was truly a nobody, it would be one of the greatest anomalies in Mythraldor, where lineage and bloodline were dominant.

After a momt of contemplation, Belial let out a sigh. "Forget it," he said, waving his hand dismissively. It was a headache for now, but he made a mtal note to investigate further later.

"Still," Belial added, his tone softing as he looked at Bella, "Bella, if he makes you happy, that's what matters. But don't think I won't be keeping an eye on you, Agus."

Agus nodded respectfully. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Father-in-law."

Bella's happiness at her father's easy approval quickly turned to concern as she heard his next words.

Vina's smile faded too, ssing the gravity of what was about to be said.

"Remember, Agus," Belial began, his voice more serious, "One day, you may have to face Bella's mother's family. She wasn't an ordinary human. Has Bella told you yet?"

Agus glanced at Bella, confused. She shook her head. "No, father, I was waiting for your permission before revealing it to him," Bella replied.

Belial's expression softed slightly. "Ah, good. At least you kept your word on that."

Bella grinned mischievously, "Yes, I did."

Belial th turned his atttion back to Agus, his tone grave.

"Agus, Bella's mother possessed the Sacred Phoix bloodline from the Phoix Empire. That bloodline is regarded as sacred, and they are fiercely protective of it. They may not look kindly on your relationship with Bella. You see, they interved in my relationship with her mother, Celeste, and forced us apart, despite how much we loved each other."

Agus could feel the weight of Belial's words sinking in, but he remained silt, absorbing the new information.

Belial continued, "We made a pact that in exchange for separating us, Bella would be kept away from their rules and influce. So far, they've honored that promise. But who knows how long that will last? If you ever set foot in the Phoix Empire, you must be careful."

Bella squeezed Agus's hand, her expression somber. But, together they could confront anything, they believed.

Belial paused, th added, "And I hear you two are planning to ter human lands? You'll have to be ev more cautious there, especially with your ability to give demons a human disguise."

"Huh! How did you know?" Agus and Bella asked unison, furrowing their brows.

"Well, That's something to be thankful for, giv how weak your defse is." He chuckled at their surprised reactions.

Agus just nodded and decided to make their Army's defses far more stronger wh they returned.

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